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13 Fledgling


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  1. Yeah, okay. I've some other business to attend to first but I'll restart the guide from the beginning to make sure I didn't miss any changes. I'll do my best to complete it but I can't guarantee I'll get any further than I did originally.
  2. @dovedeity Cancelled. I knew Episode 18 was coming out soon and wouldn't be able to finish in time. In order to continue I'd have to update everything that's changed in Episode 18.
  3. Thanks for informing me, @TheGuyRightThere. The comment about Solaris' Garchomp has been removed and the mix up between Solaris and Sirius' Seviper has been changed to "While Florinia is recoiling from her brother's angry words, the enemy Seviper take her out." Thank you for also using direct quotes as it made it much easier for me to find exactly what you were talking about.
  4. The guide isn't complete but I'm taking a break for now. I may come back to it later but don't count on it. Chapter 16 Adrienn's Gym Section start date: July 9, 2018 Section post date: August 3, 2018 If I miss something or you have a question for me, please post it in the separate discussion thread. Even if it's a simple grammatical error, feel free to alert me. Thank you. Thank you to the following people and websites for your contribution to this part of the guide: Paperblade, Hallowilicious, Pkparaiso My Team Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Tien Shinhan (Lucario), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) Vixen has proven herself to be good for my team's coverage and I can't think of anything I would replace her with so I'm keeping her. When I first played through this game, I had 136 hours and 545 saves when I beat Ciel. Now that I'm working on the guide I have 112 hours and 1202 saves. I'm surprised I don't have more hours during the guide playthrough than I did before given how much time my character spends idle while I type out the guide. Just some statistics for you. You remember where the puzzle for Dive was? Well in its place is now a puzzle that gives us Turtwig. This puzzle is a new one. Here's what the finished model looks like: I recommend solving the top two rows of the puzzle first. Then solve the two vertical tiles at the bottom left which make up the shell. Solve the next two verticle tiles and finally the last four in the bottom right corner. Grab a Pokémon that knows fly and get out of the circus. You'll find that Reborn City has made a major comeback thanks to all our hard work. Remember in Chapter 2 when I talked about recognition? Speak to everyone you meet. Many of them will recognize us from earlier in the game and will thank us for all we've done. Not only is the city completely restored but wildlife has been imported to help the natural habitats to return. Through the efforts we've made, the help of Adrienn, and a few volunteers, the city has made a comeback. Many of the event Pokémon can be captured in the wild if you missed them before. Thanks to Paperblade, we have all the new Pokémon. I'll mention them as well as any new Pokémon we can get as we explore the city once more. Go to the Grand Hall and talk to the man with blue hair next to the indoor PokéMart. He'll update our PokéDex with information on a Rainbow Field. The PokéMart also has upgraded items for purchase. The old man on the left will tell us that there's a city restoration project going on. This will be referenced several times throughout the city. The optional grinding trainers have also leveled up with a level 85-88 team. They have some Mega Evolutions, so be careful. Opal Ward Morning/Day Rattata (20%) Bidoof (20%) Patrat (10%) Pidgey (10%) Zigzagoon (10%) Meowth (10%) Raticate (5%) Pidgeotto (5%) Linoone (4%) Watchog (4%) Persian (2%) Night Rattata (20%) Meowth (20%) Spinarak (10%) Hoothoot (10%) Zigzagoon (10%) Persian (10%) Raticate (5%) Noctowl (5%) Linoone (5%) Ariados (5%) Headbutt Pineco (35%) Spearow (30%) Combee (25%) Fearow (5%) Forretress (4%) Vespiquen (1%) When you step outside you may notice that the music has changed slightly. The tiles are also a bit brighter than they used to be. There's a couple to the south. In the bush behind them is a Dawn Stone. Feel free to speak with anyone you pass by. Many of them remember the early scuffles we had. On the Opal Bridge in the top left corner is a lady. Speak to her and she'll say it's time to stop waiting and start doing. (Lower) Peridot Ward New Pokémon Charjabug, Grubbin, Joltik Morning Ledyba (30%) Ledian (21%) Dustox (10%) Beautifly (10%) Grubbin (10%) Butterfree (10%) Charjabug (4%) Cherrim (4%) Vikavolt (1%) Day Dustox (30%) Beautifly (30%) Electrike (10%) Grubbin (10%) Butterfree (10%) Cherrim (4%) Charjabug (4%) Manectric (1%) Vikavolt (1%) Night Hoothoot (20%) Noctowl (20%) Dustox (10%) Electrike (10%) Beautifly (10%) Joltik (10%) Ariados (8%) Butterfree (5%) Galvantula (5%) Manectric (2%) Headbutt Pineco (65%) Burmy (25%) Wormadam (5%) Forretress (4%) Mothim (1%) South Peridot Alleyway Espurr (20%) Poochyena (20%) Zangoose (10%) Stunky (10%) Mightyena (10%) Meowstic (10%) Electrike (8%) Liepard (5%) Skuntank (5%) Manectric (2%) If you go towards the Underground Railnet (Peridot Access) you'll find two of the goons we fought on the bridge. Surfing south then east and following the path will allow us to find TM47 Low Sweep. In the park in the center of South Peridot is an old man named Seacrest. It's the same old man who opened up his garden to us before. He's been working with Adrienn to repair the city. He'll ask us to find four bags of mulch that his partner misplaced. As we get to the specific wards there will be pictures to show where the mulches are. The locations of the four mulches are as follows: The Damp Mulch can be found south of the new power plant in South Peridot. Go directly south from the sign and interact with the first rock you come across. The Gooey Mulch can be found in one of the Beryl Ward park chairs. The Stable Mulch can be found in the northern end of Lapis Ward on a table. The Growth Mulch can be found in South Obsidia near the in a bush to the right of the Glameow salon. The Mosswater Factory has been turned into the Mosswater Market. For the low, low price of 10,000 Poké you can buy a disk which completely resets one EV stat on a Pokémon. The discs will appear in the Medicine portion of your bag alongside items like Potions. In the market are also some move tutors. The move tutor on the left teaches elemental punches like Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, and Fire Punch for those who have been looking for such moves. You can also surf near the PokéMart if you'd like. The ocean here connects to Azurine Lake and Apophyll Beach. We'll talk about that more at a later point. The Blacksteam Factory has been turned into the Blacksteam Shelter. On the second floor is a man with reddish hair. Recognize him? It's Randall. He was the kind prisoner who let us out whenever we got caught trying to sneak out of the sanctum. Well it seems he's been locked out of his home. We can find his keys at a later point, so let's shelf his problem for now. North Peridot Alleyway Espurr (20%) Poochyena (20%) Purrloin (10%) Zangoose (10%) Mightyena (10%) Meowstic (10%) Electrike (8%) Liepard (5%) Skuntank (5%) Manectric (2%) Igglybuff's previous owner can be found in her house at the top of the ward by the old rails. Now that the crime rate has gone down, she'll ask for us to return her Igglybuff. She'll reward us with a Luck Incense and a Pixie Plate if we return it. In the top left corner of the ward near the Jasper Ward entrance there's a dumpster with a Nugget in it. There's nothing else to do in this ward, so let's move on. Jasper Ward Morning Beedrill (20%) Vivillon (20%) Emolga (10%) Leavanny (10%) Ledian (10%) Pidgeotto (10%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Mareep (4%) Flaaffy (4%) Pidgeot (1%) Ampharos (1%) Day Beedrill (20%) Vivillon (20%) Leavanny (10%) Growlithe (10%) Carnivine (10%) Pidgeotto (10%) Emolga (5%) Gloom (5%) Mareep (4%) Flaaffy (4%) Pidgeot (1%) Ampharos (1%) Night Beedrill (20%) Noctowl (20%) Parasect (10%) Growlithe (10%) Carnivine (10%) Pidgeotto (10%) Ariados (8%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Pidgeot (1%) Ampharos (1%) Remember Event: SP? It's the event where someone stole a Pokémon from us. Well we can finally continue it. Enter the police station and speak with the chief. He's familiar with Corin-Rouge. Apparently there are three conflicting reports of the thief's whereabouts. The first place to go is Malchous Forest, the second is the Peridot Ward, and the is between Azurine Lake and the Coral Ward. We'll start the search in those areas as we get to them. I'll mention the event again in its appropriate colour if you'd like to know how to continue. For now let's finish exploring Jasper. In the top left corner of the Jasper Ward is a lady who has lost her engagement ring. She threw it into a lake because she was angry at her fiancé only for the misunderstanding between them to be cleared up. We can find her ring for her, so remember this location. Aside from that, you may also note that the PokéCenter has also been transformed into a medical clinic for humans as well. To the right of the complex is a man who will tell us about Reborn City's geological history. The brief summary is that Giratina came through and did some rearranging. There's now an old civilization at the bottom of Azurine Lake. We'll be diving there later. There's also a hidden entrance that's locked to the right. There's nothing else we can do at the moment, so let's continue Event: SP. Head into Malchous Forest. Malchous Forest Morning Beedrill (20%) Vivillon (20%) Lurantis (10%) Leavanny (10%) Ledian (10%) Pidgeotto (10%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Mareep (4%) Flaaffy (4%) Pidgeot (1%) Ampharos (1%) Day Beedrill (20%) Vivillon (20%) Lurantis (10%) Leavanny (10%) Carnivine (10%) Pidgeotto (10%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Mareep (4%) Flaaffy (4%) Pidgeot (1%) Ampharos (1%) Night Beedrill (20%) Noctowl (20%) Parasect (10%) Lurantis (10%) Carnivine (10%) Pidgeotto (10%) Ariados (8%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Pidgeot (1%) Ampharos (1%) Many of the trees have been cut down and used as building materials. We can grow berries in the forest now. From what I've found the most berries you can get are three. Plant a berry and water it. Come back the next day and water it again. Come back the following day and the stalk will have three berries. You can also change the time on your computer and exit/re-enter the area for immediate growth. I recommend growing Lum berries since they heal all status conditions. If you go deep into the forest you can find a Balm Mushroom. Do not sell it. To continue Event: SP, jump down and speak to Corin-Rogue. Actually, it's a fake. However, he promises to give us a hint as to where the real Corin-Rogue is if we defeat him. He only has two Pokémon. He opens with a level 74 Zoroark disguised as his Ninetales. The hint that we're given is that he's buried in the pocket of peonies. Peonies are a pink flower, so what he's really saying is to find a place with pink flowers. That place would be directly east of the Igglybuff owner's house in the Peridot Ward. Before you leave the forest go into the hidden path where the super mystery egg was. The one that could be one of eighteen Pokémon. Go directly south from the Corin-Rogue double. There's a Rare Candy at the end of the path. To continue Event: SP go back to the Peridot Ward and go right from the Igglybuff owner's house (but not before you heal up). You'll find another Corin-Rogue here. Second verse same as the first. He'll open with an Alolan Persian and close with a Klefki. Once defeated, we'll know that the true Corin-Rogue is at Azurine Lake. We'll go there later. Beryl Ward Park Morning/Day Fearow (20%) Arbok (20%) Teddiursa (10%) Bunnelby (10%) Phanpy (10%) Doduo (10%) Dodrio (9%) Donphan (5%) Diggersby (4%) Ursaring (2%) Night Meowth (20%) Hoothoot (20%) Arbok (20%) Noctowl (15%) Teddiursa (10%) Persian (9%) Ursaring (6%) Headbutt Pineco (30%) Aipom (25%) Burmy (20%) Mothim (10%) Forretress (10%) Ambipom (5%) The Beryl Library is doing much better since the ward has been restored. Grab a stack of applications from the counter while you're here. Gothitelle will remember us. She'll remind us of her premonition which states that we will meet the void and it will embrace us. There's not much else to do here, so go ahead and exit. We can find the Gooey Mulch in the park chair. Head up to the gym and enter it. At the top you'll find someone who looks a lot like Corey. He'll run off when he spots us. Enter Corey's secret room and use the Silver Card on the card scanner. An even more secret room will open up within the secret room. Enter it and pick up the Toxic Orb to the left. To the right you can read Corey's diary. He's writing to Heather who he expects will be strong by the time she finds this. He state that he joined Team Meteor to sabotage them and to kill the person who murdered his wife. Apparently the murderer poisoned Heather's mother because she possessed one of the keys which Corey had given to her. In his rage Corey stabbed a syringe into his eye. He kept a copy of the poison which ended his wife and sought to finish off the murderer who is most likely Sirius. The diary ends here, so exit the gym. We'll chase after CoreyClone in a moment. Before we leave the Beryl Ward there are other people we can talk to. East & West Beryl Cemetery Morning/Day Fearow (20%) Arbok (20%) Teddiursa (10%) Bunnelby (10%) Phanpy (10%) Doduo (10%) Dodrio (9%) Donphan (5%) Diggersby (4%) Ursaring (2%) Night Hoothoot (20%) Arbok (20%) Noctowl (15%) Teddiursa (10%) Shuppet (10%) Drifloon (10%) Persian (5%) Banette (4%) Drifblim (4%) Ursaring (2%) Headbutt Pineco (30%) Aipom (25%) Burmy (20%) Wormadam (10%) Forretress (10%) Ambipom (5%) In the cemetery you can find an item hidden in here. The Beryl Cave hasn't changed any nor has the totem pole at the end. At the bottom left of the cemetery is Simon. You will need to speak to Simon to obtain the Super Rod. If you don't, you'll never be able to obtain it. He's standing at Tara's grave. He wants to know her last name so he can find her friends and family and tell them what happened. When his first wife died, he joined Team Meteor to create her anew. However, he ended up falling in love with Tara instead. Now that she's gone he's in despair. He'll ask a question though the outcome doesn't matter. Simon: Do you think, if the world was reborn, I would see them both again? >Yes Simon: You're probably right. But then what? How could I explain that to Lyssa? Even in redemption, all that awaits me is guilt. >No Simon: ...Of course not. It was all just a pipe dream to begin with, wasn't it? Running away from this world was just a way to escape my guilt. He'll state that he's leaving Team Meteor and tell us he'll be in his house in West Peridot. Before we go finish our sidequests, let's check out the jungle. Rhodochrine Jungle Morning Fearow (20%) Gloom (20%) Weepinbell (20%) Pansage (10%) Ledian (10%) Tropius (7%) Kecleon (5%) Vivillon (4%) Leavanny (4%) Day Fearow (20%) Gloom (20%) Pansage (10%) Weepinbell (10%) Kecleon (10%) Nuzleaf (10%) Tangela (5%) Tropius (5%) Vivillon (4%) Leavanny (4%) Shiftry (1%) Tangrowth (1%) Night Noctowl (20%) Ariados (20%) Nuzleaf (20%) Parasect (20%) Tangela (5%) Kecleon (5%) Shiftry (5%) Tangrowth (5%) If you go back to the place where we were first trapped all the way to the left, you'll find a Dread Plate. At the end of the cave on the right is the Rock Memory. The western cave has a Treecko trapped in one of the cages. Unfortunately an invisible Kecleon blocks our path, so we can't get it right now. There are actually quite a lot of Kecleon's blocking a lot of paths now that you've found this one. We'll have to return to the jungle later. Go back to the Peridot Ward and enter the apartment directly to the right of the PokéMart to find Simon. Out of respect for his former allies he won't betray their secrets to us. He'll subtly ask us to go find her ID at the bottom of Tanzan Lake. We're not heading that direction yet, however. Go to the new apartment complex which has replaced one of the factories. Enter the back where the machines are to find CoreyClone. He'll run off again. Let's finish Simon's sidequest now that he's gone. Go through the Underground Railnet and through Tanzan Mountain. Tanzan Depths New Pokémon Excadrill Alolan Graveler (60%) Durant (14%) Sandslash (10%) Dugtrio (5%) Seviper (5%) Hippowdon (4%) Steelix (1%) Excadrill (1%) I mean, you could spend an hour trying to find an Excadrill only to mistakenly crit and kill it and then spend another two hours trying and failing to find one or you could wait until the next chapter when we'll have a 10% chance of finding one. Tanzan Cove Dive Shellos (20%) Barboach (20%) Wooper (20%) Gastrodon (10%) Whiscash (10%) Quagsire (10%) Basculin (6%) Luvdisc (4%) Super Rod Luvdisc (44%) Mantine (41%) Whiscash (15%) Surf Ducklett (60%) Lumineon (30%) Seaking (6%) Swanna (4%) At Tanzan Cove we can surf to the left and find a cave. Enter it. Tanzan Cave Noibat (20%) Binacle (20%) Krabby (10%) Corphish (10%) Shellos (10%) Gastrodon (10%) Crawdaunt (9%) Kingler (9%) Barbaracle (1%) Noivern (1%) There's a mining stone down below and a Pearl right in front of us. We don't have Rock Climb so we can't continue here. Let's continue Simon's quest. The fisher who gave us his Old Rod can be found to the right. We'll need to talk to him later. Dive into the water. At the very top left is a Metronome. One of the corpses has a Hyper Potion and another has a Spooky Plate if you'd like to loot them. At the bottom left is a body that doesn't have an ID tag. Speak with the fisher and tell him what we're doing. He'll tell us he saw a Whiscash that probably had the tag. We'll be given his spare Super Rod and we'll have to fish until we find a Whiscash with the tag. As you can see, Whiscash only has a 15% fishing encounter rate, so grab a chair and settle in. You'll need to empty a space in your party so that you can bring the fisherman a Whiscash. He'll search through it for us. As far as I can tell it's always the third Whiscash that has the tag. The name on the tag is Tara Copperman. Before we bring the tag to Simon let's quickly stop by Spinel Town since we're already out here. To the north of Chrysolia Forest are the springs. Chrysolia Spring New Pokémon Torkoal Onix (20%) Numel (20%) Panpour (10%) Pansear (10%) Noivern (10%) Darumaka (10%) Torkoal (5%) Kecleon (5%) Simisear (4%) Simipour (4%) Gastrodon (1%) Camerupt (1%) Super Rod Gastrodon (40%) Whiscash (40%) Quagsire (15%) Clawitzer (5%) Surf Shellos (60%) Barboach (30%) Gastrodon (5%) Whiscash (4%) Quagsire (1%) We can now surf across the water here. Pushing the boulders on top of where the water is spurting out from will cause the other small geyser to increase in force. Surf onto the exposed geyser and we'll be pushed onto the second level. Go down and push the boulder out of the way. Grab the Red Card which was behind it and drop down after the boulder. At the top left is a rock which hides an Elixir. The item to the right is a Razor Fang. There's also a Big Pearl over here: This rock at the bottom right has a Flame Plate. Push the center boulder towards the bottom right. I recommend you save before attempting any boulder puzzles. You'll have to go around in order to push it correctly. Here's a quick sketch to get the general idea down (white>grey>black). Remember that you can push boulders even if you're surfing. Push the boulder onto the smaller of the two geysers down below and ride the current up. The rock over here has a Dusk Ball. Up here we need to push the boulders marked in white out of the way and the boulder marked in black onto the geyser up above. Again, you can push a boulder even while surfing on the water. Drop down the hole here and enter the inner cave. We'll receive a message stating that thick steam fills the sauna. As with other locations, a message such as this means we need to change the environment. Moves like Defog or Gust used in battle should clear the steam away. Other moves you might consider are Razor Wind, Tailwind, Hurricane, Whirlwind, Twister, or Supersonic Skystrike. If you don't have any of those, you don't want to teach a Pokémon one of those moves, or you don't want to wait for an opponent to use one of these moves, you can actually just look closer and find your way through the fog. You'll need to go up