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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Vex

  1. I'm taking over your thread Ikaru, sorry. Oh Oh Oh Sick Puppies <3 /late
  2. I get excited when I find a new song I like.. Like, whoa..
  3. The kids of tomorrow don't need today When they live in the sins of yesterday.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB_Pg8nqr44
  5. ! ! This song means so much to me..
  6. For all of my insecurities..

  7. Vex

    Hi :)

    We bid thee welcome.
  8. Do you believe that Xiph is working with Gandalf and the drug dealer?
  9. Do you ever wish you could eat shampoo because it smells so good? Have you ever eaten shampoo? Do you pick the pines off the Christmas Tree? Zubat or Geodude? Do you believe CD's are out of date? Do you pirate? Are you a real pirate? Do you like snakes? Have you ever been on a horse? Do you think Ricki is a horse? Would you make rope out of Ricki's hair? How often do you stay up 24 hours? Do you enjoy the taste of medicine? What do you think about boxes? Would you hide me from the police if I was on the run? Would you shoot someone you hated if you knew you could get away with it? Do you think Porygon is a piece of shit? Do you enjoy Normal type Pokemon? Is your handwriting neat? Do you ever scream? Blinds or curtains? Hate it when the sun covers the screen? What temperature do you enjoy water? Cold showers, yes or no? Do you hate swimming in the sea? Do you believe in mythical monsters living in the depths of the sea? Best dream you've had recently? Do you ever feel bad swearing? Do you swear in front of children? Have you ever been in trouble with the police? Breloom or Volcarona? How much do you enjoy Stealth Rocks? Do you enjoy our Skype conversations? How much light do you let into your room? Speakers or headphones? What do you wear to bed? Do you ever sit thinking to yourself? Do you ever go over the top with deodorant? Class or cool? Do you give fucks for what other people think about you? Wired or wireless? Are you wired or wireless? Do you ever listen to sad music when unhappy? Do you cry easily? Do you listen to happy music to cheer you up? Do you enjoy video game music to listen to casually? Think you could beat the League if you tried hard enough? Favourite leader? Xbox, Wii or PS3? Do you enjoy Animal Crossing? Does it piss you off when people say #yolo? How easily do the people you dislike annoy you? Do you ever wish you could abuse your power as an admin? Did you go the park when you were a kid? Did you ever own a skateboard? Do you watch DVD's on the TV or your PC? How fast is your download speed? Do you ever get creeped out by randoms in main? What would you be doing now if you never found Pokemon Online? Top 10 people you wish to meet most in real life? Did you ever sing? Did you enjoy Pokemon Snap? What is the worst time you've made it into work? Are your parents proud of you? Did you ever get into a fight in school? Do you like making a lot of noise? If you were a millionaire what would the first thing you would do be? Do you believe experimenting on animals is wrong? Would you prefer they experiment on Ricki? Do you like any sauce on your food? Indian, Chinese or American fast food? Do you enjoy spending time with your family? Would you prefer just to escape through to your room and go on PO? Would you ever get a hooker? Big plans for this year? Okay I'm done, moving onto RJ now. Have fun.
  10. Reborn: As Dark types are favourite type of all, it might seem obvious for me to go for Luna but no, I find her weak and has too much love to be a true Dark Master. I'd have to go for Bennett, having to work with one of the toughest types and doing very well is enough to earn my respect instantly. His courtesy and attitude towards battling is what nails it down for me. As for in the Pokemon games, I wouldn't really say I have a favourite leader. Grimsley has the right idea in the direction of Dark type Pokemon he also has the class but he is, like Luna, weak. We need stronger Dark type Masters with higher ambitions. Which is why my favourite Master Trainer is the antagonist Cyrus. In every aspect of the way, he was doing it right. Look at the man! He had class, he had battling skill AND had the high ambition, not to mention he had one of the best Pokemon parties I'd ever seen in my history of playing the Pokemon series. Might have been slightly extreme but for a Dark type Master he was in the right direction. If I were to meet with Cyrus I would discuss our passion for the Dark type and his plans for the future world in which he would have created I would try to persuade him instead of taking over the world with Legendary Pokemon. Just control it with a stronger Team Galactic, unleashing Palkia and Dialga is foolish even for a man of such skill, nobody can control Legendary Pokemon by hand, even if the games say so. They cannot be simply captured in a Pokeball, if Cyrus had realised this and concentrated harder on Team Galactic's efforts then we might have seen the rise of the strongest trainer to ever walk Sinnoh, with myself by his side, of course. Darkness is not about love or friendship. The true Dark Masters know that it is about strength, wisdom and skill.
