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Everything posted by Vex

  1. Nice team Xiph, I'd say to take off the Chople Berry as it's not really very useful on Arceus after that Swords Dance he'd be 1 - 2HKOing everything that doesn't resist. Life Orb will ensure the 1HKO's. If you feel unsafe though, go lefties or Lum Berry!
  2. Vex

    Sand stall

    Hi Conor. Nice team you have here, always liked a bit of stall now and then myself. I've noticed that aside from Starmie who doesn't have any HP invested, you have nothing to switch into a banded Close Combat seeing as Skarmory is 2HKO'd. Might I suggest this bulky Chandelure? It works rather well to counter those choiced physical threats, free sub also. Leftovers just to keep the Sand damage neutral. Chandelure (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Shadow Tag EVs: 208 HP / 212 SAtk / 4 SDef / 84 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Shadow Ball - Flamethrower - Substitute - Will-O-Wisp You can run toxic over Will-O-Wisp if you really want that extra damage, your call. I'd also like to point out Chansey being a wish-passer, this could be problematic when it comes to being phazed. You might want to run Softboiled and either Heal Bell or Aromatherapy for stalling them out completely, you do miss out on being able to pass a wish but if your Lucario gets burned it might cost you the game. Otherwise it's a pretty solid team, once the enemy has been weakened by hazards, Lucario can pretty much clean up. Good luck!
  3. I guess I never expected to be staying on PO forever.. But now it's time for me to leave, it's a strange feeling.. The time spent has been priceless, the friends I made will never be forgotten. Reborn is an amazing place, I felt so welcome and everybody was so kind to me. I think what I'm trying to say is, thank you. Thank you for such a memorable and happy time. I've gotten to the point in my life where I need to move on, action needs to be taken. I need to study harder, I need to work for my goals and then maybe one day I won't be such a disappointment to my dad. It's my choice I feel I need to make, while trying to not be emotional.. To my friends and clan, I'll miss you all and to those I didn't get so close with I regret. My laptop is being sent for repairs and I don't have a clue when I'll get it back, that is the reason I can't come on and speak with you all.. I only have a little time on my brothers PC anyway. I'm not going to break down about this. I just want my friends to know, you meant a lot to me and i love you all~
  4. You, sir, are a ruffian and a scoundrel
  5. Jellyman.. pretty much summed up my thoughts
  6. [b]That sure is a nice move you have there, it would be a shame if I was to use it first..[/b] Accelgor (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Hydration EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Me First - Final Gambit - Bug Buzz - Spikes This guy is pretty fast. Well I say pretty fast, I mean he outspeeds a ton of scarfers. Scary right? Perfect if used in combination with Me First! Sure it's slightly unreliable, but if you can pull it off, extremely effective. Me First copies any damage-dealing move that the target is about to use and increases the power by 50%. Used with a focus sash to take a hit from say, a banded Outrage then simply outspeed and Me First, that is a very dead Dragon (Unless of course it has set up..). Even still you can jump in on a safe switch and use Final Gambit, with the max HP invested you're more than likely to kill any sweeper that isn't running max HP for their own, still I say being able to get the sweeper down to a reasonable amount of HP to be revenge killed works out. Bug Buzz is simple STAB, "Tons of damage". Spikes is an interesting one, normally you would want to save this guy for the late game via Me First, yet he can be an effective lead. As I mentioned earlier most Pokemon that don't have HP invested will never survive a Final Gambit, although it does get rid of Accelgor itself.. Getting a few layers of spikes coupled with stealth rocks is worth the sacrifice, for sure. Just keep in mind Final Gambit works with the amount of HP you have currently.
  7. Dear Anonymous. I love you Will. Yours truly, Mori
  8. I worked hard for that title..
  9. Needs a pinch of Honchkrow!
  10. See you all in three weeks <3~

    1. Phoenix


      I'll be waiting for you to come back

  11. The lack of Rotomfan status today is abysmal.

    1. Bullet


      Perhaps he's found a more interesting way to convey his thoughts

    2. Cloud


      I thought his stuff was cool!

  12. I love the choice banded Swampert, always been one of my favourites~
  13. I should mention, when I said "switch out" I meant as in, switching a Pokemon out of my team for another. Like removing Honchkrow for Chansey.
  14. Maybe I did spend too much time on that, but it's a point that needs to be made Swim. It's not "utter BS" though. There is some valid opinions there and facts. I know perfectly well how to build a team, but what if I don't want to use the Pokemon that counter weather all the time, such as Gastrodon or Heatran and I just want to use the Pokemon I enjoy battling with? The main reason I dislike battling against weather the whole time. Having to switch out a Pokemon i enjoy using just because they can't take a specs rain boosted Hydro Pump.
  15. I respect your opinion, but sadly it is the truth. Weather does win, majority of the time weather will beat the non-weather. Simply because weather has extra boosts and active abilities over the non-weather user who has nothing but normal Pokemon.
  16. Yes, ALL forms of weather is banned. I guess that's what makes it so appealing!
  17. In all seriousness, Air Lock would be one the best abilities in OU right now because of the current meta.
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