the stairs twice. At the end of this path is a Flame Orb. Exit the inner cave and leap down the ledge to the left. This is a floor we've been to previously. This time we'll need to push the boulder to the bottom right down the stairs. Make sure to push it onto the smaller of the two geysers. Use the other one to ascend. We need to push the boulder here onto the geyser but we can't go directly to it. Here's the solution: Take the smaller geyser up and exit. This room also needs to have the steam removed. You may notice that at one point the ledges form Penrose Steps so that if you'll never get stuck. Grab the Magmarizer at the end and exit. Find a hole and drop down. Push the boulder down the southwestern stairs this time so that we can take this geyser up. Go the long way around and push this boulder to the right. Take the geyser up a floor and push the boulder up here down onto the water spout. Take the path up and drop down the hole. Enter the inner cave to find our third sauna. There's an Elixir hidden in the rock by the boulders. Push the two boulders into the top left and top right spout and take the third one up. Up here is TM43 Flame Charge. Return to the boulder of four paths. Push it top the top left so that we can take the bigger geyser up. You'll have to surf across the water and push it north before we can get it in the right spot. Take the path up and push the boulder onto the geyser. Enter the fourth and final sauna room. At the top left is a Cameruptite. Grab it and exit the springs. Head to Spinel Town. Don't forget to have your Old Amber resurrected at the museum here. Don't bother talking to any of the townsfolk. None of them have anything new to say. Grab a Pokémon and let's fly back to Peridot so we can give the ID tag to Simon and complete his sidequest. Go speak to him and hand over the tag. He'll reveal that Copperman is also his last name meaning that he and Tara are somehow related. He'll reward us with TM06 Toxic and leave to go "think about [his] life choices." Let's finish the CoreyClone quest. We'll have to go to the former Magma Gang Hideout to find him. North Obsidia Alleyway Super Rod Poochyena (20%) Yungoos (20%) Purrlion (10%) Zangoose (10%) Gumshoos (10%) Mightyena (10%) Houndour (8%) Liepard (5%) Skuntank (5%) Houndoom (2%) There's a Max Elixir in one of the boxes and a Dusk Ball hidden in a dumpster. Speak with CoreyClone and he'll reveal himself to actually be a Zorua. Zorua (Level 30) Scary Face, Taunt, Foul Play, Extrasensory With that completed, let's move on. To the right up North Obsidia is a Spyce restaurant. In the trashcan is a Full Incense. One of the chefs in the back is running about frantically. If you manage to talk to him, he'll tell us that his delivery boy is out sick and he needs supplies. We can speak with the man blocking our entrance into the back and he'll tell us the twelve items he needs. He needs Honey, a Tiny Mushroom, a Balm Mushroom, a Slowpoke Tail, a White Herb, a Stick, a Sweet Heart, Moomoo Milk, an Energy Root, a Custap Berry, a Whipped Dream, and Shoal Salt (I hope you haven't been selling those). If you've been following the guide you should have a few of those items. The items in purple are the ones we still need. Here's the list of where to find everything: Honey - Bought in the Lapis Ward flower shop. Tiny Mushroom - Hidden throughout the land but most especially Azurine Island. Balm Mushroom - Found in Malchous Forest. See earlier in the chapter. Slowpoke Tail - Bought from a man on the Coral Ward piers. White Herb - Bought from the medicine store in the Obsidia Ward (to the left of the Department Store). Stick - Bought from a vendor in 7th street. Sweet Heart - See below. Moomoo Milk - Give a Miltank on Route 1 an Oran Berry. Oran Berries can be purchased in the Obsidia Department Store or the Lapis Ward flower shop. Energy Root - Bought from the medicine shop in the Obsidia Ward. Custap Berry - Bought from the Obsidia Department Store tenth floor or picked from Malchous Forest. Whipped Dream - Bought from the candy shop in the Obsidia Ward. Shoal Salt - Scattered around Citrine Mountain. If you've sold all yours there's a location we haven't been able to access until now which contains Shoal Salt. Search down below where we enter the North Aventurine Woods. I'm not mentioning the Sweet Heart because it's involved in a second quest and I don't want you running off and missing the second quest. We'll gather the rest of the materials in a moment. I'll refer to the quest as the Spyce quest for those of you who want to Ctrl + F to find out how to progress. Head to the Grand Stairway. We can speak to the guard on the right to access underneath the stairway if we'd like. Head into the Lapis Ward. . Lapis Ward Morning Ledian (20%) Alolan Meowth (20%) Espurr (10%) Chingling (10%) Alolan Rattata (10%) Poochyena (10%) Mightyena (5%) Alolan Raticate (5%) Chimecho (4%) Alolan Persian (4%) Meowstic (2%) Day Houndour (20%) Alolan Meowth (20%) Espurr (10%) Chingling (10%) Alolan Rattata (10%) Poochyena (10%) Mightyena (5%) Alolan Raticate (5%) Chimecho (4%) Alolan Persian (4%) Houndoom (1%) Meowstic (1%) Night Murkrow (20%) Alolan Meowth (20%) Espurr (10%) Chingling (10%) Alolan Rattata (10%) Poochyena (10%) Mightyena (5%) Alolan Raticate (5%) Chimecho (4%) Alolan Persian (4%) Houndoom (1%) Meowstic (1%) The former Aqua Gang hideout has been transformed into a garden so we can grow more berries here. Stable Mulch can be found on the table up north. We're almost done in the area. Head down to 7th street. We can buy a Stick for the Spyce quest from the blonde vendor at the bottom left. Speak with your gang leader and he'll announce he's breaking up the gang. The city is reformed so staying in the gang is now a hindrance rather than an advantage. The leader wants us to find applications for the type of job everyone wants to work. >If you joined the Aqua Gang You'll need applications from a girl in Apophyll Academy, an application from Sweet Co, an application from the Beryl Ward library, an application from Silph Co, and an application for construction at the train station. This last one isn't available until after the next gym. >If you joined the Magma Gang You'll need applications from Spyce, the medicine building next to the Obsidia Department Store, the Nightclub in North Obsidia, the Agate Circus, and Solice. The last one isn't available until after the next gym. Since neither of these quests can be completed at the moment, there's no point in stating the potential rewards. We'll come back to this after we complete the next gym. The cave on the right side has a Rare Candy hidden in one of the rocks. Don't forget to upgrade your Pokémon's natures if you need to. The specialist is still in his house down here. Enter the room at the center top where the PC and healing machine are. Climb down the ladder and pick up TM58 Sky Drop. The path down here also leads to the Water Treatment Center. Water Treatment Center Super Rod Alolan Muk (44%) Swalot (40%) Tentacool (15%) Tentacruel (1%) Nothing more to do down here so let's finally move to the Obsidia Ward. Obsidia Ward Morning Buneary (20%) Bellsprout (20%) Oddish (10%) Sentret (10%) Slakoth (10%) Sunflora (10%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Furret (4%) Lopunny (4%) Vigoroth (2%) Day Buneary (20%) Oddish (20%) Bonsly (10%) Venonat (10%) Slakoth (10%) Sunflora (10%) Lopunny (8%) Sudowoodo (5%) Gloom (5%) Vigoroth (2%) Night Hoothoot (20%) Venonat (20%) Bellsprout (10%) Oddish (10%) Budew (10%) Noctowl (10%) Sudowoodo (5%) Gloom (5%) Weepinbell (4%) Roselia (4%) Venomoth (2%) Obsidia Alleyway Morning Buneary (20%) Bellsprout (20%) Oddish (10%) Sentret (10%) Slakoth (10%) Sunflora (10%) Weepinbell (5%) Gloom (5%) Furret (4%) Lopunny (4%) Vigoroth (2%) Day Buneary (20%) Oddish (20%) Bonsly (10%) Venonat (10%) Slakoth (10%) Sunflora (10%) Lopunny (8%) Sudowoodo (5%) Gloom (5%) Vigoroth (2%) Night Hoothoot (20%) Venonat (20%) Bellsprout (10%) Oddish (10%) Budew (10%) Noctowl (10%) Sudowoodo (5%) Gloom (5%) Weepinbell (4%) Roselia (4%) Venomoth (2%) Enter the building next to to the salon and speak to the man in the lab coat a few times. He'll say that with Magnet Powder he might be able to fix the Corrupt PokéBall. If you lost your Magnet Powder somewhere you can buy more in 7th Street. He warns us that with the PokéBall being so corrupt the Pokémon has most likely turned into a MissingNo. Prepare yourself to battle if you'd like but the Ralts will survive with less than 1% chance. Since the ball no longer works and the trainer is probably gone, the Ralts is ours. Ralts (Level 10) Confusion, Double Team, Teleport, Shadow Sneak To the right of the candy shop is a rock which contains an HP Up. Buy a Whipped Dream while you're in there for the Spyce quest. The trashcan down here has a PP Up in it. The Growth Mulch can be found by the Glameow salon. Head into the Devon Headquarters and speak to the scientist. We'll tell him our issue with the invisible Kecleons and he'll mention the Devon Scopes. However, they're "fortunately" fresh out. Enter the large building up above the PokéCenter. After a brief conversation, the lady with green hair will tell us that several people have had complaints about Kecleons roaming about. Something is scaring them out of the jungle. She'll ask if we're also looking for the scopes. What we answer doesn't matter so for the sake of the guide we're not here for the scopes. Devon allegedly doesn't have any more scopes but she wants us to scope out the building anyway. We can't do that at the moment, so we'll have to end the Silph Co. sidequest here. Enter the medicine shop between the Silph Co. building and the Obsidia Department Store. Buy a White Herb and an Energy Root from the Meganium for the Spyce quest. Enter the Onyx Ward. Onyx Ward Morning/Day Spearow (20%) Pidove (20%) Bellsprout (10%) Venonat (10%) Fearow (10%) Tranquill (10%) Pichu (5%) Weepinbell (5%) Pikachu (5%) Venomoth (4%) Unfezant (1%) Night Venonat (20%) Hoothoot (20%) Noctowl (11%) Bellsprout (10%) Murkrow (10%) Fearow (10%) Pichu (5%) Weepinbell (5%) Pikachu (5%) Venomoth (4%) Talk to the girl at the top left corner. Like everyone else she remembers us from earlier in the game. She'll flip out at meeting us and give us a Full Restore.Enter the school and go west. One of the blonde girls asks us for our autograph. Giving it to her won't get us anything, but it's a nice gesture. Go to the arena where we fought Florinia and speak to the girl guarding the door. She'll ask us to deliver someone a Sweet Heart and a note. Remember when we got someone to knock over a plant and a teacher left to get cleaning supplies? Enter that area and speak to the girl with silver hair. Though she doesn't swing that way she appreciates the offer. She tells us to hold on to the Sweet Heart since it'd be rude for her to eat it. Go back and speak to the girl. She's understandably distraught but will thank us for helping her out by giving us a Incinium-Z crystal. There's nothing more we can do for her, so let's leave. Coral Ward Morning Wingull (20%) Snubbull (20%) Lombre (10%) Bibarel (10%) Pelipper (10%) Surskit (10%) Skitty (5%) Mime Jr. (5%) Masquerain (4%) Granbull (4%) Delcatty (1%) Mr. Mime (1%) Day Wingull (20%) Snubbull (20%) Lombre (10%) Bibarel (10%) Pelipper (10%) Surskit (10%) Skitty (5%) Spoink (5%) Masquerain (4%) Granbull (4%) Delcatty (1%) Grumpig (1%) Night Hoothoot (20%) Snubbull (20%) Lombre (10%) Bibarel (10%) Noctowl (10%) Surskit (10%) Skitty (5%) Spoink (5%) Masquerain (4%) Granbull (4%) Delcatty (1%) Grumpig (1%) The area is looking nice now that it's been cleaned up a bit. Enter the first building on the left and speak to the blind girl. She'll ask us more trivia questions. Here are the answers. How many individual train cars are there in the Byxbysion Wasteland? 15How many buildings total are in Ametrine City? 30How many Pikachu are usually inside his house? 23How many satellite dishes are there in all of Spinel Town? 0How many bookshelves are there in all of Apophyll Academy? 42How many trees are there in all of Chrysolia Forest? Answer: --- For the last one the number we enter doesn't matter since she doesn't know either. She'll reward us with information on a Fairy Tale Field. At the top left by Amaria's boat is a girl and her Spoink. The Spoink lost its Pink Pearl and we'll need to find it for it. We'll find it later, so don't forget this location. A fisherman on the bottom pier will sell us Slowpoke Tails for the Spyce quest. The price is a measly 500,000 Poké. Don't have it? Just answer yes anyway. Once he knows we're here on behalf of the restaurant he'll give it to us for free. Before we head over to the islands lets go complete those sidequests we have. Go to the Spyce restaurant and speak to the chefs. The one on the right is the head chef. He'll be so pleased that he'll give us not one but two Leftovers. Return to the Peridot park with the mulches. As a reward he'll give us the Yureyu Key. He'll tell us he found it while cleaning and was hoping someone as adventurous as us would find out what it's for. He'll also give us an Insect Plate. We can now talk to the person next to him to receive a Decidium-Z. We're done with these quests, so let's go explore some new areas. North Aventurine Super Rod Araquanid (60%) Dewpider (40%) Surf Dewpider (95%) Araquanid (5%) Find the entrance to Celestine Mountain in this area. Here's what the path looks like. It'll require a Tauros. You should jump up three ledges before dismounting your Tauros. Enter the mountain. Celestine Mountain B1F-B3F Super Rod Octillery (40%) Clauncher (40%) Shellder (16%) Qwilfish (4%) Here's the solution for the ice rink again: Starting from the far left side of the stairs go up, left, down, right, down, and right. Take two steps up (and one left) and slide left, down, and left to access the stairs. Keep walking until you get to the water and surf across. The item on the ground is Shoal Salt. The rock to the left also contains a Revive. Dive into the water and pick up TM56 Fling which is all the way to the north and slightly to the right from where we dive down. If you go south you can find a Rare Candy in a rock. To the top right is an underwater cave. Enter it and resurface. The solution to this magnificant place is a lot simpler than it looks. We pick up the DeepSeaScale and use it to evolve Clamperl into a Gorebyss. Exit back to the woods and take the rampaging Tauros to the right. Keep going left until you find an entrance tot he northern woods. Grab a Tauros and enter. Hop up the ledge and dismount the Tauros. Surf to the left and grab the Sharpendonite. That's all we can do in this area so let's move on. Iolia Valley Super Rod Alomomola (40%) Luvdisc (40%) Dewgong (20%) Surf Wailmer (64%) Lumineon (30%) Seaking (6%) Do you remember how to get here? Take the rampaging Tauros and walk into this tree in the labyrinth. Ascend the waterfall and grab the Nugget hidden in the poppies to the right. Activate the red crystal and smash through the wall. Interact with the purple crystal and pick up the Dark Material at the end of the path. Surf back down the waterfall and follow the river down until you descend another waterfall. Interact with the crystal on ascend the waterfall. Go to the left and smash the crystal before grabbing TM74 Gyro Ball. We're done here so let's explore some more. Celestine Cascade Super Rod Wishiwashi (40%) Lumineon (40%) Shellder (15%) Dewgong (4%) Octillery (1%) Celestine Mountain 1F-3F Super Rod Octillery (40%) Clauncher (40%) Shellder (15%) Qwilfish (4%) Basculin (1%) Celestine Mountain 4F Super Rod Gastrodon (40%) Whiscash (40%) Quagsire (15%) Clawitzer (5%) Ametrine Mountain Super Rod Octillery (40%) Seadra (40%) Shellder (15%) Qwilfish (4%) Basculin (1%) Route 4 Super Rod Lumineon (40%) Wishiwashi (40%) Basculin (15%) Slowpoke (5%) Citrine Mountain Super Rod Octillery (40%) Clauncher (40%) Shellder (15%) Qwilfish (5%) Head up to Calcenon City. Go to the house in the very top left corner. As stated before, this is Eclipse's father's house. If you didn't speak to him before you'll need to speak with him now. If you said no to Blake in Ametrine then you can enter the house for some dialogue. If you said yes to him, you won't be able to do this part of the sidequest. Enter the house and we'll see Aster speaking with Eclipse's father. He brought Eclipse's body here. The father is going to keep her on life support in the event she ever wakes up. Aster vows not to get in our way anymore and leaves. Eclipse's father allows us to go upstairs to visit her if we'd like. We can pick up the Shiny Charm in here if we'd like. It'll be used for later. Eclipse is asleep. There's nothing we can do for her husk so leave. Let's see where the Yureyu Key leads to. Go to the Beryl Ward and head to Shade's Gym. There's a scientist outside the gym. He's here to see how to repurpose this old power plant into something useful for the city restoration. Unfortunately the generator room door is locked. Yureyu, the company who built the power plant, went out of business long ago so no one has a key. Except us. Speak to the scientist again to show him the key. He'll ask us to search around while he reports to the city that the generator room is open. He'll also give us a Zap Plate. Enter the gym and take the corridor on the right. Unlock the door at the end and enter to find a Magnet and TM95 Snarl. Go through the left corridor and defeat 6 of the level 85 Electrodes. The room will go dark without power but the main computer will still work. Interact with it to see the story of widows. We'll see Corey with his wife, Dr. Sigmund and his wife, and a Rotom. We can capture it if we'd like. Rotom (Level 65) Electro Ball, Hex, Charge, Discharge You can take Rotom to a the abandoned house in Ametrine City to change its form. You'll need the Data Chip. We can buy more from a vendor in 7th Street. If you have a Magneton or a Charjabug you can evolve them in either the west or east hall. To continue Event: SP we must go back to the Coral Ward and surf to the left. Azurine Lake Dive Frillish (20%) Pyukumuku (20%) Wimpod (10%) Mareanie (10%) Remoraid (10%) Jellicent (10%) Octillery (5%) Wailord (5%) Dhelmise (4%) Toxapex (4%) Eelektrik (1%) Dragalge (1%) Surf Tentacool (60%) Wingull (30%) Tentacruel (5%) Pelipper (4%) Mantine (1%) Old Rod Shellos Good Rod Carvanha (60%) Corphish (20%) Clauncher (20%) Super Rod Kingler (40%) Staryu (40%) Crawdaunt (15%) Clawitzer (4%) Sharpedo (1%) There's a lighthouse here but we don't have the key. Continue surfing until you come across the island which contains Corin-Rogue. Speak to him to discover that it's another fake. He'll open with a level 74 Bewear and finish with a level 76 Sylveon. After hitting on us he'll tell us to find the true Corin-Rogue where trainers battle. He's currently somewhere we can't access so forget about him. If you go south from here you'll encounter Azurine Island. Azurine Island Morning Foongus (20%) Gloom (20%) Wooper (10%) Shellos (10%) Yanma (10%) Gastrodon (10%) The Senate (5%) Quagsire (5%) Amoonguss (4%) Yanmega (4%) Vileplume (1%) Seismitoad (1%) Day Foongus (20%) Gloom (20%) Wooper (10%) Shellos (10%) Shelmet (10%) Gastrodon (10%) Palpitoad (5%) Quagsire (5%) Amoonguss (4%) Accelgor (4%) Vileplulme (1%) Seismitoad (1%) Night Foongus (20%) Gloom (20%) Ariados (10%) Skorupi (10%) Parasect (10%) Golbat (10%) Palpitoad (5%) Quagsire (5%) Amoonguss (4%) Drapion (4%) Vileplume (1%) Seismitoad (1%) Headbutt Exeggcute (30%) Burmy (30%) Pineco (25%) Wormadam (5%) Mothim (5%) Forretress (5%) To the left of this third fake Corin-Rogue is a First Plate. Continue until you reach the sandy shores of Apophyll Beach. Apophyll Beach Sandygast (40%) Wingull (30%) Pelilpper (20%) Palossand (10%) Rock Smash Krabby (60%) Corphish (30%) Binacle (5%) Kingler (4%) Barbaracle (1%) Go north from the fishermen until you reach this area: Hop onto the sliver of land and pick up the Sun Stone. Dive into the water. Sunken Houses Frillish (20%) Chinchuo (20%) Pyukumuku (20%) Wimpod (20%) Skrelp (8%) Remoraid (5%) Mareanie (5%) Corsola (1%) Golisopod (1%) F Stolen Pokémon, Beryl Library, Klefki, Shellder, Beldum, Lighthouse, Kings Rock Pyrous Mountain Peak Super Rod Charmander (95%) Charmeleon (4%) Charizard (1%) Azurine Cave Noibat (20%) Binacle (20%) Krabby (10%) Corphish (10%) Shellos (10%) Gastrodon (10%) Crawdaunt (9%) Kingler (9%) Barbaracle (1%) Noivern (1%) Coral Lighthouse Frillish (20%) Chinchour (20%) Pyukumuku (20%) Wimpod (20%) Skrelp (8%) Remoraid (5%) Mareanie (5%) Corsola (1%) Golisopod (1%) MA (Level 77) Ability: Item: Stats: HP 2 / Atk 1 / Def 1 / SpA 1 / SpD 1 / Spe 1 F
