Reborn: As Dark types are favourite type of all, it might seem obvious for me to go for Luna but no, I find her weak and has too much love to be a true Dark Master. I'd have to go for Bennett, having to work with one of the toughest types and doing very well is enough to earn my respect instantly. His courtesy and attitude towards battling is what nails it down for me.
As for in the Pokemon games, I wouldn't really say I have a favourite leader. Grimsley has the right idea in the direction of Dark type Pokemon he also has the class but he is, like Luna, weak. We need stronger Dark type Masters with higher ambitions. Which is why my favourite Master Trainer is the antagonist Cyrus. In every aspect of the way, he was doing it right. Look at the man! He had class, he had battling skill AND had the high ambition, not to mention he had one of the best Pokemon parties I'd ever seen in my history of playing the Pokemon series. Might have been slightly extreme but for a Dark type Master he was in the right direction. If I were to meet with Cyrus I would discuss our passion for the Dark type and his plans for the future world in which he would have created I would try to persuade him instead of taking over the world with Legendary Pokemon. Just control it with a stronger Team Galactic, unleashing Palkia and Dialga is foolish even for a man of such skill, nobody can control Legendary Pokemon by hand, even if the games say so. They cannot be simply captured in a Pokeball, if Cyrus had realised this and concentrated harder on Team Galactic's efforts then we might have seen the rise of the strongest trainer to ever walk Sinnoh, with myself by his side, of course. Darkness is not about love or friendship. The true Dark Masters know that it is about strength, wisdom and skill.