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Vex last won the day on March 28 2014

Vex had the most liked content!


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  1. fresh off the bench and ready to rumble boss
  2. I actually agree with Nick.. Banning primals is understandable because they're just stupid but taking away Geomancy Xerneas was a bit much.. If that is going to be the case, the Pokemon of the same threat level should be taken away too.
  3. cheeky nations banter

  4. I play wailord metronome triples only
  5. I think we need someone with experience and great knowledge of the game to be the leader of our great nation, so I'm putting my vote for Dark Desire.
  6. Your Forum Name: Vex Your Server Name: Vexez The Year You Joined Reborn: 2012 Your Favorite Type: Steel Your Least Favorite Type: Flying Did you participate in the first installment of PokeNations? Yes General Availability: flexible
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