  5. Thanks for informing me. It's been corrected now.
  6. Chapter 15 Ciel's Gym Section start date: June 15, 2018 Section post date: July 9, 2018 If I miss something or you have a question for me, please post it in the separate discussion thread. Even if it's a simple grammatical error, feel free to alert me. Thank you. Thank you to the following people and websites for your contribution to this part of the guide: Paperblade, Hallowilicious, Pkparaiso Current Team Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Tien Shinhan (Lucario), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) Return to the mountain and enter through the northern entrance in Route 2. With Waterfall we can now access new areas of the map. Celestine Mountain 4F Fishing (Good Rod) Remoraid (60%) Clauncher (20%) Feebas (20%) Use waterfall just south of the land. Move east and and go all the way south. A Sneasel will be staring at the frozen rock. Destroy it and Sneasel will slap us. Sneasel (Level 50) Snatch, Punishment, Ice Shard, Pursuit Go down the next waterfall. To the left is an ice puzzle. Push the boulder to the left and go back up the waterfall. Head west and go down through the route we've just opened up. Dive down and go to the bottom right. There's an underwater cave here. See it? Enter it and resurface on the other side. Surf south and pick up the Full Heal in the rock when you land. There's an ice puzzle up ahead. The order is black to grey to purple. Go left and dive down. To the right is a DeepSeaTooth which is used to evolve a Clamperl into a Huntail. There's also a Lapras swimming around here on Fridays. You can battle and capture it. Lapras (Level 55) Hydro Pump, Safeguard, Sheer Cold, Freeze-Dry There's also a Water Stone in the rock nearby. At the bottom left is another underwater cave. Enter it and pick up the Abomasite at the end. Return to the surface and go right. Descend the waterfall on this side and go to the ice rink. Getting to the left side is easy enough, so get over there. Ascend the cascade of waterfalls here. In the last pool is a Totodile. It'll jump out of the water every few seconds. Make sure your game isn't sped up as the extra speed will only making catching it more difficult. To catch it you'll have to smash your interactive key (be it C or Z) while it's in the air. You need to be facing it interact. My recommendation is that when it jumps into the air, you go to the block below where it came out from, face upwards, and spam your selection key. Totodile (Level 32) Flail, Crunch, Chip Away, Ice Punch Go back to the ice rink. Here's the solution for the stairs. The order is black to grey to purple to blue: Up here is another ice rink. Travel down the waterfall and collect the Full Restore in the rock to the right. Go back up and dive. Enter the underwater cave at the bottom and resurface at the end of the path. Go down the waterfall and go to the right. There's a Pearl here. There's also a mining stone to the left. Go down the waterfall. There's another mining stone at the end of this path and TM05 Roar. Return to the area that splits into four paths. Go down the southeast path and descend the waterfall. Continue down the path, go north onto the stairs, and use Dive. Resurface to the left and progress through the ice puzzle. Collect TM69 Rock Polish and return to the dive spot. Here's how you get back through the ice puzzle. Dive and resurface to the northeast. Surf south and immediately go left and pick up the PP Up on the floor. Go back up the waterfall, north, and up the next waterfall. You should be back in the area that splits into four locations. Go left through the ice rink and continue left into where the rocks become a different colour. Go down the stairs, surf south, and descend the waterfall. To the left is a mining stone. Go northwest and push the boulder to the left. Now go back up the waterfall and go left. Slide down past the boulder. There are two more mining stones and Corey's Skuntank here. Because we have his Silver Ring, we'll be able to battle and capture it. It has leveled up and possibly changed to a girl since we last saw it. Skuntank (Level 68) Flamethrower, Acid Spray, Pursuit, Foul Play Behind Skuntank is a Silver Card. Go all the way to the top left of the map and climb the ladder. Use Surf and Waterfall to continue north. At the first stop go to the left and pick up the Prism Scale. This can be used to evolve a Feebas into a Milotic. Go up the next two waterfalls. There's are three mining stones here. To the north is an Amplified Rock, the Grass Memory, and TM23 Smack Down. Go back to the river and go all the way south until you exit out of Celestine Cascade. Feel free to go back and heal at this moment before we continue. When you're ready, re-enter from Celestine Cascade and go up three waterfalls. Go to the left and dive into the water. Go to the top right and resurface. Climb the waterfall and jump to the right. This ice puzzle is a doozy. To start, go to the bottom row and slide right. Push the boulder out of the way and return to the start. Now go to the bottom row and go up. Push the boulder in the top row down. Go back to the start and slide through the middle row. Go around the corner and push the top boulder up. Go back to the start and slide through the top row. Go north and push the boulder here out of the way. Go back all the way down and slide north. Surf to the left and collect the Nugget in the rock to the far left. It's the rock just before the ledge. Climb the waterfall. There are four mining stones here as well as the Water Memory for Type: Null and TM67 Smart Strike. That's everything that we can get right now. There are at least two locations which require Rock Climb, but we don't have that HM. Return to the house and heal up. While you have the chance, go to the circus and buy some ice cream. It doesn't matter what you buy. You'll just want it in your inventory. It'll make an upcoming fight easier. When you're ready, descend the waterfall that Amaria jumped down. As we descend the waterfall, we'll spot Victoria and Cain. The former will notice us but we can't stop to chat. We'll arrive at the Water Treatment Center. Water Treatment Center Field: Murkwater Surface Gulpin (45%) Alolan Grimer (40%) Swalot (10%) Alolan Muk (5%) Surf Gulpin (60%) Alolan Grimer (30%) Alolan Muk (9%) Swalot (1%) Fishing (Old Rod) Gulpin (70%) Alolan Grimer (30%) Fishing (Good Rod) Gulpin (60%) Alolan Grimer (20%) Alolan Muk (20%) We'll be greeted by Titania. Apparently Team Meteor is down here and they captured Amaria. Titania's killed the three grunts who confronted her. The rest of Meteor will respond by locking her where she is. She'll make a snide comment about us looking at her diary before we're met by two more Meteor cult members. Titania will dawn her Aegislash as an ordinary sword and shield. According to the Meteor, a new commander arrived and requested that we be allowed into the treatment center. For his refusal to tell us which commander, Titania will reward him with death. There's nothing we can do for the Meteor, so head into the next room. Titania has killed another Meteor. She'll tell us that because of the amount of time she's spent down here, she doesn't have the strength or the numbers to power through their entire team. For that reason, she'll be relying on us despite how much she despises us. Hop across the garbage and lower the water level. With the water lowered, she'll leave. We can't follow her because the garbage is no longer floating. We can push it over to the left side to leap across. The picture shows were it needs to be. Raise the water level after it's in place. Go into the left room. Leap across the garbage and grab the information about Pulse Swalot as well as the Quick Ball below. Interact with the machine. It'll unlock the door above, so enter the new room. Pick up the Cell Battery on the left and interact with the Electrode to the right. If you have a move that can change the field, you can turn on the machine. If you don't have a move that can change the field, you'll have to wait until Electrode uses Discharge. Alternatively, you can teach one of your Pokémon Charge Beam. We have the TM for it. With the power restarted, we can interact with the machine. We'll have the option to withdraw the Pokémon it houses. Fennekin (Level 15) Ember, Howl, Flame Charge, Wish Go back into the previous room and head into the top right room. This is where we were before. Go north and collect the Hyper Potion we saw before. Go back down and push your way through the bar on the right. Lower the water again and this time go to the right. Hidden in the bottom right corner is information on the Murkwater Surface Field Effect. Speak to Titania and she'll hop across the garbage. Join her and jump to the left. Interact with the terminal to unlock the gate then go and lower the water level. Push the garbage to the right. If you take the time to talk to Titania, you can offer her some ice cream. If you don't give her anything to eat, you'll have to fight alone later on. If you feed her, she'll have the strength to join the upcoming battle. For the sake of the guide, we'll give her some food. Interestingly enough, her text will change to reflect whatever food you have in your bag. >If you have vanilla ice cream Titania: I would love some ice cream if you can spare it. (She accepts vanilla ice cream) >If you don't have vanilla ice cream Titania: Like, I'll eat candy. I'm not above that. (She accepts Peppermint) >At this point she switches between "candy" and ice cream. Here is her preferred order of food: Vanilla Ice Cream, Peppermint, Chocolate Ice Cream, Chewing Gum, Strawberry Ice Cream (which appears in our bag as "Berry Ice Cream"), Salt-Water Taffy, and finally Red-Hots. If you don't have any of that, she'll simply keep asking for food. Raise the water, leap across, and interact with the terminal up above. This will unlock the bar to the left. Continue into the next room and Titania will follow us. She'll leap across only for the water level to fall. Taka is the one behind this. He and Titania will talk for a moment with the latter demanding why we were allowed in. She'll state that she's been giving Team Meteor false information for months in exchange for what they know. Taka will shrug and leave. Push the garbage over so Titania can jump to the right. Raise the water levels after battling the Meteor cultist. Titania will leap across and unlock the gate for us. She'll express some uneasiness but will allow us to press forward. Lower the water and enter the room at the bottom right. At the bottom will be a pair of Meteor cultists. Titania will join us if we gave her candy. If her Aegislash faints, we'll have to fight a double battle with only one Pokémon. Once the battle is over, Titania will murder the cultists. Taka will ask her to chill out and she states that she will once Amaria is safe once more. Taka informs her that Amaria is in the Control Room. The Steel leader will spare the second cultist but get trapped by Taka in the middle of the room. Go to the top and push the garbage so Titania can cross. Defeat the Meteor Dame. You'll learn that Titania killed her sister just as she has so many others already. Raise the water. Titania'll jump across. Lower the water and push the block to the new location. If you haven't already noticed, the puzzle always requires Titania to be "trapped". She'll take a moment to rest while we move on. Lower the water and forge ahead. Interact with the terminal and squeeze through the bars. Lower the water, squeeze through the bars again, and get onto the floor. Interact with the computer after you hop across to the new path. With this new path, we can access the bottom left. Lower the water and go to the bottom left corner. Enter the room at the bottom left. Follow the path until Titania appears. She states that the turbine is nearby and Team Meteor probably took it out. She'll tell us to go to the left while she goes north. Go west and interact with the first computer. Go back and enter the room Titania disappeared into. It's where we started at. Push the garbage so that we can leap west again and enter the room to the left. Enter the room at the top left this time. Defeat the cultist and lower the water level. Go to the bottom right and push the garbage like so: Raise the water levels and work your way around to the computer. Interact with it and go back up to the water control. Go to the right and defeat this cultist as well. Pick up the Beryl Grid Key before you go. Exit and re-enter the room. Go to the bottom left corner of the sewage area when the water is down and pick up the Smoke Bomb. Exit south and lower the water in this room. Exit this room on the right side (the water will stay lowered) and make your way back around to the top. When you return to the room, descend the steps and ascend the ones on the left side. Go down the bottom right stairs and pick up the Black Sludge at the end of the path. Exit into the southwest room and leap across towards Titania. Taka will lower the water for us and Titania will finally call him out on helping us. He'll feign ignorance before finally admitting that he doesn't agree with what Team Meteor does. However, he can't leave because his father is the leader of Team Meteor. According to him, he and his family are the last descendants of a cult that worshiped Arceus' Meteor. He'll state that it's his birthright and curse to protect the meteor. Do you get it yet? That's where the name "Team Meteor" came from. Taka will remind us to pick up the Beryl Grid Key before leaving. Titania will summon her Aegishield and take her frustration out on the nearby equipment. She said she's tired of living a lie and actually thanks us for telling Amaria what we did. Leave her be and go to the bottom left where we'll have to fight a double battle. Again, if we gave Titania candy before, she'll join us in this battle. After the battle, she'll tell the cultists that she's going to kill them. With a swing of Aegishield, she'll "kill the person they were" before telling them to leave Team Meteor and never come back. She states that it's still not as satisfying as actually killing them. Interact with the door to unlock it with the key and follow the path until Titania appears. She'll slide in front of us only to get trapped by the bar. She can control the water here but can't move, so she'll control the water for us. Approach the top right edge of the platform and she'll raise the water for us. Jump across and approach the other side. The water will be lowered and we can descend the stairs. Place the garbage like so: Go back to the platform's edge and she'll raise the water for us to jump across. Approach the next edge and the water will lower. Place the next garbage in the proper locations. Climb the stairs, leap across, and exit south. Follow the path and exit at the bottom right. Interact with the computer and continue to the bottom right exit. Interact with the next computer and lower the water. You'll find a PULSE machine. Take care of it. Pokemon Stopple Field: Murkwater Surface PULSE Swalot (Level 80) Ability: Water Absorb Item: --- Stats: HP 325 / Atk 131 / Def 416 / SpA 205 / SpD 402 / Spe 93 Infestation, Sludge Wave, Discharge, Recover Having difficulty? Pulse Swalot is Poison/Water. He's weak to Electric and Psychic moves. Technically he's also weak to Ground moves, but Ground moves will always fail due to the terrain. True to its name of "stopple," he'll absorb any Water moves you use against him. His Special Defense is only slightly lower than his Defense, so it doesn't matter what type of attack you use. Remember that in this field, any grounded Pokémon that isn't a Water-type or has Swift Swim will have their speed halved. Non-Poison and Steel Pokémon will take poison damage every round and the Swalot's Water Absorb ability will heal him every round. As such, he's built to outlast your Pokémon, so take him down quickly. I personally ended the battle with Raz using Swords Dance into Psycho Cut. I was fortunate enough to crit which nearly killed the Swalot. Vixen finished him off since her Freeze-Dry is always super-effective against anything with a Water typing. Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Tien Shinhan (Lucario), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) With Swalot out of the way, the treatment facility will be operational once more. It works quite quickly and efficiently as well. Raise the water and it'll already be clean. In fact, all the water in the treatment facility will now be clean. The garbage piles will also disappear as they're filtered out of the water. Go to the room to the right of the Swalot one and raise the water level. Once raised, immediately surf to the right to find TM39 Rock Tomb. Go to the room at the top right, raise the water, and go north to find TM37 Sandstorm. Go around and raise the water in all of the rooms. You'll need to replace the dirty water in the rooms with clean one as well. In the room just before Titania, pick up the Full Heal in the corner. Raise the water to get the Scope Lens on the other side of the crack. Go back and talk to Titania. She'll tell us exactly what I just said. Don't forget the northern room. It's usually the one I miss. Once every room is filled with water, go to the bars at the top of the room. Use the Light Shard at the top if you'd like before going south and interacting with the computer. Titania will state that the entire city should be running on clean water now. She'll enter the next room, so follow her before she kills Taka. She'll be wielding her Aegishield at him and he'll inform us that he's taken care of Amaria's wounds. At Titania's demand, he'll toss over the Sapphire Bracelets. She'll pick up Amaria and Taka will ask us to battle and defeat him so it looks like he tried to stop him. Titania refuses as she believes doing so will only allow him to continue down this path of "cowardice". She'll leave and Taka will ask us once more. Taka: Will you defeat me? >No Taka: ...I see... I guess I really am the odd one out when it comes to these sorts of things, trying to show mercy and all that... But hey. If skinning the black sheep makes you happy, whatever. I'm out. *Taka will leave without a battle* >Yes Taka: Right. Let's hurry. *The battle will begin* After all he's done for us, the least I can do is help him out in return. Besides, if he continues this path, he'll help us take down Meteor from the inside. However, I know that the story splits at this point. As much as I hate to do this to him, it would be easier and more interesting to not fight him here. Even though this is a walkthrough, I don't want to spoil it, so I won't mention it for now. For the sake of the guide, we won't be defeating Taka. Should you choose to fight him, here's his information. Meteor Admin Taka Items: None. He's trying to lose, remember? Field: Factory Field Klefki (Level 69) Ability: Prankster Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 222 / Atk 122 / Def 214 / SpA 136 / SpD 147 / Spe 129 Foul Play, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Spikes