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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by xXDelokXx

  1. i was trying to use the online gear but after it say 'connecting to server' my screen faded black and my only choice after 2 minutes of waiting was to press b and go back the menu.. even after restarting the launcher
  2. xXDelokXx


    i would love to take a sneasel
  3. i don't mind it being not legit ^^ but i simply want one to improve breeding so if anyone could give me one that would be sweet
  4. Hi guys I am currently starting to make my team cover more strategy etc. But breeding is a pain with my current ditto. So if anyone could trade me a 6iv ditto that would be really helpful! Thanks already and have a great day
  5. thank you very much!
  6. can someone tell me please where the guy was who requested a luvdisc? Now that i finally got one i do not find the guy xd
  7. i didn't know where to put this topic into... if it is wrong in this category i am sorry anyways - i found this green-glowing rock and don't know what to do with it
  8. hey guys ^^ if someone could trade me a gible+ or a froakie+ with decent iv anything under level 40 that would make my day ^-^ unfortunately i don't have much pokemon of value.. only nuzleafs, pumpkaboo and tranquills
  9. my problem is Mismagius is traded and doesn't have decent abilities blaziken still has peck~ meowstic does have fake out~ and Noctowl is decent with echoed voice
  10. @RedAlert my team was Blaziken, Golem, Noctowl, Pachirisu, Meowstic and Mismagius currently training Fletchling, Emolga, Dodrio and growlith
  11. @RedAlert i will tell you in a sec
  12. would be awesome, could we trade 2 times? so my pumpkaboo evolves
  13. once i really want something, i will let you know! btw i laughed so hard at your post - really cool that's exactly my thought
  14. i don't want to trade too much i wanna try to beat the game fair - i already got a mismagius traded, but it doesn't even learn abilities.. yes call me stupid xd i have never seen a lairon nor an aron before battling shelly? ^^
  15. thank you! thats so obvious, yet i would have never tried to fake out her illumise... where can i find one?
  16. Hi there.. if anyone could tell me some tricks to beat Shelly, that would be awesome.. i tried 9 different 'mons and still had no chance to beat her.. i did quit the game too often because of that xd
  17. thank you very much! have a great day
  18. y i will, i did actually but it got stuck
  19. could someone swap pokemons with me real quick so my graveler evolves?
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