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Black Antrax

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Black Antrax

  1. I'm in the same situation. Completed it legitimately when the game wasn't completed and don't see the need to do it all again.
  2. Locate a backup save and rename it to "Game.rxdata" and replace your save file.
  3. Mine was Haunter in Pokemon Red Version. I kept training it and always wondered why it didn't evolve after growing a level, but I didn't mind because I've always liked it so much.
  4. They're all gorgeous. Thank you and you're welcome. I didn't expect Timburr to look like a clown. It is appropriate, though, due to where you acquire it.
  5. I tried to go back a screen, but it closed it. Waiting again.
  6. Done. They pumped those eggs out fast. I'll wait for your request. My username is "Wyatt".
  7. Consider it done. I'm starting the breeding now.
  8. Shiny Roselia and Croagunk. I'll trade you a Snivy, Chikorita, Mudkip, and a shiny Venusaur. Better throw in that shiny Crabrawler too. I'll trade you a Treecko, Totodile or Chimchar for it. I didn't mention I had Totodile or Chimchar.
  9. I'll gladly trade you some of the starters you don't have. Do you mind if I acquire a couple eggs first? It shouldn't take long. Just save the Zorua, Roselia, Croagunk and Timburr for me, would you?
  10. I have a Quilava, Servine, Meganium, Mudkip, Sceptile, Venusaur, Charizard, Blaziken, Litten, Greninja, Blastoise and a Rowlet. I would be willing to trade you decent eggs for some of these.
  11. Thank you. She's a beauty.
  12. I'm awaiting the request now.
  13. It's "Wyatt". I can trade you a Gastly egg.
  14. Who wants to trade me one? I can offer many shinies in return if necessary.
  15. Damn. Do you have any extras of anything you would be willing to trade?
  16. Even with the Shiny Charm, the chance seems very slim. I tend to see them in the wild often and I've had a decent rate with other bred Pokemon. Earlier I encountered a shiny Pichu, Spearow, Bidoof, Patrat and a Grubbin within the span of a few hours, but my new dozen Magikarp eggs? Nothing. I'm tempted to trade for one.
  17. Wow. I don't think I have the patience for that. Hopefully I have better luck. Is its shiny rate lower?
  18. A pleasure doing business with you. That Gastly is the result of breeding between a 6 IV Ditto and a 5 IV Gengar.
  19. I sent you the request.
  20. I'm eyeing that shiny Farfetch'd.
  21. I'm getting online now. Do you happen to have an Azurill or Axew? Shiny would be cool, but it's not necessary.
  22. I've been attempting to breed a shiny Magikarp and it isn't going well. I've nearly filled an entire box. At least they hatch very quickly, especially with my Rapidash's Flame Body ability.
  23. I'll trade you a Gastly egg. I don't have a Larvesta yet. I don't require anything special, but I am curious about what you're willing to offer.
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