Alolan Exeggutor (Level 71) Ability: Harvest Item: Sitrus Berry Stats: HP 282 / Atk 193 / Def 192 / SpA 205 / SpD 133 / Spe 91 Dragon Hammer, Earthquake, Seed Bomb, Trick Room Komala *Shiny* (Level 69) Ability: Comatose Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 232 / Atk 185 / Def 117 / SpA 129 / SpD 220 / Spe 104 Sucker Punch, Return, Wish, Bulk Up Gliscor (Level 71) Ability: Poison Heal Item: Toxic Orb Stats: HP 254 / Atk 177 / Def 225 / SpA 81 / SpD 178 / Spe 161 Earthquake, Acrobatics, Protect, Roost Minior (Level 69) Ability: Shields Down Item: White Herb Stats (Meteor Form): HP 183 / Atk 152 / Def 164 / SpA 134 / SpD 147 / Spe 139 Stats (Exposed Form): HP 183 / Atk 207 / Def 109 / SpA 189 / SpD 98 / Spe 237 Acrobatics, Earthquake, Power Gem, Shell Smash Chatot (Level 73) Ability: Keen Eye Item: Synthetic Seed (+1 SpD and applies Magnet Rise) Stats: HP 217 / Atk 109 / Def 93 / SpA 207 / SpD 88 / Spe 226 Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Nasty Plot, Roost Having difficulty? Klefki is Fairy/Steel. He's weak to Ground and Fire attacks but immune to Poison and Dragon moves. Klefki only has one damaging move, and it's a Dark-type attack that uses your Attack stat to calculate its damage. Either send out someone resistant to Dark, send someone with a low attack stat, or take it out quickly. It's mostly meant to set up for the rest of the team, so don't let it. It'll open with a Thunder Wave and, due to its ability, will always go first. You might want to also send out someone who can't be paralyzed. Alolan Exeggutor is Grass/Dragon. He's 4x more susceptible to Ice attacks and weak to Flying, Poison, Bug, Dragon, and Fairy attacks. Komala is a Normal-type despite what you may think. It's weak to Fighting attacks and immune to Ghost moves. Additionally, thanks to its ability, it cannot be afflicted by status conditions. Gliscor is Ground/Flying. He's 4x more susceptible to Ice attacks, weak to Water attacks, and immune to Ground and Electric moves. Minior is Rock/Flying. It's weak to Rock, Steel, Water, Electric, and Ice attacks but immune to Ground moves. Chatot is Normal/Flying. He's weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice attacks but immune to Ground and Ghost moves. >After defeat Taka: Then, everything's gonna be just fine. You should get outta here quick though. I get the feeling your friend's gonna need you. See ya... and, good luck. Leave. You may notice that the G.U.M room is still closed off, but that's okay. We didn't miss anything at the moment. As we try to exit, we'll be blocked by Shade. He has a fetish for the number four and will use as many words that sound like it as possible. Basically he's reminding us that four people (Amaria, Lin, Corey, and Kiki) were predicted to die. We already saw the scene of Amaria leaping from the river but Shade reminds us that two more have yet to meet their fate. Continue forward and Titania will use Deliverance, Amaria's Lapris, to ascend the waterfall with Amaria. She then thanks us in her own way. Continue north and Lin will stop us. Just kidding. Julia is soon joined by Florinia. The former states that the two came here when they saw Amaria, Titania, and going down the waterfall. As Julia states, hardly anyone gets this far in the Reborn League since some of the gym leaders have been away or imprisoned. Apparently Ame hasn't been snoozing in this time either. Florinia hands us HM02 Fly which Ame requested she deliver to us. Apparently Adrienn has been busy restoring the city while we were busy at work. Now the city is reborn anew. You may have noticed the sound clip for helicopters playing for a while. Florinia states that Team Meteor has arrived and that we should prepare ourselves for battle. Use the Light Shard to heal up. Go back to the circus to restock on items and change out your team if you need to. You'll want a well-balanced meal team before you enter the house. Fern and Blake will land on the rooftop with Solaris and Sirius. After some friendly villain banter, they storm the house from the rooftop access. Titania will tell the other two that Amaria was hurt and can't be moved right now. We'll have to defend her rather than running. She'll also call out Florinia on her ridiculous speech pattern and will claim she's still "overreacting" after all these years. We will stand next to Florinia and form the front line. Julia will stop intruders from the northeast and east while Titania stays with Amaria just in case anything happens to the three of us. Solaris will enter and demand the Sapphire Bracelets. Julia will, of course, threaten to explode him. With that said, Team Meteor will attack. The first pair of grunts shouldn't be too difficult. They'll open with Leavanny and Grumpig. You'll want to save at some point when there's no dialogue on the screen. Otherwise you'll have to repeat these series of battles again. After the first two are defeated, Sirius will drag Fern forth. Fern cries out for help and Sirius says he'll kill Fern if he doesn't receive the Sapphire Bracelets. Florinia will refuse. Meanwhile, Blake, who had broken in from the back, will be forced to run away from Julia. He'll ice over the doorway so she can't follow and turn his attention to us. Fern will reveal that he's working for Team Meteor and will attack. Friendly reminder that defeating one person's team will leave the other fighting 2v1. Fern Field: Default Haxorus (Level 65) Ability: Mold Breaker Item: Dragon Scale Stats: HP 194 / Atk 237 / Def 142 / SpA 92 / SpD 116 / Spe 151 Superpower, Outrage, Poison Jab, Dragon Dance Rhyperior (Level 64) Ability: Solid Rock Item: --- Stats: HP 241 / Atk 224 / Def 191 / SpA 95 / SpD 95 / Spe 68 Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fire Punch, Megahorn Krookodile (Level 68) Ability: Moxie Item: --- Stats: HP 231 / Atk 188 / Def 138 / SpA 106 / SpD 124 / Spe 169 Earthquake, Brick Break, Crunch, Rock Slide Scizor (Level 67) Ability: Technician Item: --- Stats: HP 195 / Atk 223 / Def 163 / SpA 91 / SpD 136 / Spe 116 Bullet Punch, Bug Bite, Superpower, Swords Dance Roserade (Level 70) Ability: Poison Point Item: --- Stats: HP 178 / Atk 105 / Def 110 / SpA 238 / SpD 166 / Spe 206 Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Hidden Power (Fire), Sleep Powder Decidueye (Level 70) Ability: Long Reach Item: --- Stats: HP 255 / Atk 242 / Def 131 / SpA 149 / SpD 166 / Spe 125 Spirit Shackle, Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Leaf Blade Having difficulty? Fern is a third rate trainer with a fourth rate team. His Pokémon are weaker than Blake's, so take them out first and Blake will have to face the two of you alone. Haxorus is a Dragon-type Pokémon. He's weak to Ice, Dragon, and Fairy attacks. The Dragon Scale which he holds still does nothing as it is an evolutionary item, not an item that boosts Dragon moves. Rhyperior is Ground/Rock. He's 4x more susceptible to Water and Grass, weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, and Ice, and immune to Electric moves. Because of his ability, he takes reduced damage from super effective moves, so keep that in mind. Krookodile is Ground/Dark. He's weak to Fighting, Bug, Water, Grass, Ice, and Fairy attacks but immune to Electric and Psychic moves. Scizor is Bug/Steel. He's 4x more susceptible to Fire but immune to Poison. Because of his ability, all his attacks save for Superpower do an additional 50% damage. Roserade is Grass/Poison. She's weak to Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Ice attacks. Decidueye is Grass/Ghost. He's weak to Flying, Ghost, Fire, Ice, and Dark attacks but immune to Normal and Fighting moves. & Agent Blake Field: Default Walrein (Level 72) Ability: Ice Body Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 308 / Atk 127 / Def 172 / SpA 164 / SpD 202 / Spe 120 Blizzard, Surf, Protect, Stockpile Mamoswine (Level 67) Ability: Oblivious Item: --- Stats: HP 252 / Atk 226 / Def 139 / SpA 113 / SpD 113 / Spe 139 Earthquake, Rock Slide, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash Gyarados (Level 67) Ability: Intimidate Item: --- Stats: HP 239 / Atk 227 / Def 145 / SpA 108 / SpD 173 / Spe 148 Stone Edge, Waterfall, Crunch, Dragon Dance Weavile (Level 69) Ability: Pickpocket Item: --- Stats: HP 197 / Atk 235 / Def 116 / SpA 79 / SpD 143 / Spe 217 Icicle Crash, Poison Jab, Ice Shard, Knock Off Starmie (Level 69) Ability: Natural Cure Item: Icy Rock Stats: HP 197 / Atk 129 / Def 158 / SpA 178 / SpD 158 / Spe 218 Blizzard, Hail, Thunder, Light Screen Alolan Sandslash (Level 73) Ability: Slush Rush Item: --- Stats: HP 215 / Atk 240 / Def 202 / SpA 57 / SpD 122 / Spe 168 Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Swords Dance Having difficulty? Walrein is Ice/Water. He's weak to Fighting, Rock, Grass, and Electric attacks. Mamoswine is Ice/Ground. He's weak to Fighting, Steel, Fire, Water, and Grass attacks but immune to Electric moves. Gyarados is Water/Flying. She's 4x more susceptible to Electric attacks, weak to Rock attacks, and immune to Ground moves. Weavile is Dark/Ice. She's 4x more susceptible to Fighting attacks, weak to Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, and Fairy, and immune to Psychic moves.. Because of her ability, she'll steal whatever held item you have if she lands a physical move on you. Starmie is Water/Psychic. It's weak to Bug, Ghost, Grass, Electric, and Dark attacks. Alolan Sandslash is Ice/Steel. He's 4x more susceptible to Fighting and Fire attacks, weak to Ground attacks, and immune to Poison moves. Don't let him set up Swords Dance. Fern will get upset and go off on Florinia. He'll get angry and claim that he has no sister anymore. While Florinia is recoiling from her brother's angry words, the enemy Seviper take her out. Julia will burst through the ice wall and, after seeing Florinia's condition, will choose to join us in the final battle. Meteor Leader Solaris Field: Default Scizor (Level 68) Ability: Technician Item: --- Stats: HP 208 / Atk 238 / Def 176 / SpA 103 / SpD 149 / Spe 128 Bullet Punch, U-Turn, Superpower, Roost Mandibuzz (Level 67) Ability: Overcoat Item: --- Stats: HP 2 / Atk 1 / Def 1 / SpA 1 / SpD 1 / Spe 1 Foul Play, Snarl, Roost, Toxic Gyarados (Level 69) Ability: Intimidate Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 246 / Atk 234 / Def 150 / SpA 110 / SpD 179 / Spe 152 Outrage, Waterfall, Earthquake, Dragon Dance Tyranitar (Level 71) Ability: Sand Stream Item: Smooth Rock Stats: HP 260 / Atk 155 / Def 198 / SpA 158 / SpD 184 / Spe 128 Earthquake, Superpower, Rock Slide, Dragon Dance Excadrill (Level 70) Ability: Sand Rush Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 270 / Atk 253 / Def 125 / SpA 99 / SpD 132 / Spe 164 Earthquake, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Swords Dance Garchomp (Level 76) Ability: Rough Skin Item: --- Stats: HP 289 / Atk 266 / Def 189 / SpA 149 / SpD 173 / Spe 199 Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Stone Edge Having difficulty? Scizor is Bug/Steel. He's 4x more susceptible to Fire but immune to Poison. Because of his ability, Bullet Punch deals an additional 50% damage. Mandibuzz is Dark/Flying. She's weak to Rock, Electric, Ice, and Fairy attacks but immune to Ground and Psychic moves. Gyarados is Water/Flying. She's 4x more susceptible to Electric attacks, weak to Rock attacks, and immune to Ground moves. Tyranitar is Rock/Dark. He's 4x more susceptible to Fighting attacks, weak to Ground, Bug, Steel, Water, Grass, and Fairy attacks, and immune to Psychic moves. Excadrill is Ground/Steel. He's weak to Fighting, Ground, Fire, and Water attacks but immune to Poison and Electric moves. Garchomp is Dragon/Ground. He's 4x more susceptible to Ice, weak to Dragon and Fairy attacks, and immune to Electric moves. & New World Orderly John Field: Default Whiscash (Level 70) Ability: Oblivious Item: Sitrus Berry Stats: HP 255 / Atk 156 / Def 135 / SpA 125 / SpD 133 / Spe 118 Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Waterfall, Dragon Dance Magnezone (Level 69) Ability: Analytic Item: Air Balloon Stats: HP 211 / Atk 123 / Def 199 / SpA 242 / SpD 165 / Spe 123 Discharge, Flash Cannon, Hidden Power (Fire), Thunder Wave Eelektross (Level 70) Ability: Levitate Item: Assault Vest Stats: HP 229 / Atk 176 / Def 149 / SpA 201 / SpD 149 / Spe 108 Thunderbolt, Giga Drain, Flamethrower, Acid Spray Toucannon (Level 67) Ability: Skill Link Item: Muscle Band Stats: HP 219 / Atk 220 / Def 140 / SpA 140 / SpD 140 / Spe 108 Beak Blast, Rock Blast, Brick Break, Roost Slowbro (Level 68) Ability: Own Tempo Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 242 / Atk 127 / Def 209 / SpA 176 / SpD 149 / Spe 81 Icy Wind, Flamethrower, Scald, Light Screen Having difficulty? Whiscash is Water/Ground. He's 4x more susceptible to Grass attacks but immune to Electric moves. Magnezone is Electric/Steel. It's 4x more susceptible to Ground attacks, weak to Fire and Fighting attacks, and immune to Poison moves. Because of its ability, it'll do an additional 30% damage if its turn comes after its target. Eelektross is an Electric-type Pokémon. Because of his ability, he has no weaknesses. Additionally, his Assault Vest increases his Special Defense by 50%, so use Physical moves to damage him instead. Toucannon is Normal/Flying. She's weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice attacks but immune to Ground and Ghost moves. Because of her ability, Rock Blast will always hit 5 times. Slowbro is Water/Psychic. He's weak to Bug, Ghost, Grass, Electric, and Dark attacks. Julia destroyed the helicopter while she was trapped. Titania will emerge to check on Florinia. She grew impatient waiting in the room so she came out here to battle. Having seen the formidable force that we are, Solaris chooses to burn down the house, stating that it's the second one he's burned for the Bracelets. Titania will have her Excadrill use Fissure since we're inside a Water Gym. Furious that we keep thwarting his plans, Solaris decides that it's finally time to involve Lin. He and the rest of Team Meteor leaves. Amaria finally wakes up. She's lost a great deal of her memory. In fact, she doesn't even remember who we are. Her memory goes back to a few moments after we started the game when Obsidia was in danger. For that reason, she also doesn't remember that she and Titania broke up. Titania will storm off. Florinia will wake up and explain to Amaria that she has amnesia. The Water leader will go rest due to her exhaustion. Florinia departs to help with Calcenon City. She intends to set Fern straight. Julia will opt to make sure Amaria is alright. She suggests we check on Titania. Enter the room at the top right to heal. From here you can change your team and then exit where the glass shards are on the right. Or you can surf across the house. Whatever suits your fancy. Just get outside and talk to Titania. She'll state that she was happy to be free of the burden that is lying to Amaria but now she's trapped once more, thus completing the metaphor she was talking about earlier in water treatment area. She'll summon her Skarmory and leave. Make your way to the circus. The fastest way is to use the river next to the house. Speak to Samson. They still can't find Terra but it sounds like that's a good thing all around. The Ringmaster will appear and remind us that we can't fight Ciel without a Battle Pass. Ciel will be kind enough to slip us Battle Pass - Suspension. When you're ready, talk to Ciel to battle. Don't forget that you can grind on the clown outside. The teams are still the same level so it should be easy money and experience. Ciel Hyper Potion x3 Field: Big Top Arena Togekiss (Level 73) Ability: Serene Grace Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 275 / Atk 90 / Def 167 / SpA 222 / SpD 195 / Spe 190 Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Roost, Thunder Wave Minior (Level 70) Ability: Shields Down Item: White Herb Stats (Meteor Form): HP 193 / Atk 177 / Def 173 / SpA 103 / SpD 173 / Spe 161 Stats (Exposed Form): HP 193 / Atk 240 / Def 115 / SpA 155 / SpD 115 / Spe 248 Acrobatics, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Shell Smash Noivern (Level 75) Ability: Infiltrator Item: Assault Vest Stats: HP 236 / Atk 119 / Def 148 / SpA 221 / SpD 148 / Spe 286 Acrobatics, Boomburst, Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave Gliscor (Level 75) Ability: Poison Heal Item: Toxic Orb Stats: HP 268 / Atk 239 / Def 216 / SpA 85 / SpD 140 / Spe 170 Earthquake, Acrobatics, Roost, Defog Oricorio (Level 75) Ability: Dancer Item: Synthetic Seed (+1 Atk and applies Helping Hand) Stats: HP 221 / Atk 162 / Def 133 / SpA 175 / SpD 180 / Spe 183 Revelation Dance, Air Slash, Baton Pass, Roost Mega Altaria (Level 77) Ability: Pixilate Item: Altarianite Stats: HP 274 / Atk 198 / Def 198 / SpA 217 / SpD 171 / Spe 220 Earthquake, Hyper Voice, Roost, Sing Having difficulty? As a Flying-type leader, all of Ciel's Pokémon are weak to Ice attacks and immune to Ground moves. If you get annoyed by the field, you can change it using certain moves. I would recommend using Manetric's Electric Terrain move since you'll then do extra damage to her Pokémon while removing the field. Togekiss is Fairy/Flying. She's weak to Poison, Rock, Steel, Electric, and Ice attacks but immune to Ground and Dragon moves. Minior is Rock/Flying. It's weak to Rock, Steel, Water, Electric, and Ice attacks but immune to Ground moves. Noivern is Flying/Dragon. She's 4x more susceptible to Ice attacks, weak to Rock, Dragon, and Fairy attacks, and immune to Ground moves. Gliscor is Ground/Flying. She's 4x more susceptible to Ice attacks, weak to Water attacks, and immune to Ground and Electric moves. Oricorio is Fire/Flying. She's 4x more suscpetible to Rock attacks, weak to Water and Electric attacks, and immune to Ground attacks. Alteria in her Mega Form is Dragon/Fairy. She's weak to Poison, Steel, Ice, and Fairy attacks but immune to Dragon moves. With her ability, Hyper Voice becomes a Fairy move instead of a Normal one and does 30% additional damage. For me, Vixen took out half her team. She was simply too fast and too powerful to be defeated. For our efforts we'll receive the Suspension Badge. With it, Pokémon level 80 and below will obey us. We'll also be allowed to use Fly outside of battle. In addition, we'll be given TM62 Acrobatics. Leave the tent and you'll hear several familiar themes cycle through. It's time for our return to the city, so grab a Pokémon that can learn Fly and go to The Grand Hall. Current Team Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Tien Shinhan (Lucario), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) Chapter 16 Progress 50% (Last Updated: August 3, 2018)
  7. @Nachtara Someone has upvoted Chapter 12. The forums automatically arrange the answers based on the most upvoted, so it's currently sitting above Chapter 2. I don't think there's any way for me to rearrange the forums into chronological order, so if it ever seems like a chapter was skipped, it's probably just somewhere else in the guide. If you ctrl + f, you'll be able to find it.
