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Unlurking Sentinel

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Everything posted by Unlurking Sentinel

  1. Cicivexa gave a sigh. "If you all say we should go there, then we shall. My apologies for letting the encroaching danger of Medusa lead me to underestimate our more immediate challenges." Indeed, his fear of Medusa had led him to forget what he had learned from his encounter with the voidsent Mormo those many months ago. "You're all about as powerful as I, yes? Then there is no danger the eight of us combined cannot eradicate. When it is her time, this so-called goddess will be among them." He thought fear had been banished from his dictionary by now. Here, it should be sealed off for good. "The rock stone sounds good. I also grew up in the desert, and I am not unfamiliar with ancient ruins."
  2. As soon as the last guard in the corridor was dead, the killing intent emanating from Hinabe had left him, and he returned to his previous, relaxed self. "Does anyone remember the layout of the prison? I don't recall there being any more tight corridors nearby, but I wouldn't quote me on that." Hinabe to N14
  3. Hinabe reacted to the lance in his arm much like he reacted to dodging the fireball, in that he didn't react at all. He merely retaliated with a blast of orange light from his hand, creating distance... ...Before rushing in, lightning in hand! If Mim lands both hits on the Soldier, Hinabe hold, attack Soldier A. Crimson to O-11, blast Mage C. If Mim only lands one hit on the Soldier, Crimson hold, blast Soldier A, Press the Assault on Mim. Hinabe to O-11, attack Archer C.
  4. "Again, we lose all advantage of hurrying if we go for the one we think Makuta already knows about. Even if we don't split up, then we should at least go for the Rock or Ice stone, hoping he hasn't gotten there yet. The armor-summoning girl has that right, at least."
  5. As Hinabe dashed towards the front line to protect the others, all emotion seemed to leave him. He made no response to Tabitha's remark or to anyone. Nothing could be read from his posture, other than that he was ready for a fight, and nothing could be read from his expression, save for a powerful killing intent. Hinabe to O-10, hold
  6. Crimson holds, fires Fighter. Upon kill, Press the Assault on Hinabe.
  7. "I didn't think they'd listen. Perusians are especially good at misjudging mortal threats. It just didn't cost me anything to try, that's all." "Ending fights is the life I've lived, and it's a habit of mine to try and do so before it gets too violent. If I was better at that, I wouldn't be here." He opened a small bag of Vulnerary powder tied to his belt, and threw some of its contents onto Fey's burn wounds. O9, use Vulnerary on Fey
  8. "Looks like our luck has ran out. Figures it couldn't just be good fortune on our way." "Listen, guards of this prison. You may drop your weapons and leave us alone. Heed this warning, or you will not be long for this world." Crimson to N10, blast Fighter to ashes. Press the Assault with Fey.
  9. The shadows surrounding Cicivexa's mask briefly intensified with annoyance, before returning to before. "I seem to have miscommunicated certain specifics. My mistake. My greatest two concerns are, firstly, the safeguarding of the Fire Stone, which is currently guarded by an individual who has yet to be informed of how the situation has gotten unpredictably worse. My second, perhaps more pressing concern, is how we'll be able to get the Water Stone in the first place. Here, I make two assumptions: firstly, that Makuta has yet to know the location of the Water Stone, and has not sent Rahi to protect it, but that Dackly shortly will inform him of the location, thus necessitating speed. Secondly, that there is simply not enough equipment on this island to get us all down to the depths where the water stone lies, meaning that only a small group of ours can reach it. Splitting up, therefore, is required to even reach the water stone. I merely wish to take this poor-yet-mandatory tactic and ensure that it gives us as much value as we can get. Furthermore, your assertion that none of us know the island is ignoring Halhi and Nuparu, who while not perfect guides, were able to lead us to the Earth Stone where we would have been unable to find it. I only ask we split into two groups, one with Halhi and the other with Nuparu. Halhi's group, including at minimum Dackly's Elemental and the man next to it, warns Captain Jaller of Medusa, and then travels to find the Water Stone. Nuparu takes the rest of us to find either the Ice or Rock Stones, whichever is closer to our current location. The Air Stone is right out, as Makuta most definitely already knows its location, rendering the speed advantage negligible and the lack of numbers deadly. Unless either of the Matoran have a better location in mind, we will meet back up at the beach where we first came here. If any of us have a method of telling the time, we will meet back up in three hours." The lalafell's babbling was swift and difficult to understand, though evidently not on purpose. "Do you all understand? Have I missed anything?"