  11. Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum? What was your favourite birthday? Can you curl your tounge? Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? What would be your dream car? Are you left or right handed? What was the last book you read? What was the last song you danced to? Have you ever owned a yo-yo? Have you ever been on a pogo stick? Have you ever been on a space hopper? Who was the last person to send you a text message? Have you ever accidentally injured anyone? Are you scared of spiders? Can you down a pint (of anything) in one? Have you ever been banned from a public place? How much spam email do you tend to get a week? If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? Do you like clowns? Do you prefer BBC or ITV? Have you ever been surfing? Have you ever been snowboarding? Who was better, the Beatles or Elvis Presley? Whats your favourite type of foreign food? Which Foreign country do you dislike the most? Do you like your music loud or easy listening? Whats your favourite animated or cartoon program? Do you sing in the shower? Are you a clean or messy person? Whats your prefered playing piece in monopoly? Can or Do you still play twister? Can you play chess? Do you know the dance steps to an annoying cheesey pop song? Do you prefer straight or bendy straws? Have you ever entered a talent contest? and did you win? Do you like poetry? Are you a bad loser? Which would you choose? Jelly or Ice Cream? Whats your favourite type of Pie? Whats your most used phrase? Whats your most used word? Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? What would your dream job be? Which song do you hate the most? How long does it take you to get ready? What do you think the greatest invention has been? Whats your favourite feature on the opposite sex? Whats your least favourite feature on the opposite sex? Who's your favourite Comedian? What's your favourite board game? Do you have any lucky items, objects or traditions? Do you have any superstitions? Whats your favourite Movie quote? Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? Do you have much of an ego? Do you wear sunglasses indoors to look cool or stylish? (douche?) Are you a hat person? Whats your favourite supermarket chain? Whats your favourite fastfood chain? Whats your first thought upon waking up? What animal would you most like to have as a pet? Whats your favourite type of tree? If you could bankrupt one person or company who would it be? If you could steal one thing without consequence what would it be? Who's your favourite celeb with the same first name or surname as you? If evil-doers invaded your country would you rush to the battlelines to defend the motherland or hide in a box? Whats your favourite flower? Do you believe in the loch ness monster? Do you believe in Aliens? Do you believe the Governments hide technology and information from the public? Which is your favourite pokemon? DONT GIVE UP
  12. Do you like chewing gum? What is your favourite smell? How many different games consoles do you own? Ricki suggested I ask a ton more question, what do you think of that? When you eat steak, do you ever not use a knife and fork? Don't you hate it when you get given a blunt knife when being served steak? If you could make a clone of yourself, would you? Would you kill Ricki if he turned into a zombie? If you were offered 1 million dollars to eat your finger, would you do it? Milk or juice? Coffee or Tea? School or work? Who is the best tennis player in your opinion? How much do you wish you didn't post this question thread? Do you remember our first meeting? Best memories from OOT? Best memories from PBC? Favourite Pokemon type? When did you first buy a Pepsi? Where did you first buy the Pepsi? When did you first eat a steak? Where did you first eat a steak? How do you feel about short hair on women? How do you feel about cyclists cycling on the road when there is a perfectly good cycle lane beside them? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in God? Do you have a religion? Are my questions getting even more random? Do you like Honchkrow? Do you enjoy books? Favourite book? Favourite film? Top hats or bowlers? Do you like mint? Baths or showers? Don't you hate it when Ricki asks tons of questions? Fuckin' Ricki, right? Star Wars or Lord of the Rings? Family Guy or Simpsons? Do you enjoy Rap music at all? What talents do you have? Have you ever wanted to be a princess? Do you like chocolate? Do you lift? Do you work out much? Ever broke anything? Favourite smiley face? Do you enjoy sleep? Do you enjoy alchohal? Prime attributes in a woman? Favourite food other than steak? Sorry or Thanks? Yes or No? Ever done drugs? Do you like lamp? Do you enjoy scented candles? How do you feel about table cloths? Who is your life mentor? Do you have a good relationship with your family? Who is your favourite if you had to pick? Would you push Ricki off a cliff to save me? Would you push me off a cliff to save RJ? Would you push Ricki off a cliff for fun? If you had to kill someone out of me Ricki and RJ who would it be? (You have to choose) Knowing that it is Ricki, what would you kill him with? Would you prefer me to ask happy questions? Do you like the Happy Mask Salesman? Do you like Mario? Hookshot or Longshot? Bow or gun? Cop or robber? Duck or cat? Hen or chicken? Goose or tractor? Who is the best person on Reborn other than yourself? Do you enjoy fishing? Have you ever eaten a goat? Would you eat a goat? Do you like dogs? Do you like cats? Cats or dogs? Men or women? Do you use aftershave? Do you shave? Who is Bobby Horland? Do you like toast? Would you kill Ricki? Jam or butter? Jam AND butter? How are babies made? Who would you make a baby with? Would you kill Ricki? Who is your favourite superhero? What is your ideal superpower? Do you like the move superpower in Pokemon? Favourite Gen in Pokemon? Doesn't Gen 3 suck? How much TV do you watch? Do you go out much? What happens when you enter Space? Do you wash your hands after touching a door handle? Who is your favourite wrestler? Did you ever wrestle? I'm done for now but I will return.
  13. How do you feel about Dinosaurs? Have you ever been on a boat? Favourite band? Favourite out of Me, RJ and Ricki? I know it's me but I'd just like to hear it anyway.
  14. Vex


    How long is your hair? Do you like rain? What is your real name? Favourite band? What do you like to wear most days?
  15. How long is your hair? What type of music do you like? Who are you?
  16. We wait to reap what we are due.

    1. Shadow♠


      Rise Against <3

  17. Forever is just a lie.

    1. Ringabel


      Death is the only true

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SbrW8LuDr0
  19. Is your voice as manly as your appearance?
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