  8. @TheGuyRightThere Thank you. I've updated the guide.
  9. I'm also working on my own if you prefer a different format. Same content, though.
  10. Chapter 14 Terra's Gym Section start date: June 8, 2018 Section post date: June 15, 2018 If I miss something or you have a question for me, please post it in the separate discussion thread. Even if it's a simple grammatical error, feel free to alert me. Thank you. Thank you to the following people and websites for your contribution to this part of the guide: Paperblade, Hallowilicious, Pkparaiso, TheGuyRightThere Current Team Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Asta (Simisage), Max (Magneton) Apparently the gifs for my team broke, so I've gone through and replaced them. In doing so, I've found the hidden part of the 3D model website that has Alolan sprites, so I've replaced the previous models and images. Now even Alolan forms have gifs. Isn't that wonderful! What do you mean you don't look at the gifs? Bah, whatever. Also, I'm just now realizing I've never mentioned the website. Pkparaiso has been the source for every 3D model (model, not gif) and Pokemondb is where I got the new 2D gifs. You may ask why it's taken me so long to find the 3D version of the Alolan forms on Pkparaiso. That would be because the entire website is in Spanish and my Spanish is only enough for me to stumble about from page to page. Return to Ametrine Mountain. When you get to the first ice rink, go down and slide up towards the stairs. Dive into the pool here. Celestine B2F Dive Field: Underwater New Pokémon Chinchou, Relicanth Chinchou (30%) Clamperl (25%) Wailord (24%) Lanturn (15%) Relicanth (6%) All Other Floors Dive Clamperl (45%) Chinchou (30%) Lantern (15%) Relicanth (10%) Resurface on the other side. Surf down the water and dive into the next spot. Enter the cave, resurface, and we'll run face to face with the PULSE machine responsible for the ice block. You know what needs to be done. Pokemon Redoubt Field: Icy Field PULSE Avalugg (Level 70) Ability: Solid Rock Item: --- Stats: HP 292 / Atk 250 / Def 469 / SpA 145 / SpD 385 / Spe 40 Rock Slide, Flash Cannon, Freeze-Dry, Recover Having difficulty? PULSE Avalugg is an Ice-type Pokémon. He's weak to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire attacks. His Special Defense is lower than his Defense, so try hitting with Special moves first. Unlike other PULSE machines, he doesn't hit insanely hard. While sweepers may be taken down in a single hit, tanker Pokémon should survive a few hits. Prepare your team accordingly. Once the Pokémon is freed, the ice block will disappear. Shelley, who happened to be nearby, will walk forward and talk with us. As she points out, there were several better places to set up the PULSE machine. Regardless, she's eager to see Heather, so she'll move on. You can use the Light Shard to heal if you'd like or go back to the circus to heal up. We can continue down the stream until it pools at the end. Dive here and find the Water Stone in the center. In the far bottom left is information on a Snowy Mountain. This will help us in the upcoming city. We can resurface on the other side to find information on the Avalugg we just defeated. There's a waterfall here as well, but we can't climb it. Near the bottom of the river is another ice rink with another dive spot. Dive down and resurface on the other side. Down here is TM21 Frustration. If you go back to the circus and go to the city gate on the right, we can ascend the stairs and interact with the clown who speaks in riddles. He wants a Stunfisk, so get one for him. In exchange, we'll be given a Vulpix. Trade Stunfisk --------> Vulpix "Guardian" --------> When you're done, go back to where the ice block was. Going north grants us access to third floor of Ametrine Mountain. Here's how to get past the ice rink. Now that I've figured out how to upload more images without hitting the limit, it'll probably be easier for you to see the answer than to read it. It means more work on my part, but I think it's nicer this way. If any of you want the written instructions, let me know and I'll start adding them again. Climb the ladder and you'll find another ice rink. There's a location here that requires Rock Climb, but we obviously can't access it yet, so take the path labelled and exit the cave. Ametrine City Field: Snowy Mountain New Pokémon Alolan Vulpix, Drampa, Ambipom Morning Snover (20%) Alolan Vuplix (20%) Drampa (11%) Bergmite (10%) Piloswine (10%) Beartic (10%) Abomasnow (5%) Ambipom (5%) Furfrou (5%) Vanillish (4%) Day Snover (20%) Alolan Vulpix (20%) Bergmite (10%) Piloswine (10%) Beartic (10%) Drampa (10%) Obomasnow (5%) Furfrou (5%) Vanillish (4%) Absol (1%) Night Snover (20%) Alolan Vulpix (20%) Bergmite (10%) Piloswine (10%) Beartic (10%) Drampa (10%) Noctowl (10%) Furfrou (5%) Vanillish (4%) Absol (1%) The music here is my favourite in the game thus far. The song is a remix of Snowbelle City made by GlitchxCity. She mostly makes remixes of Pokémon music and, as you might have noticed, sometimes slips in music from other games. You may have also heard Dearly Beloved in one of the earlier background music in the game. I recommend checking out her channel. I'll also be replacing Asta on my team as he doesn't do very much. In actuality, after we finish this city I'll only have 5 permanent team members. I don't know who should be my sixth, so you may see me switching out that last member several times. Ideally I'd like someone who can learn two of the following four types: Grass, Electric, Ice, Flying. This is mostly to take advantage of field effects, but Grass and Electric Pokémon tend to have limited movesets. Raz already knows Leaf Blade and Amaterasu knows Thunder Fang, so I can do without those two types if need be. I don't really care much for Fairy, but it makes Vixen the perfect anti-Dragon killer. She can also learn Freeze-Dry which is an Ice move that's super effective on Water-type Pokémon. I'll make due with what I can. Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Max (Magneton), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) Continue to the left and speak to Shelley. She'll suggest splitting to find Heather and reconvening at a suspicious location. The PokéCenter is at the bottom right of the map. Grab a Pidove while you're down there. Move through the ice rink to find TM46 Thief. One of the boys in the northern apartments will ask us for a Pidove. Bring him one and he'll reward us with an Old Amber. It can be used to revive an Aerodactyl from the fossil scientist once we leave this place. Trade Pidove -----> (Old Amber) Aerodactyl ------> Speak with the citizens to learn of the situation. The city knew to prepare emergency rations in the event their food supply is ever blocked off. However, their emergency supply disappeared just as the path was blocked off. Fortunately the city seems to have a young guardian angel who provides food. Her identity must remain a secret, though. We'll also hear that the old gym leader, Blake, lives in the city. Tiny Mushroom Speak to the child with pink hair above the ice rink and they'll tell us the house in front of them is haunted. This seems spooky enough for Shelley. Enter the house and Shelley will emerge. She's heard that two girls died in this house. We'll investigate the PULSE machine and Shelley will state that we should search the house. She'll pick up the Battle Pass - Gravity and hand it to us since we're taking on the league. Finally, Shelley will find a diary and begin to read it since, as she says, reading a diary has never gotten anyone in trouble before. The diary belonged to Lumina Seijaya. Her father has died of sickness and her mother has also fallen ill. Not long after, the mother passes and it's just her and her older sister, Evelynn. Eventually the doctor will announce that Lumina has developed the congenital disease. In a desperate attempt to save her sister, Evelynn builds the PULSE machine to amplify the healing effect of Pokémon. Team Meteor catches wind of the device and kidnaps Lumina, demanding Evelynn build the machine for their nefarious deeds. Unfortunately for the sisters, the machine causes mayhem. A Magneton evolves while being tested upon and the machine runs rampant. Because of the nature of Magneton's evolution and the fact that the fusion was being amplified by the machine, the Team Meteor man, Evelynn, and Lumina are all fused into the same body. As you may have figured out, we've met the trio before. They are now known as ZEL. A man enters the building and tells us to leave. Shelley asks if he's seen Heather and he replies in the negative before departing. Shelley will realize that Heather is the guardian angel being spoken of and will leave. Follow her and speak to either her or the child. The child says that if word got around that Heather is the guardian angel, her caretaker will be upset. Upon Shelley's request, the child will run over and open up the doors to Blake's house. Enter the previously locked apartment complex and use the elevator to go to the top floor. Shelly asks Blake where Heather is. After finishing his video game, Blake will turn around and tell us he doesn't know where Heather is but will then change his mind. If we give him the Ruby Ring, he'll tell us where Heather is. To sweeten the deal, he'll also give us the HM for Waterfall. With that, he'll ask if we'll give him the ring. Blake: What'll it be? >(Saying Yes at any point) Shelley: I don't like it, b-but... we have to do whatever it takes to save Heather! Blake: I knew you'd see it my way. Wait, what? You already have the ring? >No Shelley: H-Huh? But <player>, w-what about Heather? We really need to find her! I, um... I have a really bad feeling about this. P-please? >No Shelley: This could be Heather's life! Please reconsider! Just give him the ring now and we'll figure it out later, okay? >No Blake: Oh. You already have the ring? I wasn't informed of that. Change of plans then. *snatches the ring* We do not negotiate with terrorists. Furthermore, as Charlotte taught us, we have no guarantee that Heather will be returned to him once he has the ring. For the sake of the guide, we'll say no. If you agree to give him the ring, you'll be reminded that he's Cal's brother, he'll give us the HM for Waterfall, and he'll tell us exactly the same thing he says if we don't give him the ring. If we don't give him the ring, we'll get a shiny Charmander eventually. Blake will inform us that he was trying to starve out the city but Heather kept feeding them, so he locked her up. Not only does he not care about Shelley's anger, he doesn't care about Team Meteor's ideals. As with Fern, he's doing whatever they ask so that he'll have a good place in the new world. He'll also tell us that today is Sunday and leave. Neat. Time to do some sleuthing. Leave the apartment and Shelley will try to brainstorm ideas. We'll be interrupted by Cal. He's no longer dying his hair red, so you may not recognize him at first. Cal will apologize for whatever happened between him and Shelley. He's working on bettering the future now. Previously he had tried to do anything to be better than his brother. He even joined Team Meteor just like 70% of the other characters. Shelley will briefly relay the conversation in the apartment and Cal will inform us he heard Blake calling Team Meteor for backup. He suggests we find Heather so she can dispatch the air unit Team Meteor is sending out. That would free us up to deal with Blake. Cal then plans to take care of Solaris once he lands. He'll leave to go slow down Blake while also telling us to search Blake's apartment for a secret passage. Go back to Blake's room. Have fun checking out the different things in the apartment. The seat cushion in the bottom left has a coin, but it doesn't actually get added to our Poké funds. When you're ready to progress, check the game console to receive a Program Drive. The dresser at the bottom has a key handle. The trash by the television has a key head. Use it to unlock the cabinet by the trashcan. We'll receive the power cable. Plug this into the computer and insert the Program Drive. We'll be asked for the password which is 5083164. Go and speak to Shelley and she'll exit through the secret door that's opened. We'll be in Ametrine Mountain's fifth floor. Climb the ladder past the sixth floor and exit at the mountain summit. Speak with Shelley and she'll start calling for Heather. Inside the storage unit, Heather will realize that she is, in fact, a brat. When she hears Shelley's voice, she'll approach the door. Shelley will summon her Yanmega (named Heather) and Heather will summon Salamance. The two of them will break down the door and Heather will apologize for being a brat. Shelley will body slam her and tell her it's alright. After being debriefed, Heather will summon Salamance and have it carry both her and Shelley off to go fight Team Meteor's air force. The attack on Team Meteor has begun, so let's go find Cal. Return to the city and head to the northwest corner. Cal will be talking at Blake who's tired of hearing his brother. Two Meteor aces fly up and prevent us from progressing, so clip their wings. Our Pokémon will be healed after each fight. Continue fighting your way up the mountain. Where the path diverges you can go to the left to pick up a Full Restore. Heather will descend and tell Cal there's more to the air unit than they anticipated. He'll summon his Charizard and fly into the sky with it. Heather left Shelley up ahead, so we'll need to catch up. We'll enter a double battle with her as well. Team Meteor is insistent that they slow us down enough for Blake to deliver the Ruby Ring. You may notice she's caught a Scolipede she named Cain and a Vivillon named Noel. Once Team Meteor is pushed out of the way, continue up the mountain. At the split, take the path on the right and follow it around to find TM49 Echoed Voice. Before entering the mountain, prepare yourself for the next fight. Enter the cave and we'll be stopped by Aster if we didn't willingly give Blake the ring. He'll flash the HM for Waterfall to draw our attention. He'll then yell at us to fight him. Meteor Knight Aster Ultra Potion x2 Field: Icy Field Solrock (Level 67) Ability: Levitate Item: Light Clay Stats: HP 232 / Atk 183 / Def 153 / SpA 101 / SpD 127 / Spe 133 Explosion, Stealth Rock, Reflect, Light Screen Golurk (Level 68) Ability: No Guard Item: --- Stats: HP 234 / Atk 209 / Def 149 / SpA 115 / SpD 149 / Spe 115 Dynamic Punch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Shadow Punch Krookodile (Level 69) Ability: Intimidate Item: Muscle Band Stats: HP 245 / Atk 222 / Def 151 / SpA 117 / SpD 137 / Spe 167 Earthquake, Outrage, Rock Slide, Foul Play Passimian (Level 69) Ability: Defiant Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 281 / Atk 171 / Def 194 / SpA 125 / SpD 119 / Spe 136 Close Combat, Earthquake, Rock Slide, U-Turn Lycanroc [Midday] (Level 70) Ability: Sand Rush Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 207 / Atk 231 / Def 161 / SpA 132 / SpD 161 / Spe 249 Brick Break, Rock Slide, Crunch, Sandstorm Lycanroc [Midnight] (Level 73) Ability: No Guard Item: Elemental Seed (+2 Speed) Stats: HP 221 / Atk 254 / Def 175 / SpA 132 / SpD 175 / Spe 185 Thunder Fang, Stone Edge, Crunch, Swords Dance Having difficulty? This field turns Rock-type moves into Ice attacks, increases the power of Ice moves by 50%, decrease the power of Fire moves by 50%, and halves damage received from the Burn status. It can be turned into a default field by using Earthquake, Magnitude, or Bulldoze. It can be transformed into a Water Surface using Eruption, Lava Plume, Heat Wave, Flame Burst, Searing Shot, Fire Pledge, or Inferno Overdrive. There are also a list of moves which will increase the Pokémon's speed if used. Solrock is Rock/Psychic. It's weak to Bug, Ghost, Steel, Water, Grass, and Dark attacks but immune to Ground moves. As you can tell by its moveset, Solrock is primarily here to set up shields for the team before checking out. Take it out quickly before it explodes. Golurk is Ground/Ghost. It's weak to Ghost, Water, Grass, Ice, and Dark attacks but immune to Normal, Fighting, and Electric moves. Krookodile is Ground/Dark. It's weak to Fighting, Bug, Water, Grass, Ice, Fairy attacks but immune to Electric and Psychic moves. Passimian is a Fighting-type. It's weak to Flying, Psychic, and Fairy attacks. The Lycanrocs are Rock-type Pokémon. They're weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass. Once defeated, Aster will give us HM05 Waterfall. Ever since Eclipse passed, Aster's been thinking. He does want the world to change, but not like this. He was hoping that he would be able to beat us if he used Eclipse and his Pokémon to prove to himself he has the strength to make a difference, but he doesn't. As such, he's leaving the fate of the future in our hands. Ascend to the 8th floor and find an Ultra Potion in the rock. Exit the cave and join Shelley at the mountain's peak. Blake has already defeated Shelley and will engage us in a double battle leading with his Gyarados and Mamoswine. Agent Blake Ultra Potion x2 Field: Snowy Mountain Gyarados (Level 67) Ability: Intimidate Item: --- Stats: HP 239 / Atk 227 / Def 145 / SpA 108 / SpD 173 / Spe 148 Stone Edge, Waterfall, Crunch, Dragon Dance Mamoswine (Level 67) Ability: Oblivious Item: --- Stats: HP 251 / Atk 226 / Def 139 / SpA 113 / SpD 112 / Spe 139 Earthquake, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock Weavile (Level 69) Ability: Pickpocket Item: --- Stats: HP 197 / Atk 235 / Def 116 / SpA 79 / SpD 143 / Spe 217 Night Slash, Ice Shard, Knock Off, Power-Up Punch Starmie (Level 70) Ability: Natural Cure Item: Icy Rock Stats: HP 197 / Atk 235 / Def 116 / SpA 79 / SpD 143 / Spe 217 Blizzard, Thunder, Hail, Light Screen Walrein (Level 70) Ability: Ice Body Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 299 / Atk 124 / Def 168 / SpA 159 / SpD 196 / Spe 117 Avalanche, Surf, Stockpile, Protect Alolan Sandslash (Level 73) Ability: Slush Rush Item: --- Stats: HP 215 / Atk 240 / Def 202 / SpA 57 / SpD 122 / Spe 168 Earthquake, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Swords Dance Having difficulty? Blake opens with Gyarados, so send out Special Attackers first so you don't have to worry about the Intimidate ability. Gyarados is Water/Flying. She's 4x more susceptible to Electric attacks, weak to Rock attacks but immune to Ground moves. Mamoswine is Ice/Ground. He's weak to Fighting, Steel, Fire, Water, and Grass attacks but immune to Electric moves. Weavile is Dark/Ice. She's 4x more susceptible to Fighting attacks, weak to Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, and Fairy attacks, and immune to Psychic moves. Starmie is Water/Psychic. It's weak to Bug, Ghost, Grass, Electric, and Dark attacks. Walrein is Ice/Water. He's weak to Fighting, Rock, Grass, and Electric attacks. Alolan Sandslash is Ice/Steel. He's 4x more susceptible to Fighting and Fire attacks and weak to Ground attacks. Vixen and Bartholomew were able to take out 4 of his team members due to their wide type coverage. Bartholomew's Flash Cannon was extremely helpful here since Blake's team know moves that could hurt Max. Vixen's Ice Beam and Freeze Dry destroyed anyone Bartholomew couldn't. I don't bother using healing items since the enemy will just bring my Pokémon down quickly enough. I only state this to remind you to make sure your team is balanced in terms of who can fight which types. Maybe if you try really hard you'll be as good as me one day. Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Max (Magneton), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) Despite defeating Blake, Team Meteor has delayed enough for a helicopter to arrive for him to escape. Cal and Heather will drop by and attack Blake, stealing the ring back before he can board the noisy machine. Cal will hand the Ruby Ring to Heather and Blake will set out to leave. Shelley will ask how to turn off the sleep spell on Agate and Blake will tell us whoever informed us of that lied as Ametrine has nothing to do with that. Cal will confirm that there's no base up here and whoever told us that the signal came from here was lying. We'll tell him that Terra misled us and he'll inform us that she's part of Team Meteor, thus confirming the theory that 75% of the cast is part of the terrorist organization. He'll suggest we go confront Terra and will even offer us a ride down the mountain. The final thing we can do is go get a Riolu and Banettite. Go to the first house you can access when coming from the mountain on the right. There will be an old man in here now. Speak to him and he'll tell us that there are some Pokémon who brave the cold and live on the mountain. Go left towards where we started chasing Blake. A Lucario on top of the rooftops will spot us and run off. Go back and speak with the old man. He'll tell us the Lucario was abandoned by a trainer and is wary of humans. Go to the right as if you're leaving the city but take this route instead. Mama Lucario will rush forward to attack us, revealing her egg in the process. She'll run off with it in the blink of an eye. Speak with the old man and he'll say that he's been noticing her around the city lately. It's likely that she's looking for someone to raise her egg since she realizes the cold mountain is no place for a newborn Riolu. Go west and take the path up the mountain. Just before entering the cave, go to the left. Right before entering the cave, we'll be confronted by the Mama Lucario. Pokemon Pariah Field: Snowy Mountain Lucario (Level 85) Ability: ??? Item: ??? Stats: HP ??? / Atk ??? / Def ??? / SpA ??? / SpD ??? / Spe ??? ???, ???, ???, Swords Dance Having difficulty? Mama Lucario is Fighting/Steel. She's weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire attacks but immune to Poison moves. I don't know much about her, but when I saw her level I knew she would set up Swords Dance and sweep my team. I threw in Raz and took her down instantly with a single Close Combat. The mother will bow to acknowledge us as a powerful trainer and point to her cave. She'll then disappear. Enter the cave to find a Fairy Memory and a Riolu egg. Riolu (Level 1) Quick Attack, Endure, Vacuum Wave, Crunch Riolu was the final member I was looking for on my team. I'll be replacing Max with him. Don't forget that Riolu only evolves at max friendship during the day. You can feed yours around 50 PokéSnax to reach max happiness. Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Tien Shinhan (Lucario), Vixen (Alolan Ninetales) Finally, head south from Blake's apartment and make a right. If you had attempted to go to the northwest portion of the map before speaking to Shelley in the house, you were stopped by this lady. She lost her necklace and can't seem to find it anywhere. If you happen to still have a Floral Charm on you, she'll trade it to us for a Banettite. This is used to Mega Evolve a Banette, but we require a Key Stone which we don't have. We're all done in the city. Return to the circus and speak to the man in the hard hat to the far northeast corner. He'll tell us that Terra broke the Ferris wheel yet again by putting nothing but Alt-Exeggcutors in it. While cleaning up the area, they found a Fighting Memory. The man will hand it to us. When your team is leveled and ready, enter the tent and speak with Samson. After a bit of banter, Ciel will notice that we've obtained the Battle Pass for Terra. Unfortunately, she's been disappearing rather often and is currently out. Ciel will mention that she can't get to many places with the sleep spell on Agate City but Samson will point out that she managed to find us in the city without falling asleep. We'll tell the two that the sleep spell wasn't being sent from Ametrine City and that Terra is a member of Team Meteor. Ciel brushes us aside as Team Meteor would never accept someone so... "quirky". Just at that moment, Terra will appear. Samson will ask her if she's part of Team Meteor and she'll tell us she is. After pressing a few commands into the computer, she'll disappear. Apparently she's uploaded herself into the computer, a feat which isn't too surprising given that we upload Pokémon to a computer. The video game her world is based on is Gen 1 of Pokémon. It will only accept two players at a time, so Samson will suggest we follow after her since we know the most about what's going on. Ame will give us some advice if you use the terminal to connect to the town hall. When you're ready, speak to the strongman. Glitch City Field: Glitch Field (You're going to want to read this one) WARNING Glitch City becomes inaccessible once we leave. Catch all Pokémon that you're interested in getting now as we cannot return later. However, we've already caught all the Pokémon in this area, so don't stress about it too much. Proceed through the door and keep going forward. You might realize you're walking the path of Victory Road. At one point, Terra will jump down and attempt to smash us with her hammer. Fortunately she misses and only manages to kill the guard. She'll run around smashing the place until the textures are messed up before running off. Walk through the pattern on the far right and descend the ladder. Mt. Moon Zubat (79%) Geodude (15%) Paras (5%) Clefairy (1%) There are some trainers sown throughout the mountain. If you're too lazy to read the Glitch Field effects, look down below at the next boss battle. I list the most important things to remember. There's a Rare Candy at the bottom right of the map. Exit the mountain at the bottom left. Opal Ward Rattata (30%) Bidoof (30%) Patrat (15%) Pidgey (15%) Meowth (5%) Ekans (5%) Exit into the stairs at the bottom left, ignoring the poor soul who's glitched into the wall. You'll arrive at the Rocket Hideout. If you'd like, there's a Light Shard at the bottom left. I trust you'll be able to find your way through the puzzle. When you're healed, go to the bottom right room and take the exit instead of the stairs. We'll arrive in Lavender Town. We can find a tombstone with Eclipse's name on it. To move on, enter the solo house in the center. All other doors lead back to the Rocket Hideout. Byxbysion Wasteland Grimer (40%) Muk (10%) Koffing (10%) Weedle (10%) Weezing (10%) Ekans (5%) Arbok (5%) Cubone (4%) Drowzee (4%) Marowak (1%) Hypno (1%) Go to the building at the bottom left of the map. Interact with the statue in here to flip a switch and exit to the bottom right. The path in this new area contains a hidden Max Potion. At the bottom left is a Dubious Disc. Step back through the stairs and go south of the scientist who fought us. Citae Astrae Just Porygon. The Porygon here are all shiny. Exit directly south of the doors. Victory Road Onix (30%) Machop (25%) Zubat (20%) Geodude (10%) Golbat (5%) Machoke (5%) Marowak (1%) Graveler (1%) Exit north. Cerulean Cave Rhydon (20%) Electrode (20%) Marowak (10%) Venomoth (10%) Parasect (10%) Dodrio (10%) Hypno (10%) Arbok (5%) Raichu (5%) There's another Light Shard just before you start surfing. I highly recommend you use it since we have a boss fight coming up. Continue down the path and talk to Mewtwo. PKMNPKNT M2 Field: Glitch Field Mewtwo (Level 75) Ability: Pressure Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 268 / Atk 173 / Def 163 / SpA 336 / SpD 163 / Spe 270 Psystrike, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Recover Having difficulty? If you need to switch out your party, you can exit Cerulean Cave to be sent straight back to the real world. BE WARNED that once you defeat Mewtwo, you'll have to face Terra. That means you'll have to use the team you fought Mewtwo with. Make sure you read about the Glitch Field. One of the biggest changes is that Dark, Fairy, and Steel moves deal Normal damage and Dragon moves always deal neutral damage (not super effective or resistant). To add to that, moves are classified as Physical or Special based on their type, not whether they're actually Physical or Special. I've adjusted the moves above to match whether they're Physical or Special according to the field. Here's the list: Special Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Dragon Physical Normal (Dark, Steel, Fairy) Fighting Flying Ground Rock Bug Ghost Poison Mewtwo is a Psychic Legendary. Due to the field, it's only weak to Bug attacks. If you get tired of the battle, use any of the Pokémon we used to complete Event: G. Follow the path to its end and use the Light Shard on your left to heal up before facing Terra. She'll tell us she joined Team Meteor because she got bored. M3GA T3RR4 Ultra Potion x3 Field: Glitch Field Nidoking "GIOVANNI" (Level 68) Ability: Sheer Force Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 209 / Atk 147 / Def 130 / SpA 184 / SpD 128 / Spe 202 Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Amnesia Hippowdon "HIPHOPOTAMUS" (Level 69) Ability: Sand Stream Item: Smooth Rock Stats: HP 292 / Atk 246 / Def 189 / SpA 108 / SpD 125 / Spe 91 Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Yawn, Stealth Rock Excadrill "EXCAKILL" (Level 70) Ability: Sand Rush Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 256 / Atk 227 / Def 100 / SpA 86 / SpD 117 / Spe 194 Earthquake, X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Swords Dance Palossand "GIVE SANDY" (Level 70) Ability: Sand Veil Item: Synthetic Seed (+1 Def & +1 Sp. Def & converts the user to a ??? type) Stats: HP 264 / Atk 117 / Def 181 / SpA 231 / SpD 131 / Spe 75 Shadow Ball, Shore Up, Giga Drain, Amnesia Quagsire "SWAGSIRE" (Level 71) Ability: Unaware Item: Synthetic Seed (+1 Def & +1 Sp. Def & converts the user to a ??? type) Stats: HP 282 / Atk 132 / Def 211 / SpA 119 / SpD 120 / Spe 76 Scald, Blizzard, Amnesia, Recover Garchomp "RAWRCHOMP" (Level 77) Ability: Rough Skin Item: Assault Vest Stats: HP 281 / Atk 231 / Def 177 / SpA 137 / SpD 210 / Spe 259 Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower Having difficulty? Nidoking is Poison/Ground. He's weak to Ground, Water, Psychic, and Ice attacks but immune to Electric moves. Due to the field, Nidoking is no longer resistant to Bug moves. The combination of Sheer Force and the Life Orb makes him hit incredibly hard, so try to take him down in one swift attack. Hippowdon is a Ground-type Pokémon. She's weak to Water, Grass, and Ice attacks. Excadrill is Ground/Steel. She's weak to Fighting, Ground, Fire, and Water attacks but immune to Poison and Electric moves. Palossand is Ghost/Ground. She's weak to Ghost, Water, Grass, Ice, and Dark attacks but immune to Normal, Fighting, and Electric moves. Quagsire is Water/Ground. She's 4x more susceptible to Grass attacks. Garchomp is Dragon/Ground. She's 4x more susceptible to Ice attacks, weak to Fairy attacks, and immune to Electric moves. Due to the field, Dragon moves always deal neutral damage, so it's not super effective in this battle. Because the Assault Vest raises her Special Defense and the Glitch Field only takes into account the higher stat between Special Attack and Special Defense, her Special moves are equally improved. Flamethrower is going to hurt, so avoid using Ice-type Pokémon. Despite the circumstances, Terra will award us the Gravity Badge. It'll invisibly increase our Defense of all our Pokémon and allow us to use Waterfall. She'll then give us TM78 Bulldoze before running off. We can't follow her, so leave from the south exit. Ciel and Samson were spectating our battle and will congratulate us. Samson will then unplug the computer. Now Terra is either stuck in the computer world or dead. If she's alive, the other two will let her out after we defeat Team Meteor. For now, we have a Waterfall to scale, so head over to Titania and Amaria's house. Chapter 15 Progress 100% (Last Updated: July 9, 2018)
  11. @Deathboo Never mind. I just refreshed the page and I see what you mean. I've fixed it now. Thank you.
  12. @DeathBoo Unfortunately the website I use for gifs doesn't have the various forms for different Pokémon. That's why the Lycanroc Midnight form and the Alolan forms are always images.
  13. Chapter 13 Charlotte's Gym Section start date: June 1, 2018 Section post date: June 8, 2018 If I miss something or you have a question for me, please post it in the separate discussion thread. Even if it's a simple grammatical error, feel free to alert me. Thank you. Thank you to the following people for your contribution to this part of the guide: Paperblade, Hallowilicious Current Team Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Andonuts (Silvally), Max (Magneton) Return to the house of red and blue and speak to Titania. Amaria is out for a walk, so Red'll leave to fetch the machine for us. As far as I'm aware, the game will not progress until we interact with Titania's diary. We're given the option to read it or not, but it honestly doesn't matter which one you pick. At least, in this episode it doesn't. Might as well read it. The general idea is this: Titania had started dating Amaria in the hopes that she could help her to feel better about herself, but Blue has only become more dependent. She's tired of pretending to be in love with Amaria and knows that the relationship will end in one of them dying. Guess who will return as we're reading? Titania will toss us HM03 Surf and ask us if we're reading her diary. Titania: Were you reading my diary? >Yes Titania: Knowing that's what it was? Have you no regard for personal privacy? Just because it was left open in a moment of haste-- haste, in courtesy to yourself, no less-- you do NOT have permission to read it. >No Titania: You're lying. How childish. If you're caught in the act of something at least have the decency not to be dishonest as well. Whether we read it or not will result in the same response, so for the sake of the guide we'll read it and admit to the act. Titania will explain that even though it was a terrible choice she didn't know how to react when her closest friend threw herself at her. According to her, Amaria already struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts. Titania doesn't want to be the reason she decides to end it all. You may have noticed something blue walking underneath the text box. Amaria will ask what we're talking about and of course Titania won't tell her. We're then given the option to explain. Amaria: <player>? What is she talking about? >Tell her Titania: You idiot. Amaria: She... what? Tania wouldn't say that... She's been with me for years... She said she would stay with me, forever. >Don't tell her Amaria: I see how it is. That's fine... Then I'll just... *runs to the diary and reads it* Titania: Don't do that. Amaria: ... "Fake fairy tale romance?" Even if you didn't read the diary and you choose to tell Amaria, you'll relate what Titania had said. I don't want to get involved in this, so for the sake of the guide, we won't tell her. It's horrible, but it's on Titania to tell her. I don't know them well enough to intervene. As you can see, it doesn't matter anyway. Amaria will be heartbroken and will leave. Titania will race after her. You're free to read Titania's diary now if you didn't before. Exit the house. We'll spot Absol on our way out. Continue south until you hear Titania. Move west and we'll see the two arguing. Amaria will attempt to set Titania free by leaping off the waterfall in a suicide attempt. Titania states that she's going after her even though she doesn't have a way back up. She threatens that we'd better find a way to retrieve the both of them or she'll haunt us. With that, she leaps after Amaria. Use Surf to cross the river. Celestinine Cascade Morning Hawlucha (30%) Rufflet (20%) Meditite (10%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Ursaring (10%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (5%) Day Donphan (21%) Rufflet (20%) Meditite (10%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Ursaring (10%) Meinfoo (6%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (4%) Rhydon (4%) Night Noctowl (30%) Meditite (20%) Boldore (11%) Donphan (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Meinfoo (6%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (4%) Rhydon (4%) Surf Wailmer (64%) Lumineon (30%) Wishiwashi (6%) Alternatively, you can move northward while surfing to enter another section of the mountain. Citrine Mountain 1F New Pokémon Golduck Woobat (20%) Swinub (20%) Piloswine (15%) Cubchoo (10%) Swoobat (10%) Phanpy (10%) Alolan Sandshrew (5%) Beartic (5%) Donphan (4%) Alolan Sandslash (1%) Old Rod Remoraid (70%) Basculin (30%) Good Rod Remoraid (60%) Clauncher (20%) Octillery (20%) Surf Golduck (60%) Wishiwashi (30%) Lumineon (5%) Octillery (5%) If you move to the right, you can find an Ultra Ball in the first rock you come across. Ascend the ladder to find an ice rink. Move north, west, south, west into the rock, north, west into the rock, south into the rock, and west. Surf across the water. Ametrine Mountain New Pokémon Wailmer Surf Wailmer (60%) Seel (30%) Lumineon (5%) Wishiwashi (4%) Dewgong (1%) There are spots to dive in here, but we don't have the HM for Dive. Continue northeast until you exit the mountain. Look familiar? Grab some Rage Powder and use this path to return to where Amaria jumped. Continue all the way to the right but don't take the stairs up. Instead, continue to the right until you reach this location. If you can't interact with the Crustle, enter Titania and Amaria's house and return here. It should fix the bug. The bug will run into the cave upon being awoken by Rage Powder. Enter the cave and interact with the Crustle nest when you have a Pokésnax to encounter a Salandit. *Salandit (Level 50) ?? *Levels and moves may vary Only female Salandits evolve, so either restart your game until you get one, feed the nest Pokésnax until a female emerges, or hold onto a male and breed it later. Only 12.5% of Salandits are female, so you might have to try for a while. Go back and cross the river. Proceed to the north and you'll come across a leaping stone maze. Continue to the right and we'll come across a Reaper Cloth. It's used to evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir. Return to the stairs and continue north into the cave. Celestinine Mountain Buizel (24%) Swinub (20%) Cubchoo (14%) Floatzel (11%) Piloswine (10%) Beartic (10%) Alolan Sandshrew (5%) Alolan Sandslash (5%) Delibird (1%) Surf Wailmer (60%) Lumineon (30%) Golduck (5%) Wishiwashi (4%) Dewgong (1%) Old Rod Finneon (70%) Wishiwashi (30%) Good Rod Remoraid (60%) Clauncher (20%) Qwilfish (20%) Progressing through this cave requires Waterfall, but we can still go to where we need to be by walking through here. Move upwards and ascend the ladder. The rock to the northwest contains an Ultra Ball. Descend the ladder and move to the far right. Swim north east and you'll find an ice rink. Go down into the rock, left, down, right into the rock, up into the rock, right, up, and descend the stairs. Swim to the right and ascend the stairs and climb the ladder. We've seen this ice rink before, so progress to the left and swim as far north as possible. When the rocks stop you, jump onto the land to the west. You should be in this location. You can also get there by going through here. Continue left until you meet an ice rink. Slide left into the far rock, down into the wall, left into the rock, up into the wall, left into the rock, south into the rock, left into the wall, and up onto land. Move forward and speak to Aya. As the others will state, a pyramid of ice is blocking the path to Ametrine City. Furthermore, we can only get the HM for Waterfall from a gym leader in Ametrine. Finally, Ametrine City is located at the peak of the mountain. They have no way of producing or receiving food. If we don't do something, they'll starve to death. Hardy will summon his Gigalith to break through the ice only to find that it's impenetrable. Cain will state that any Fire Pokémon who tries to melt their way through would collapse before getting anywhere. Hardy will suggest we get help from the gym leaders in Calcenon City. The city is just up ahead, so continue moving and exit the mountain. Route 3 New Pokémon Gligar, Starly, Golett, Kangaskhan, Druddigon Morning Meinfoo (20%) Ursaring (20%) Bronzong (16%) Starly (10%) Staravia (10%) Graveler (10%) Gligar (8%) Bronzor (5%) Staraptor (1%) Day Golett (20%) Meinfoo (20%) Starly (10%) Staravia (10%) Ursaring (10%) Graveler (10%) Gligar (8%) Bronzor (5%) Bronzong (5%) Golurk (1%) Absol (1%) Night Golett (20%) Ursaring (20%) Graveler (20%) Noctowl (20%) Gligar (8%) Bronzor (5%) Bronzong (5%) Golurk (1%) Absol (1%) Caves Graveler (20%) Shiinotic (20%) Kangaskhan (18%) Druddigon (12%) Rhydon (10%) Piloswine (10%) Boldore (10%) Continue east. The path into the city is just up ahead, but as we approach the stairs, they're smited by God. Hardy will state that the blast came from the city. Saphira will descend on her Dragonite to check on us. She'll repeat the Labradorra situation to us before another blast hits. According to