  10. "The location won't be too hard to figure out. How about the beach where we all first met? No, that's too open, and we would be dead if it were nighttime by then. Halhi, Nuparu, do you know the locations of the most supplied villages on the island, and how close they are to the general areas of the Water, Rock, and Ice stones?" "As for communication... I don't have an answer for that yet. My linkpearl wasn't taken with me when I found myself in the castle, and I doubt it would interface with what's in your suit. Smoke is a possibility, but it would be slow and easy for our enemy to notice. And the time..." He tried to suss out how long they had been on the island, from memory.
  11. He had... not expected this turn of events. He was ready to pounce on whoever entered the room, and had to restrain himself from pouncing on Simeon once he blocked the door. This whole turn of events had... confused him somewhat. Getting ready to take on a prison complex with naught but your bare fists and a dream, only for one of the enemy guards defecting and handing you and six other prisonmates weapons before unlocking the door? That just doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. "Well... this might just be the luckiest day of my life." He grabbed the light tome from Simeon and tried to stuff it in his cloth belt, for want of a bag. When that endeavor failed, he instead tried to stuff it in the shirt of his training outfit, but it fell out of that as well. "Way to speak too soon. Anyone got a bag? I prefer to keep both my hands free in a fight; never know what you'll use them for." "Ahh, never mind, I'll deal." Holding the tome against his chest, he dashed out of the gates, quick as he could. Hinabe to P6, Crimson to N6, boom goes the Scav
  12. "I can't say I'm worried by that last part. I've been outnumbered in fights for pretty much my entire life, and that hasn't ended yet. Then again, whenever my life was on the line I still had a tome to back me up. I'm also sure the guards here are stronger than anyone I've fought before, or perhaps just as strong, yet more numerous." "Still, maybe it's why I feel so at ease concerning this escape, or even being here... I'm just used to it already."
  13. Ach! Too loud! Too loud! Are you trying to render me deaf!? ow ow ow ow ow ow ow... ...No. Not gonna flinch. I have to stay cool, and win this battle. I won't be satisfied until one of those songs is about me. So, I won't flinch, I won't flinch... Unbeknownst to Marl, he had fallen to the ground with his hands over his ears, making a noise comparable to a dying capybara. Winston to I23, Attack Healer with Slim Lance If Healer is dead, Elizabeth to J23
  14. "...Thanks for the concern. My mouth must've been moving faster than my mind. Not too bad when you don't have the time to, but right now, we still do. We do need a better plan than that if you're all gonna get out. Let's see..." A few moments of thought passed before he had an idea. "What if, after the first guard, we steal not only the weapon, but the armor? That way, I'll be more likely to survive a group of enemies!" "...But wait, that'll make it harder for me to move around. I won't be able to fight at peak condition."
  15. "See, Crimson? That's what I'm talking about! We can break through any barrier if we all work together!" He gave a strong laugh, that gradually became more forced and weak before stopping altogether. "No one's with me on this, huh? Not even Masuda? Figures with my luck. Alright, new plan. I attack the guards alone. No Masuda, no one else. That way, if it had no chance of succeeding, you all can at least claim innocence. If they kill you anyways for being in the same room as me, then know that they were probably going to kill you on a whim the day after anyways. But my gut tells me they won't, and then you can save your strength and live to fight another day." "There's a lot about you all that I don't know, and likely will never know. All I know is, you're all in a bind with your backs against the wall, and if I don't even try to help you get out of it, then I will already have died. This is the only way I can live, by doing what I can."
  16. "I admit, Masuda, part of my rejection of your plan was grounded simply in surprise at the thought. But now that I think on it, pretty much everyone else here wants to get out of as soon as possible, yes? This is by default the best opportunity we've had in months, and does anyone see a better one in the future? Sure, the plan is terrible, but it's the only one anyone has had so far, and I don't trust my ability to come up with a better one, at least on my own." Hinabe walked closer to the room, smashing his fist into his palm. "But I do trust my fists. I trust my gut instinct on this, and I trust the people that have been brought together here." He then raised his arm into the air, fist first. "After all, there's no powder keg more dangerous than a locked room full of Rians. Or at least mostly Rians, as far as I can tell."
  17. Hinabe gave a sigh. Everyone else seemed to have a reason to get out of here, huh... "That attitude of yours, Masuda... it's either going to be your salvation, or an early execution." "If you're extra unlucky, both." He thought he might as well keep up the religious humor, as he walked towards the center of the room. "Either way, if no one can stop you, I'm joining you. I'll tackle the guard from the other blindspot, and you can choke him out."
  18. "You think if we start praying now, the Horse will answer us?" The man chuckled at his own words. "Hinabe, two months. Three counts of manslaughter. How about you guys?" This was his attempt to break the ice.
