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About SilverOwl271

  • Birthday 06/22/1995

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    Pokemon, Reading, Video Games, Drawing, Singing, Hiking, Animals, Anime

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  1. So I’ve been rereading the Pokémon Adventures manga and I was thinking to myself how much I wish there were a manga or “book” for Reborn. I’m not used to drawing enough to feasibly draw a manga series, but I was thinking how much fun it’d be to try my hand at writing a Pokémon Reborn story. I wanted to come on here and get some input about some things for getting started. Firstly, I’m planning on doing a new playthrough and writing each chapter as I play through, that way the story is fresh in my mind and I can refer to the game whenever I need. My question is how would you guys write the main character and emote in response to events? Unlike most main characters (with several exceptions I’m sure), the main character in Reborn has no dialogue (I mean they’re implied to have dialogue and react to what happens), but we have no idea what exactly they say or how precisely they feel. How do you guys perceive the main character of Reborn? I’m curious to know for this story, but also just in general.
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. I would but for some reason, the most recent backup save for that save file was many many hours prior to that. I must’ve maxed out my backup save slots. It sucks but I’ll wait until they hopefully release a patch for this or just reload a save file from the near beginning. Thanks for your response!
  4. So I got to Valor mountain and just got to the part with the gate. Saki busts through allowing me forward. I get to the Crystal that changes to mood to calm and I go back to the previous screen to do something. I go back inside the blockade thing/gate. When I come back out, it’s neutral. I go onward to the next room and realize I’m stuck- can’t progress and there’s a tree blocking my exit the other way. I tried losing a battle, which warped me to the last healing point, but when I did, I was frozen and can’t move, and I also can’t use an escape rope. Even worse, my last game save data that is in the folder is from waaaaay back in the beginning of the game- guess I must’ve maxed out the save games file. I’m completely stuck, unless I’m missing something. I already posted this in the reporting bugs section but am hoping that there’s anything that I can do to fix this. Any ideas? I appreciate it a lot.
  5. Yeah, it's a little bit further in the story. Oh, and they're in this house (took a screenshot for clarity.) Good luck :)
  6. I just finished it myself not too long ago. The final person is in West Gearen City, but they only appear after you get Fly/the badge from Adam after the tournament. But be sure to go with Huey and the rest in the vehicle before you do anything else because otherwise you'll get stuck, unable to proceed. The npc will have all of the Elite Four, good luck!
  7. I don't think so, but I'll look into that. Thanks! :)
  8. I’m having the same/similar problems. Really sad I can’t figure it out if it’s me or if a patch is needed, but I can do it, I can wait. We got this, friend. We’re almost there, just a little longer
  9. Thanks Zumi (and Jan!) I'm super eager to start playing V13, but I know sometimes these things happen. Definitely worth waiting for. Thanks for all that you two do and I'll be patient
  10. So I've been playing Rejuvenation through Porting Kit. For some reason, I could not get it to run just regularly on my Mac. I've downloaded the V13 file, but can't get it to run. Sorry to ask, but can anyone help me? I'm not good with tech and I'm honestly really confused.
  11. That's what I thought too. I thought it was Crescent or Saki. I'm so gosh darn excited for V13 I can't stand it
  12. Aw man, I just started a new save file The one I was mainly playing got stuck because of a bug (but mostly because I'm a dummy), and now I'm playing through for the third time overall. Now I'm tempted to once again start over for the fourth time haha Probably will because when Zumi says it's going to be good, IT'S GONNA BE REAL GOOD
  13. Sorry it's not better- was trying to breed a female, then breed it with better IVs, but hope that helps!
  14. Sorry, had to do something real quick, I'm ready now though
  15. Yep! Going online now. My username is Utena271
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