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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AlexieTheAbra

  1. hecking have a script issue where the game crashed and when it rebooed, I cant move Game.rxdata
  2. So I can't get these laser things. Its when I go into the future and I'm on the pirate ship thing.
  3. Not sure how everyone is making these cool signatures, i was wondering if anyone could help me make one or point me in the direction of someone who could?
  4. I cant seem to find flora for my gym battle in darchlight woods
  5. So I was in the darchlight caves, immediately after crossing the bridge after making the mirror and in the first double battle the Venusaur would go to use solar beam and I would get this response see spoiler. It was noncritical, the battle continued but seeing as it was a bug I needed to share. The mon was lv 60
  6. @walpurgis seems I am in need of assistance again, it crashes at the trainer battle in front of me, saying something along the lines of "trainer doesn't have 2 unfainted pokemon. I am in darklight cave. Also had a minor script error when a venasaur had attempted to use solar beam, but it made an exception, see spoiler. Game.rxdata
  7. Alexie.rxdata Yet another time you saved the day. Now I have a strange question, If I played without getting in the gym battle or switched to v9 for the gym battle then back to v10 and have a save that I caught new pokemon that I want to train up in preparation for the next gym how would I get them Back?
  8. And now my game crashes every time I try to do a gym battle game.rxdata
  9. abra.rxdata Thank you much friend of friends
  10. I am having the same Gearen city issue as forementioned game.rxdata
  11. Stuck after receiving mega stone. accidentally waked infront of her and now am stuck on the pedestal(?I guess is what it is?). Pls send help Game.rxdata I also want to note as I went back a save to not make that same mistake, the moon balls aren't working it seems
  12. So I'm stuck trying to find crawli. Something about only going by boat. I'm so lost
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