  19. Near the wall to the left of the room's entrance stood a man in tattered, loose training clothes, barely concealing his muscles. It was likely he had been exercising regularly behind the guards' eyes. He wasn't a particularly massive individual (in fact, he was a tad short), but it was nonetheless clear that you did not want to get into a fight with him. Thankfully for them, he was in a significantly better mood than anyone in that prison had any right to be. In fact, somehow, it appeared that prison life had not fazed him one bit, as if it were simply normal life for him. One might think he has been here for many years and had finally snapped under the loneliness, but he was too young, and had only been here for two months. "An escape plan, already?" He had not thought much about leaving the prison before this. I mean sure, he likely wouldn't die here, not if he could help it, but breaking out now? "Even if I were interested, the girl in red is right. Besides, you think they'd approach one at a time, lining up to your hands in single file? As soon as more than one shows up, you'd be ended on the spot."
  20. Sir Marl knew that the locked door was suspicious. Have the Paxi soldiers following Elizabeth come here? Before their "scout" finished unlocking the door, he visited the nearest armory and brought out an assemblable ballista to set up in front of the door. When the door opened, he saw the men in red armor storming the castle, and heading for the throne room. "An invasion of the castle? How did these assassins get this far?" They look like Paxi. I understand they must think this girl is important, but this was going too far. "Well regardless, they shall not reach their target. I swear on the Denuvic family name." Place Ballista on E23, move to E23, fire at Cultist A "Target the healer first! Once the path is open, Elizabeth will pursue them directly, with Alwine protecting her in the pillars and breaking them up from within. The faster we eliminate them, the less complications we will have."
  21. "You still know more than we do, and either way, what I needed to know was if you had equal knowledge. My plan is, Halhi, the earth elemental, and the man in silver and blue will head over to where the Fire Stone is being guarded, and warn its guardian of the dangers Medusa poses. He needs to know of this new threat, I assume he trusts Halhi, and that the earth elemental knows the most about the gorgon's capabilities. After that, they will travel to the water stone. The man in silver and blue will use the Kanohi Kaukau, while Gozer and Halhi provide support. I doubt an earth elemental needs to breathe, and you yourself said that blue armor is associated with water, so you can probably provide support from near the surface of the ocean." Cicivexa, interpreting Cell's crude attempt at writing, noted "Perhaps the silver aberration here can also join the water stone party, if it wishes to. As for the rest of us, we shall journey to either the rock stone or the ice stone, whichever is nearer to us. Halhi, which stone's approximate location is nearer?"
  22. As Cicivexa listened to Halhi's reassurance of the stones' secrecy, a foul realization hit him. This is what we all get for trusting that snake, for even a moment! He waited until after they left the caverns before explaining to the others, while they were bathed in the light. "Makuta may not know where the stones are, but Medusa does. You told her, even gave her names of locations. If we do not make haste, they'll all shortly be under his guard! For all we know, they may already be! Halhi, Nuparu, do you both know how to locate and identify the stones? Because if so, I suggest we split up to cover more ground."
  23. After the... Medusa incident, Cicivexa knew he and his party would have to place a great deal more scrutiny into which route they were to take next. Nothing could be assumed. "Halhi, which of the four remaining stones' locations do you believe we would have the greatest likelihood of encountering more Rahi, or Makuta?" They needed to get those ones out of the way before Medusa could return from her rest. Who knows what sorts of threats she could provide, especially with her 'Crack Pot' at hand? "Furthermore, are there any more masks like that?" He pointed towards the Kanohi Kaukau. "Ones that can help us navigate the route to the water stone. A one-man mission sounds especially risky."
  24. Cicivexa noticed the way the Silver Scorpion was telegraphing its next attack, and how Gozer was already gearing up to protect him. I guess I'm safe to go all out... "Bomb-Bearing... Being, can you spare an oil flask? I intend on finishing this trifle." A large surge of aether burst from Cicivexa, as two bolts were fired from his rod, erupting into violent eruptions upon contact with their target(s). Cicivexa cast Fire Bolt on the Silver Scorpion, dealing ((5d4+14+5d6)*1.1 from Astra) fire damage, with a 28% crit chance to deal 2x damage, and giving Cicivexa Astra for 1 turn. He then uses his Offbeat action to cast a second Fire Bolt on the Silver Scorpion. If the Silver Scorpion is dead before one or both of these attacks can hit, the unused actions will instead be used casting Blizzard on the Kofo-Jaga, each dealing ((5d4+14)*0.75) ice damage, 28% chance to crit for 2x damage, and giving Cicivexa Umbra for 3 turns.
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