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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rebellion

  1. I have a question Does the Ending come in Colors
  2. Yo! Yo! Mystery Box I mean Egg Mystery Egg
  3. Maybe we should nuke this Topic To eliminate proofs
  4. All hail the Llama God All-Powerful For his miracles
  5. I can't stop thinking that this is our Hype Train And you can't change my mind about Reborn Drift Express
  6. The true treasure is the maniacals we call friends we made along the way. Oh and Lin is literally a Xianxia Protagonist that want to make Arceus a pill.
  7. All to the train Reborn trains doesn’t fill me with confidence really
  8. Can we give @smeargletail a medal?? Or at least a candy Clearly have won it
  9. Rebellion

    e19 when

    Good Good The only question that I have Is there going to be Fern slap? That question is eating me And now I´m thinking that is done like on "How I meet your mother" with slow motion and epic music while you slap him Maybe I have a problem Nah is Fern
  10. Well I made it So for you So *cough* It´s a lovely morning in Reborn City, and you are a horrible swanna.
  11. Worse or Better I dont know Reborn is a dangerous place
  12. Ana isn´t outside the hospital for me
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