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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by xXDelokXx

  1. Hey guys! as the title implies i am looking for spare "choice" items. mainly "choice band" or if anyone went through the trouble of thief/duplicating a "choice scarf". I would gladly take one of those. :) i appreciate any help and have a nice day, whoever reads this!
  2. holy crap man, thank you very much!
  3. mine is xXKillua i am waiting for a trade
  4. omw ! sorry my page doesn't reload automatically
  5. that sounds perfect and i could have it for free? really?
  6. Hey guys, if anyone does have a decent Poipole and if possible for free, i would gladly take that ^^' I really want one and want to go into the upcoming episode with a strong Naganadel, since Ame and the Devs seem to unleash hell on earth with that one.
  7. yeah i know about the guys in the grand hall, but they are at level ~85 and if i stick with one team is hits the level ceiling of 80 very fast ^^ but i might check out that clown anyways thanks!
  8. I am currently building a Team to beat the fairy gym - the mons are already set but it is taking quite long to level them up.. if anyone knows a good leveling spot to reach level 70+ fast let me know :) atm i am training in the east of calcenon city
  9. xXDelokXx

    Luck Incense

    i was looking on how to get the Luck incense and i know you have to return the igglybuff. i checked the house and apparently i did that but i never received a luck incense. i dont have one in my inventory and neither does a mon carry it. what do i do :( i want more money haha
  10. xXDelokXx

    Pink Pearl

    alright thank you!
  11. xXDelokXx

    Pink Pearl

    this is not really about where to get the Pink Peark as i already got it but much more about what to do with it. i know there are topics like this one but trying to find a solution there is hard and confusing pls someon tell me where to go with that Pink Pearl
  12. so i just won by stealing her life orb xD but thanks anyway
  13. i know that chandelure can 3 hitKO Quagsire and with echoed voice + flamethrower i can get rid off of her sand pokemon garchomp dies to perish song nidoking is 1hKO to psychic Hippowdon is 2hKO with psychic but that excadrill is just busted it is faster than all of mine and 1 hits them except for maybe Honchkrow and Garchomp so maybe switching Dig to Earthquake will 1hKO excadrill?
  14. TerRAWR is my problem -- Team -- Alakazam Modest | 71 Twisted Spoon Magic Guard - Psychic - Calm Mind - Recover - Charge Beam Garchomp adamant | 74 Metronome (no ground or dragon plate in inventory) Rough Skin - Dragon claw - crunch - dig -> maybe change to earthquake? - shadow claw Blaziken Hasty | 70 Wide Lens Speed Boost - High Jump kick - blaze kick - brave bird - shadow claw Chandelure Modest | 73 flame plate Flash fire (should probably switch to flame body for Hex or Shadow Tag to prevent her from switching) - Flamethrower - Hex - confuse ray - will-o-wisp Honchkrow Adamant | 74 Lax Incense (to hope that this Garchomp misses and i get Perish song through) Moxie - Perish song - Brave bird - night slash - pursuit [not sure for last one - i tend to go with empoleon] Empoleon Modest | 70 Weakness Policy / Wave Incense Torrent - Waterfall - Dive - Surfe - Echoed Voice -- Box -- Silvally 68 Golem 66 Floatzel 68 Greninja 69 Leavanny 68 Krookodile 68 Flareon 64 Volcarona 73 Scrafty 68 Beartic 71 Dragalge 68 Most of my mons are bred to have decent IV and i trained them with pokerus and power items 315000 money - i kind of camped the couple in the poke centre at the start
  15. i cant see your list - i will relog
  16. just a minute anything is fine?
  17. when do you usually have time? + your timezone pls :)
  18. that would be sick! It only needs T-spikes really - iv don't matter and stuff only T-spikes i need
  19. If anyone could trade me a mareanie with toxic spikes that would be really cool! Iv don't matter I just need a mareanie or evolution with toxic spikes.
  20. xXDelokXx


    I am sorry, my pc was down.. Do you still have that sneasel I asked for?
  21. xXDelokXx


    i got informed that online server is currently down ^^ so i think we'll have to wait a bit
  22. thanks for letting me know i was worried someting in my data broke, even though i never touched it xd
  23. xXDelokXx


    i only have a problem with connecting to the online server - it doesn't let me join the server, so i will have to look for a fix to that
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