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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tarnos

  1. Florinia is surprisingly difficult to beat if you try a dark-monotype without Litten. Got beaten 5 times before winning. Corey is hard as fuck too, you have to beat him with 5 pokemons and you can not hit effectively his Crobat. Surprisingly, I quite easily destroyed Shelly with the same team. Murkrow hits her like a truck.
  2. I'm always creative when it comes to titling. Country : France Age : 19 Favorites types : Poison / Dark Favorite Pokemon : Murkrow Likes : Cold weather, literature, poetry, writing, being a dandy, chess, good food, and most importantly, blue eyes. Dislikes : Sun, not being a dandy, reggae music, bad food, politics. Nature : Pretentious, likes to speak a lot about himself. Talk about himself in the third person. Solitary. Lives in a messy apartment. I wanted to talk to you about my projects and my passion for italian literature, but in my infinite goodness, I have decided to spare you. More seriously guys, happy to have registered and delighted to meet you.
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