her, Team Meteor is sieging Calcenon from afar with a PULSE Clawitzer. The Dragon gym leader has been deflecting the blasts but they have to land somewhere. She advises us to take the eastern entrance into the city and leaves. The gang moves forward, so we should, too. Move east. Before you run up the stairs, there's an Ultra Potion in the rock to our right. As we continue moving, the bridge will be blasted just as Hardy and Cain are on it. Speak with Aya and we'll discover that the pair are alright. They'll continue moving while we're teamed up with Aya. Now that she's paired with us, we'll encounter Pokémon in pairs. We'll need to defeat one of them before we can catch the other. She'll also keep our Pokémon healed, so this is a grinding episode. It'll be a lot easier to catch Pokémon once she's no longer with us since she'll only attack the Pokémon we want to catch, so I advise you keep moving. Enter the cave and jump down the small ledge. Immediately jump to the southern wall and continue east before descending the ladder. We can climb the ladder in the next room to access the mining stone and the Hyper Potion hidden in the rock beside it. Jump down and head into the room to the west to discover another Metal Coat. Return to the lower room and exit south. We can ascend the broken bridge to the left to find a Max Elixir. The next bridge has also been struck by a deflected blast, so we'll have to go around. Before going east into the cave, go west and pick up the Rare Candy hidden in the rock. Once inside the cave, pick up the Tiny Mushroom in the rock to the right. Further up ahead we'll find Team Meteor hiding out. Apparently they've built into the base. Enter the back room, switch the terminal, and exit south. Jump north, west, and south to access the center with the ladder. Climb up and exit the cave. Another blast shakes the area as we cross the bridge. We'll spot Absol running along the path as well. As we continue east, we'll be able to jump across some rocks to enter the cave below. Once inside, hug the right wall and jump down the ledges. Enter the room in the back and switch out your team if you'd like. Remember, we can grind for quite a while with Aya here. When you've healed and prepared your party for an intense fight, activate the terminal and exit north. Our friends Aster and Eclipse will be waiting for us. Aster will send the other Meteor grunt to get back up while they fight us, though Eclipse seems a bit done with it all. We'll engage them in a double battle. For the sake of clarity, the two individual teams are separated. Meteor Knight Aster Ultra Potion x1 Field: Factory Field Solrock (Level 64) Ability: Levitate Item: Light Clay Stats: HP 222 / Atk 174 / Def 147 / SpA 97 / SpD 121 / Spe 127 Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Reflect, Will-O-Wisp Golurk (Level 65) Ability: No Guard Item: --- Stats: HP 224 / Atk 200 / Def 142 / SpA 110 / SpD 142 / Spe 110 Dynamic Punch, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Phantom Force Passimian (Level 65) Ability: Receiver Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 238 / Atk 194 / Def 155 / SpA 90 / SpD 116 / Spe 142 Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Giga Impact Krookodile (Level 66) Ability: Intimidate Item: Muscle Band Stats: HP 235 / Atk 216 / Def 144 / SpA 112 / SpD 131 / Spe 160 Bulldoze, Outrage, Rock Slide, Foul Play Lycanroc [Midnight] (Level 67) Ability: No Guard Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 225 / Atk 212 / Def 140 / SpA 101 / SpD 140 / Spe 149 Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Stone Edge, Swords Dance Having difficulty? Defeating one person's team will allow us to battle the other person in a 2-on-1 battle, assuming Aya survives. Solrock is Rock/Psychic. It's weak to Bug, Ghost, Steel, Water, Grass, and Dark attacks but immune to Ground attacks. Golurk is Ground/Ghost. It's weak to Ghost, Water, Grass, Ice, and Dark attacks but immune to Normal, Fighting, and Electric moves. Passimian is a Fighting-type Pokémon. He's weak to Flying, Psychic, and Fairy attacks. Krookodile is Ground/Dark. He's weak to Fighting, Bug, Water, Grass, Ice, and Fairy attacks but immune to Electric and Psychic moves. Lycanroc is a Rock-type Pokémon. He's weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass attacks. Meteor Dame Eclipse Ultra Potion x1 Field: Factory Field Lunatone (Level 64) Ability: Levitate Item: Light Clay Stats: HP 222 / Atk 97 / Def 121 / SpA 174 / SpD 147 / Spe 127 Moonblast, Icy Wind, Blizzard, Reflect Vileplume (Level 65) Ability: Effect Spore Item: --- Stats: HP 206 / Atk 127 / Def 149 / SpA 199 / SpD 155 / Spe 103 Sludge Bomb, Petal Dance, Nature Power, Sleep Powder Oranguru (Level 65) Ability: Telepathy Item: Light Clay Stats: HP 225 / Atk 104 / Def 142 / SpA 155 / SpD 199 / Spe 116 Foul Play, Nature Power, Instruct, Reflect Milotic (Level 66) Ability: Marvel Scale Item: Leftovers Stats: HP 235 / Atk 106 / Def 143 / SpA 188 / SpD 204 / Spe 146 Scald, Blizzard, Recover, Confuse Ray Lycanroc [Midday] (Level 67) Ability: Sand Rush Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 212 / Atk 193 / Def 126 / SpA 101 / SpD 126 / Spe 207 Fire Fang, Rock Slide, Crunch, Brick Break Having difficulty? Lunatone is Rock/Psychic. It's weak to Bug, Ghost, Steel, Water, Grass, and Dark attacks but immune to Ground attacks. Vileplume is Grass/Poison. She's weak to Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Ice attacks. Oranguru is Normal/Psychic. She's weak to Bug and Dark attacks but immune to Ghost moves. Milotic is a Water-type Pokémon. She's weak to Grass and Electric moves. Lycanroc is a Rock-type Pokémon. She's weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass attacks. Eclipse will announce that she's quitting Team Meteor. She'll even go as far as to turn off the PULSE Clawitzer for us. Since joining the terrorist group all she's seen them do is hurt people, not change the world. As she states, a new world is useless if everyone they care about is dead. Aster states his confusion and Eclipse says it's because he grew up on the streets, so he wouldn't understand. She, however, has family. In fact, her father is in Calcenon City. Eclipse finally tells us Team Meteor's goal. They had intended to cause everyone to abandon the city by doing horrible things so that they could cleanse it. Apparently everything changed when Lin took charge. Sirius will arrive and summon his Chandelure on Eclipse's head. The Pokémon burns away her soul, leaving the husk that is her body. The Team Meteor admin will then turn his Pokémon on us. Luckily Aya will push us out of the way, but Sirius grabs her and takes her hostage. He'll retreat with his prisoner while Aster carries Eclipse's corpse away. Their exit will be destroyed, so we can't chase after them. There's no need to heal your party as they'll be fully restored. We can go to the room at in the lower left to get TM86 Grass Knot. When you're done, exit to the right and go right into Route 4. At this point I'll be changing out my party. Unfortunately Andonuts (Silvally) isn't fast enough nor does it hit hard enough to warrant a spot on my team, so I'm bringing Asta back. Asta still provides some coverage that other members of the team don't like Grass and Flying moves. Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Asta (Simisage), Max (Magneton) Route 4 New Pokémon Cottonee, Snover, Pawniard, Phantump Morning Audino (20%) Piloswine (20%) Cottonee (14%) Blitzle (14%) Zebstrika (11%) Snover (10%) Bronzor (5%) Bronzong (5%) Abomasnow (1%) Day Audino (20%) Piloswine (20%) Zebstrika (11%) Cottonee (10%) Snover (10%) Blitzle (10%) Bronzor (5%) Bronzong (5%) Pawniard (4%) Abomasnow (4%) Absol (1%) Night Noctowl (20%) Audino (20%) Piloswine (20%) Snover (10%) Bronzong (10%) Zebstrika (5%) Phantump (5%) Pawniard (4%) Abomasnow (4%) Absol (2%) Old Rod Finneon (70%) Goldeen (30%) Good Rod Lumineon (60%) Wishiwashi (20%) Basculin (20%) We can find information on a Burning Field lying on the floor. There's a Heart Scale by it. There's also a Heart Scale here. Continue north west into the town. As we walk through the gate terminal, we'll spot Hardy. Cain went to visit some friends, so we'll only tell Hardy about what happened to Aya. He'll dash off. We can enter the city's PokéCenter and trade with Emmy. She's looking for a Qwilfish and is willing to give us her Munchlax. As a reminder, we can get a Qwilfish by fishing in Ametrine Mountain with a Good Rod. Qwilfish ------> Munchlax "Mr. Bumbles" -------> As we travel around the city, we'll learn that Team Meteor has knocked out the power supply for most of the city. Enter the house at the top right. A man here states that his daughter, Caitlyn, went off to find a treatment for his incurable disease. As you'll soon realize, the girl is Eclipse. We'll inform him of her fate, but in his disbelief he'll grow upset and demand that we leave. Go into the house west of the PokéCenter where we'll find the orphan twins, Shelly, and Cain. We'll inform them of Aya's situation. Cain isn't concerned, however, as he's certain she'll be able to defend herself. As Cain will inform us, a man named Blake has decided to adopt Heather. The young girl agreed and the two left. According to Shelley, only bad rumours follow Blake. He's not someone we want to leave Heather with. Both of them are in Ametrine City which is currently off limits. Anna will start pacing as we talk with the others before exclaiming that all we have to do dive under the iceberg blocking Ametrine City. We already have the HM for Dive and Charlotte is the gym leader who will certify us to use it, so we'll need to go talk to her. The western part of the city is blocked off by the force field. Speak with Saphira and we'll inform her that Eclipse is the one who turned off the PULSE machine that was attacking Calcenon. According to her, the PULSE Clawitzer was using Calcenon's power while the force field is using Labradorra's power. Speak with Hardy and he'll start ramming his body against the force field to no avail. Fern will appear on the other side of the force field and state that he's joined "the winners". He'll taunt Hardy for a bit before leaving. There's nothing more to do, so let's go to the gym. When we enter, we'll see Laura and Charlotte arguing. Laura will leave because she doesn't like to cry in front of others. Apparently she got a notification that she's been fired from the Elite Four by Ame. Not only that, but she's already been replaced which isn't how things usually go in the Reborn League. Charlotte will leave, so go back and speak with Saphira. Sirius will emerge dragging Aya by the hair behind him. He demands that we relinquish the Ruby Ring or he will execute Aya. Saphira states that we don't negotiate with terrorists. Hardy will get upset and yell that a "piece of jewelry" isn't worth more than Aya's life. As Saphira points out, Team Meteor will kill Aya whether or not we give them the ring. Hardy makes a comment that Saphira wouldn't let one of her sisters die for the ring, but Saphira says he's wrong. At that moment, Charlotte appears. Having heard this, she'll be hurt by her sister's words. She'll then ask if we would sacrifice her for the ring. Charlotte: Would you be so callous as to throw me to the dogs for the sake of some stupid ring? >No Charlotte: I knew you'd understand. Then give me the Ruby Ring, now. If you meant what you said, you'll give it to me. Hardy: Uh, wasn't it just a hypothetical question? Charlotte: Now! *takes the ring* >Yes Charlotte: Oh, how could you?! If that's how it's going to be, then I just need to steal the ring to save myself! Hardy: Uh, wasn't it just a hypothetical question? Charlotte *takes the ring* Regardless of how we respond, Charlotte will take the ring and run off. As Saphira stated, we do not negotiate with terrorists. Even if I gave them the ring, there's no guarantee we get Aya back. Not only that, but we're trading one life for the sake of the entire world. Not worth the trade. For the sake of the guide, we say yes. Hardy will yell at Saphira but she brushes him off, stating that she has absolute faith in her sister. Now that Team Meteor sees we don't have the Ruby Ring, they have no reason to threaten Aya. Thusly, Charlotte has saved her for the time being. Saphira instructs us to go find Charlotte. Run back through the city gate. Charlotte will be there. >If we chose no Charlotte: That was sweet of you and all, to say you'd save me, but a little naive. In any situation where someone is making an ultimatum, you never acquiesce to it. Case and point, Team Meteor could kill everyone person in Labradorra City, but that doesn't get them anything they need. So as long as we don't bargain with them, they won't reach their goals. But if we give in like you said, that would validate their little power game. They get what they want, and there's no guarantee they release any hostages either. Completely stupid. Anyway, here. >If we chose yes Charlotte: Don't worry about the whole "throw me to the dogs' thing; you gave the right answer. In any situation where someone is making an ultimatum, you never acquiesce to it. Case and point, Team Meteor could kill everyone person in Labradorra City, but that doesn't get them anything they need. So as long as we don't bargain with them, they won't reach their goals. But if we give in like your little friend Hardy wanted to, that would have just validated their power and encouraged that behaviour. That's all it is. Rewards and punishment, really. We just have to train them. Turns out humans aren't that different from dogs after all. I don't care if that sounds manipulative or callous. I don't have the liberty to feel guilt like most people. That right burned away years ago. Anyway, here. Either way, Charlotte will return the Ruby Ring. Anna has already filled her in on the details, so she accepts our challenge. No, she doesn't understand why a Fire-type gym leader is in charge of teaching Dive either. She'll meet us back at her mother's gym while Team Meteor is distracted. She also believes Aya to be safe, so we shouldn't worry. We can return to the orphan house to speak with Hardy. We'll explain that Charlotte was lying so that his mind is at ease. We can also go back to the force field to witness an interaction between Saphira and Dr. Sigmund. The dragon tamer threatens to kill Sigmund once the barrier goes down. The two taunt one another until Dr. Sigmund states that he doesn't care about Team Meteor's goals. He only wants to confirm something. With that, return to the gym. After each battle, your team will be healed, so don't waste your time going back to the PokéCenter. However, before fighting Charlotte, your team will not be healed, so go do that. The gym puzzle here requires us to turn all the gym tiles red before moving on. Where we walk, the tiles turn red. It helps to plot out your path before walking. Take your time. Don't rush. If you step on the orange tiles or return to a tile you've already burned, you'll be sent back to the beginning. There might be multiple answers, but here're the paths I took. It's actually pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Charlotte will tell us about her past before we fight. Her mother was a Fire trainer as well. Though she was initially afraid of the fires that consumed her house, Charlotte found them to be beautiful once she accepted her death. As she states, she chooses not to live in guilt. Once she realized the mistake she'd made, she decided to live with it rather than wallow in self-hatred. She'll then engage us in a double battle. Firebug Charlotte Ultra Potion x2 Field: Super-heated Field Darmanitan (Level 65) Ability: Sheer Force Item: --- Stats: HP 232 / Atk 272 / Def 96 / SpA 57 / SpD 96 / Spe 189 Flare Blitz, Rock Slide, U-Turn, Hammer Arm Typhlosion (Level 65) Ability: Blaze Item: Sitrus Berry Stats: HP 197 / Atk 120 / Def 126 / SpA 207 / SpD 135 / Spe 215 Eruption, Solar Beam, Heat Wave, Hidden Power (Rock) Rotom [Heat] (Level 65) Ability: Levitate Item: Light Clay Stats: HP 201 / Atk 98 / Def 164 / SpA 177 / SpD 205 / Spe 136 Volt Switch, Overheat, Hidden Power (Ice), Reflect Delphox (Level 66) Ability: Blaze Item: Light Clay Stats: HP 195 / Atk 104 / Def 120 / SpA 217 / SpD 157 / Spe 224 Heat Wave, Flamethrower, Psyshock, Light Screen Volcarona (Level 67) Ability: Flame Body Item: Charti Berry Stats: HP 212 / Atk 95 / Def 112 / SpA 272 / SpD 166 / Spe 201 Heat Wave, Giga Drain, Hidden Power (Rock), Quiver Dance Ninetales (Level 72) Ability: Drought Item: Telluric Seed (+1 Defense and sets Shell Trap in Superheated Field) Stats: HP 210 / Atk 122 / Def 135 / SpA 189 / SpD 171 / Spe 237 Solar Beam, Heat Wave, Hidden Power (Rock), Nasty Plot Having difficulty? Because of the Super-heated Field, Water moves are weaker and also decrease the accuracy of all Pokémon on the field. It would be wiser to use Ground moves against the members of her team who are weak to it. Also, our level cap is 70. We can out level most of Charlotte's team if they're giving us trouble. I fought her team with all my Pokémon at level 65, however. If the field is still giving you difficulty, use Rainy Dance to not only prevent it from erupting, but to weaken Fire-type moves. A good strategy would be to throw in a Pelipper with the Drizzle ability. This will cause rain to begin as soon as the Pokémon arrives. Furthermore, you can give them a Damp Rock which extends the effect of Rain Dance to eight turns instead of five. Darmanitan, Typhlosion, and Ninetales are Fire-type Pokémon. They're weak to Ground, Rock, and Water attacks. Rotom is Electric/Fire. It's weak to Rock and Water attacks but immune to Ground moves. Delphox is Fire/Psychic. She's weak to Ground, Rock, Ghost, Water, and Dark attacks. Volcarona is Bug/Fire. She's 4x more susceptible to Rock attacks and weak to Flying and Water attacks. However, she's holding a Charti Berry which halves the damage from Rock-type moves at least once, so use something else. Since two of my team members (Max and Asta) are weak to Fire, I only threw them in to heal the others. Because most of her team is faster than Bahamut, I had to throw in Bartholomew to distract them. He's tanky enough to survive a few hits from them. While Bahamut (Garchomp) used Dig, Bartholomew (Blastoise) used Surf to cool down the field. If the battle had become too annoying, I would have taught Bartholomew Rain Dance and given him a Damp Rock so that even after he's gone, the battle will be easier on me. Additionally, Amaterasu (Houndoom) used her ability of Flash Fire to absorb some of the fire moves. She was more or less immune to the enemy team since they concentrated on using moves that hit both Pokémon. Charlotte will be disappointed we defeated her so easily but will still reward us with the Cinder Badge. With it, Pokémon levels 75 and below will obey us. We'll also be able to use Dive outside of battle. Finally, she'll give us TM35 Flamethrower. We can stop by the orphan house to inform our friends that we received the badge. Noel will warn us that while we're under water, Pokémon who are weak to Water are in great danger. In fact, Fire Pokémon take additional struggle damage while under water. Physical attacks that aren't Water moves are reduced to half damage, non-Water Pokémon are only 1/4th their normal speed, and Fire moves will always fail. You can read more about the Underwater terrain using the link provided. If we go south of the orphan house, we can enter the southern city entrance. The guard will state that if we manage to raise 40,000 Poké, he can work on fixing the broken bridge. Once he has the money, he'll call up a crew and they'll instantly repair the bridge. With the bridge fixed, we now have access to a new area. Go to the right from the bridge. In here we'll find an Electirizer, a Magmarizer, and a Ghost Memory. Return to the schoolhouse and give the teacher the Magmarizer. The Magby will be happy to see the item and will ask to join our party. We can take it with us. Magby (Level 28) Clear Smog, Flame Burst, Confuse Ray, Cross Chop We can also give the Electirizer to the man in the northern house. He'll tell us to take away his noisy Elekid. Elekid (Level 28) Thunder Wave, Electro Ball, Light Screen, Ice Punch That's all for now. We need to go save Ametrine City, so return to the ice block in Ametrine Mountain. Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Asta (Simisage), Max (Magneton) Chapter 14 Progress 100% (Last Updated: June 15, 2018)
  14. No matter how small the detail, I appreciate your help. I've corrected the guide now. Thank you.
  15. Chapter 12 Samson's Gym Section start date: May 15, 2018 Section post date: June 1, 2018 If I miss something or you have a question for me, please post it in the separate discussion thread. Even if it's a simple grammatical error, feel free to alert me. Thank you. Thank you to the following people for your contribution to this part of the guide: Paperblade, Hallowilicious Current Team Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Andonuts (Silvally), Max (Magneton) Before we get lost in Agate City, let's take a moment to do some things. Again, we won't be able to return for several gym badges, so get everything done now. Play the lottery. Buy the Power accessories from the Obsidia Department 4th floor. In the event we need to level up a new member, these will help tremendously. Catch every Pokémon you can. As of right now, I currently have every Pokémon that can be achieved from an event or found in the wild. You may think you won't need a certain Pokémon but, as I found out in an earlier playthrough, it's better to have an excess of Pokémon than a shortage. Revive fossils. Breed any Pokémon that need it. We won't be able to breed once we move on. Change your primary team's natures. Here's a chart that will explain what stats the natures improve and decrease. Once you're all set, head to the Agate City Checkpoint just north of the labyrinth. Speak to Cain and he'll warn us that we won't be able to go back for a while. We've already prepared, so let's go. Cain will summon his Nidoking and it destroys the checkpoint gate. Follow Cain north. We'll enter the city to find it apparently deserted (save for the Team Meteor grunt we see walking off to the right). Cain will move to the north and spot both his sister and Hardy. Apparently the two of them fell asleep in the middle of the street. Seeing the sleeping duo is like reading about yawning in a Pokémon Reborn guide. Once you're thinking of it, you feel like doing it yourself. You may have noticed the screen slowly getting darker, but that's all interrupted when a girl with a giant mallet rolls in and nearly smashes us. She'll introduce herself as Terra and she'll warn us that we need to leave in her own "ecks dee so random" way. As she states, anyone who stays in Agate City falls asleep. With the situation explained, Terra will produce her giant mallet again and knock both Hardy and Aya away. We'll then be escorted to the circus. Terra tells us our friends probably fell somewhere around here then leaves to take a shower. Cain will decide it's best for us to split up to try and find Aya. We're free to move about. The clown immediately below us will sell us Cotton Candy. These delicacies act as revives, so feel free to stock up on them if you'd like. If you've been following this guide, however, you probably haven't needed to use one in a gym fight. There are also better things for us to spend our money on, so keep moving. The man below the clown sells Ultra Balls. Beyond that is a man who teaches the elemental pledges. In the lower center of the circus is a healing unit and a PC for us to access. The tent in here also sells things that cure status conditions as well as Common Candies. In the very bottom right corner is a man who can reteach our Pokémon old moves. Next to this man is a guy who will allow us to attempt a tile puzzle for the price of a green shard. If you haven't already seen my advice on tile puzzles, you can find it earlier in the guide by using the search feature. Here's what the completed puzzle looks like. For our efforts we'll receive a Cover Fossil (Tirtouga). Tirtouga (Level 25) Aqua Jet, Ancient Power, Crunch, Wide Guard Unfortunately, we cannot revive Tirtouga right now. The tent in the bottom middle sells Ability Capsules. One of the cages has a Luxray, but we can't free it. Another tent at the bottom has a man willing to tell us our team's Hidden Power and the clown next to that one can change our Pokémon's names. Along the western wall to the south side is another tile puzzle. Here's the finished product: And the prize is what you'd expect. The Plume Fossil can later be revived into an Archen. Archen (Level 25) Pluck, Ancient Power, Agility, Quick Guard If you exit to the bottom left, you can find a kid who will attempt to guilt trip us into giving them a Cotton Candy, balloons, and a PokéDoll from the High Striker (see information about the High Striker below). Just as they ask for ice cream, the mother appears and scolds her son. In return for being tricked by her son, we'll receive an Obsidia Department Sticker (8/9). Just left of the healing area are another set of tents. One of the shopkeepers sells PokéSnax, one sells ice cream, and the lady will let us attempt a tile puzzle for HM06 Dive. Complete this now as we'll need it later. As a reminder for anyone who's only just looking at this guide, you can tell the tile pieces are facing the right way because the white side is facing up and the black side is facing down. In the upper left corner is the High Striker and another tile puzzle to get a Timburr. This one is slightly different in that clicking a tile rotates it as well as the tiles adjacent to it. My advice is to save before attempting. Solve the first three rows by rotating the tile the one you need to rotate. If the puzzle isn't automatically solved when you get to the bottom, soft reset by hitting F12. It's much faster to do this than to try and solve the final row. Timburr (Level 10) Pound, Leer, Focus Energy, Bide The High Striker is worth a few attempts due to its prizes. How do you win? By saving and restarting when you lose. When you knock the bell off the tower, the operator will replace it and reward us with TM87 Swagger. We can also get a Clefairy for getting making a Powerful hit. Clefairy (Level 30) Wake-Up Slap, Minimize, Stored Power, Misty Terrain After getting the Clefairy, all powerful hits will result in a PokéDoll. We can give this PokéDoll to a kid at the bottom of the map to receive information on a Big Top Arena. The people at the top left will teach our Pokémon a few moves. Finally, at the top right is a clown who will repeatedly fight us. They will reward us with a shard and a lot of money. Feel free to use them to grind, but be warned that they pack powerful Pokémon. Once you've collected everything, move to the top left and speak to the lady in red. She'll be attempting to calm the crowd and will express joy to know we're here for Aya. This is the Ringmaster, and she had Samson, the strongman, carry Aya into the back room. She somehow survived the fall. We can return to the High Striker to find Samson. Speak to him and he'll knock the bell off the tower. Are you swooning over him yet? Meet him at the line outside the tent and he'll part the crowd. Enter the tent to be greeted by the performer. She'll introduce herself as Ciel and will lead us to the back. Enter the room to the right and speak to Aya. The Ringmaster will arrive with Cain, announcing that Terra quite literally hit the showers. Family will be reunited and Aya will state that she and Hardy were going to go look at Hardy's gym when the sleep spell overtook them. We'll learn that Terra, Samson, and Ciel are all gym leaders here and Hardy most likely fell in Route 2. Aya will immediately ask to go look for him, but given her current condition, it would be unwise to let her out. Cain wants to catch up with her, so we'll go look for Hardy. Before leaving, we can talk with everyone here to learn a bit more about Cain's family as well as the staff of the circus. The Ringmaster will also tell us that we'll need a Battle Pass in order to fight the gym leaders. This is to prevent the Big Top Arena from being used only for gym battles and nothing else. Exit the tent and speak to the man immediately to your right. Buy a Powder Vial and exit to the southwest of the map. Use the elevator to enter Route 2. Route 2 New Pokémon Hawlucha, Rufflet, Boldore, Rhyhorn, Rockruff, Meinfoo, Absol, Machoke Morning Hawlucha (30%) Rufflet (20%) Meditite (10%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Ursaring (10%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (5%) Day Donphan (21%) Rufflet (20%) Meditite (10%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Ursaring (10%) Meinfoo (5%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (4%) Rhydon (4%) Absol (1%) Evening Noctowl (30%) Meditite (20%) Donphan (11%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Meinfoo (5%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (4%) Rhydon (4%) Absol (1%) Absol can be caught later in the game during an event, so don't waste your time trying to catch one now. There's a location here that we'll need Rock Climb for. When you're ready, move left and hop left twice & south once. You'll end up on the ledge. This part of the game requires a lot of hopping on these stones. It'll be confusing, so I'll try to include pictures where possible. Because of that, it'll take me a while to submit this chapter, but you won't be reading this until it's already submitted. Keep moving left and jump up north. When you step on the rock that looks different, it'll shake. Any powder we're holding will be lost. There aren't too many of these, so we don't need to worry about it that much. Move north until you find a rock with a hole in it. That is a Crustle cave. Interacting with it will cause a Crustle to emerge. We can capture it if we'd like. *Crustle ??? *Levels and moves may vary There is an infinite number of these things, so feel free to grind on them if you so choose. When you're ready, go to the green tree and take some Sleep Powder. Use it on a Crustle. Push the Crustle into the hole at the top right. It'll sink into the ground and we can use it as a boulder to jump on. If it doesn't give an exclamation mark (!) and fall into the hole, you're too low. If you make a mistake, you can collect Rage Powder from the red tree to wake up the Crustle. Defeat or capture it and we'll be able to summon another from the cave. When the Crustle falls into the hole, grab more Sleep Powder and go up the northwest path. Make sure you avoid the rocky boulder. The northern part of this map will be referred to as the White Rock area for obvious reasons. Lure a Crustle out and put it to sleep. Push it into the hole all the way at the top. Return to the beginning of the western White Rock area and jump right to get the Ability Capsule hidden in the ground. Then move left along the ridge and continue jumping. We'll need more Sleep Powder. Use this shortcut to get back to area 2. Lure the Crustle out of its cave. This next part is tricky. Push the Crustle left up against the rocks. Run up the stairs, return from the left side, and push it down. See starting point and end product pictures below. Now run up the stairs on the left, hop down the ledge, jump onto the other boulder and descend the stairs. Push the Crustle to the right and slide it down. Now we have to go to the eastern White Rock area. Return to area 2 and take this path to get onto the land: To the south is a quick path back to the circus. Go north past the area we pushed the first Crustle into. We can leap across its back to access the eastern White Rock area. Save before you make any mistakes. Push the Crustle into the hole up north. Leap to the next area. The item on the ground is an Ultra Potion. Continue all the way west and enter the mountain. Ametrine Mountain New Pokémon Spheal, Delibird, Bergimite, Cryogonal, Snorunt, Horsea Cubchoo (20%) Spheal (20%) Delibird (11%) Beartic (11%) Bergmite (10%) Sealeo (10%) Alolan Sandshrew (5%) Alolan Sandslash (5%) Cryogonal (4%) Snorunt (4%) Fishing (Old Rod) Finneon (70%) Wishiwashi (30%) Fishing (Good Rod) Remoraid (60%) Horsea (20%) Qwilfish (20%) We'll need to return here later when we can surf. The main reason we're here is to catch Pokémon, so get to it. When you're done, go back to where we encountered the hiker who was pondering what mountain to scale. Continue south and go up the stairs in the previous rock location. If you continue south west without jumping on any rocks, you'll encounter a clown with a level 75 Goomy. Aside from that, there's nothing more to do here yet, so go down the stairs, head west, collect the Ultra Ball hidden in the ground, and jump on the second set of rocks. Continue down the path until you descend down the stairs. Grab some Sleep Powder from the tree on the right, summon a Crustle from the nest above it, and put it to sleep. Our goal is at the bottom left. Once the Crustle is set in place, jump south into the redish area and leap across the rocks to get information on a Rocky Field. Grab more Sleep Powder, return to the clown with Goomy, and jump south. Summon a Crustle from the southeastern nest and put it to sleep. We need to slide it down the slope to the south. Ascend the stairs here go left onto the ridge. Grab some Sleep Powder and use it on a Crustle up here. Push it down the left slope. When you descend the stairs, grab the Fire Stone in the rock to the left and the Big Mushroom in the green plant to your right. Push Crustle down the next slope and return to the stairs. This time go right and continue going northeast. Where the red line ends, jump to the right. Push a Crustle down the slope and then go past the hiker on your right. Leap across the Crustle and push the other one down the slope and into the next hole. Leap across it as well and continue west. Celestine Cascade Morning Hawlucha (30%) Rufflet (20%) Meditite (10%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Ursaring (10%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (5%) Day Rufflet (20%) Donphan (20%) Meditite (10%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Ursaring (10%) Meinfoo (6%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (4%) Rhydon (4%) Absol (1%) Evening Noctowl (30%) Meditite (20%) Donphan (11%) Boldore (10%) Rhyhorn (10%) Meinfoo (5%) Rockruff (5%) Machoke (4%) Rhydon (4%) Absol (1%) Fishing (Old Rod) Finneon (70%) Wishiwashi (30%) Fishing (Good Rod) Wishiwashi (60%) Lumineon (20%) Remoraid (20%) While traveling here you may have noticed a cave we blocked off. We won't be able to access it until we get Fly later on. Continue northwest into the gym. It's gotten quite the renovation since Episode 16. Speak with Amaria and she'll call Titania. She's the girl we saw before dealing with Team Meteor. Seems like a lot of people in power are dealing with Team Meteor. We'll inform Amaria that we're here looking for Hardy. Apparently Titania found him when she was getting Cotton Candy for Amaria. The bubbly gym leader will offer to take us upstairs to see Hardy, but Titania insists on going to get him herself. As Amaria will tell us, she cracked a few ribs when Solaris attacked her. Titania will invite us to go upstairs and check on Hardy. We can enter the room to the northeast to heal up first if you'd like. Titania will slap her brother awake. After a bit of banter, he'll leave and Titania coldly suggest we follow him. Before we do, we can exit south to get information on a Water Surface. When we descend the stairs, we'll hear that Team Meteor has seized Labradorra City. A resistance is forming in Calcenon, the city next to it. We'll also learn that Saphira is the Dragon-type trainer. Gossip Gardevoir will also inform us that Team Meteor is using Mr. Mime and a PULSE machine to generate a force field around Labradorra. Hardy will suggest we go aid the resistance but Titania advises against it, probably due to her ties with the terrorist group. Hardy will decide to listen to her and leave to find Aya. Amaria reveals that she has the Sapphire Bracelets that Team Meteor is looking for. Apparently they were a gift from Titania. Since the Water-type gym leader possesses the bracelets, she decides it's best if she doesn't get close to Team Meteor so they can't steal it. Instead she asks us to go help the resistance. We'll need Surf for that, and while Amaria has the HM, she has no reason to give it to us since we don't have the badge. Speaking of which, the two gym leaders received a Battle Pass from them in the mail. Since neither of them need it for obvious reasons, we're granted the Battle Pass - Fury. With this, we can fight Samson. Titania explains that once we have his badge, we'll be able to use Surf so they'll give us the machine. Return to the circus tent. Speak to Samson twice to get this show on the road. Strongman Samson Ultra Potions x2 Field: Big Top Arena Hariyama (Level 63) Ability: Guts Item: Rocky Helmet Stats: HP 287 / Atk 207 / Def 113 / SpA 79 / SpD 113 / Spe 100 Heavy Slam, Smack Down, Brick Break, Knock Off Mienshao (Level 64) Ability: Regenerator Item: Life Orb Stats: HP 177 / Atk 225 / Def 101 / SpA 131 / SpD 101 / Spe 217 Acrobatics, U-turn, Brick Break, Poison Jab Lucario (Level 64) Ability: Steadfast Item: Focus Sash Stats: HP 197 / Atk 196 / Def 128 / SpA 166 / SpD 128 / Spe 153 Extreme Speed, Brick Break, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance Hawlucha (Level 64) Ability: Unburden Item: Synthetic Seed (+1 Attack and applies Helping Hand) Stats: HP 207 / Atk 156 / Def 136 / SpA 119 / SpD 118 / Spe 207 Flying Press, Acrobatics, Roost, Swords Dance Blaziken (Level 65) Ability: Speed Boost Item: Muscle Band Stats: HP 212 / Atk 213 / Def 129 / SpA 162 / SpD 129 / Spe 142 Bounce, Brick Break, Blaze Kick, Protect Conkeldurr (Level 71) Ability: Guts Item: Synthetic Seed (+1 Attack and applies Helping Hand) Stats: HP 296 / Atk 297 / Def 161 / SpA 94 / SpD 120 / Spe 90 Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Bulk Up Having difficulty? If you get annoyed by the Big Top Arena, you can convert it into a different terrain by using moves like Electric Terrain. This will significantly cut Samson's damage. As Ame also suggests, you can use the other half of Big Top Arena to your advantage. Acrobatics will always do double damage, so consider grabbing a Pokémon like Simisage. Furthermore, Swords Dance will increase your Pokémon's attack by three stages instead of two. If you need to grind, there's a clown outside that gives lots of money and only has three Pokémon. However, those Pokémon are all level 65 and are extraordinarily difficult to beat. The team changes randomly, so if you can't beat one colour, try restarting and fighting again. If you still can't beat the clown, you'll have to level up in Route 2. Hariyama, Mienshao, & Conkeldurr are Fighting Pokémon. They're weak to Flying, Psychic, and Fairy attacks. Lucario is a Fighting/Steel Pokémon. He's weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire attacks and immune to Poison moves. Hawlucha is a Fighting/Flying Pokémon. He's weak to Flying, Electric, Psychic, Ice, and Fairy attacks but immune to Ground moves. Blaziken is a Fire/Fighting Pokémon. He's weak to Flying, Ground, Water, and Psychic moves. He has Speed Boost as an ability and Samson will definitely heal him up to prevent him from going down, so try to take him out in one move. We'll be rewarded with the Strike Badge which invisibly increases the Attack stat of all our Pokémon and allows us to command Pokémon levels 70 and below. We'll also receive TM31 Brick Break. We'll move into the back room where Terra has tracked the sleep signal back to Ametrine City. Hardy and Aya will head to Calcenon while we go to Ametrine. In order to reach Ametrine, we'll need the Surf HM, so let's go pay Amaria and Titania a visit. Current Team Permanent Maxed Atk/Spd EVs Maxed SpA/Spd EVs Maxed Def/SpA EVs Bahamut (Garchomp), Amaterasu (Houndoom), Bartholomew (Blastoise), Raz (Gallade), Andonuts (Silvally), Max (Magneton) Chapter 13 Progress 100% (Last Updated: June 8, 2018)
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