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Everything posted by Adramoelech

  1. Despite it's sad that Primarina didn't learn Boomburst, I still think it's better somehow.
  2. I win this fight using the Sharpedo I got from Aqua Gang. Equipped with Quick Claw+Destiny Bond. Paralyzing takes longer since El has 3 full heal and the only 100% chance paralyze move is glare, which Arbok have no prankster/sturdy. Using Sturdy Donphan+Scary face is better for this fight for quick claw alternative (also works for graveler alternative since it learns EQ and magnitude too but its encounter in Citrine mountain ain't as common as Graveler in Grand Bridge) And of course, 3 Sturdy Gravelers+Bulldoze/EQ/Magnitude works as usual.
  3. no worries. Btw we both forget about Shade lol, but he's easy for me. Skuntank destroyed almost all of his mons because Night Slash was also being boosted by the field.
  4. I see, that makes sense specially when you read those Terra like writings before beldum machine and "how dare you read me". But that raises one more question. How could the garbador get out from the pulse machine? Since for every pulse I encountered so far, they seems to be nailed down to it.
  5. Why there are 3 Kiki tombstones in total (4 if you count those in Glitch world)?? Which one is real? The easiest to notice to be fake is the one on the glitch world, and the one in the grotto might as well to be fake since you're encountering a misdreavus there. That will leave out to be only the one at Beryl and the one at wasteland. Which one is real? Some of you might say that Victoria visited the one at Beryl so that one is supposed to be real. But who knows if Victoria doesn't know that it is actually fake? Also if it's actually the one at Beryl is real, who is the body on the wasteland tombstone??
  6. She uses Gen 1 Field which means special attacks are preferred here since spatk and spdef used to be merged (it will use your higher stat), also means that Nasty Plot and Amnesia will boost both your spatk and spdef instead of just one, and that type determines atk/spatk instead of physical/special move (grass move will always be special, even wood hammer etc). I kind of recommend ice type main sweeper, because of her typing. Ametrine should've been rich of it (A-ninetales should be the best for her). Or perhaps if you have eevee, evo it to glaceon? That leaves only the tankiest, most problematic out of all her mons, the Quagsire. Stat boost are useless against it since it has unaware, and it has recover so your best bet is to perish trap/destiny bond/curse etc or perhaps if you have one, use grass type with high base spatk/spdef and finish the thing with leaf storm/wood hammer. My gym team is rather unorthodox so I can't give advice to you to do like mine because it needs specific setups. I'd like to see your mon to give you advice, lol
  7. Julia=Pretty easy because her strongest mons is 5 levels below the cap Florinia=Even though I use Fire starter (Torchic), that Breloom is so annoying if I can't OHKO it will spore and keep mach punching. After getting pidgeotto, it's easy tbh. Corey=After caught Donphan near there and it's all good. Crobat took off my Blaziken though, but my Skuntank revenge killed it Shelly=Even though she uses bug type, shes THE HARDEST for me. 2 raindancers, BUNCH OF BUBBLEBEAMS, I trained Emolga and stealthrock graveler to beat her up until level cap from morning to night, and it's still a close call. Kiki=My Emolga solos all her mons with Acrobatics except for Lucario who gets killed by Donphan's EQ Aya: 2nd Hardest. My poor Donphan is less useful due to EQ being halved. Trained Steelix which isn't that useful when I used it alone in the end due to her mons mostly special attackers, and a local Muk with Minimize and screech. After her Dragalge fainted and her battling mons are Drapion and Toxapex, my steelix and muk succeed in setting up and it swept the rest of her mons with Gyro Ball. Noel=My Blaziken solos after some potions and setting up with Bulk up. Super easy. Serra=Same with Noel, except that I don't use potions but luck instead on not missing any of the blaze kick and HJK Radomus=3rd Hardest I suppose, but it's 2nd longest because around this time is where I began to catch mons to form a solid team. After my settings completed, I defeated him pretty easy with Omastar and Dustox after setting up. Luna=Easiest, all I need is 1 Paralyze Heal and Blaziken swept her entire team. No switching, no potions, no setting up. Her Bisharp is too weak. Samson=My Emolga solos. Needs Scolipede set ups for that Hawlucha though, but no potions. Very easy. Charlotte=Catching 2 Prankster Cottonee that helped me alot with setting ups, and after set ups, Omastar and Blaziken swept all her mons easy. Terra=has some problems with Swagsire due to its unaware. But leveling up until near the level cap and harassing the swagsire by switching back to setters works well. Ciel=My Omastar solos after set ups. Super easy. Adrienn=after training my setters because it's so underlevelled (from 20 below xyr weakest mons to about 7), my Medicham and Omastar defeated them. My cottonee isn't work here so it's a bit harder. Titania=I went to her Gym without team preparation and using 3 HM slaves Orz. No PC to heal or switch to gym team is what makes me spent so much potions for Blaziken to bulk up til max while enduring A-sandslash EQ. That excadrill ohko with critted EQ 3 times in my playthrough idk why, but I win in my 4th. Amaria=that Rotom-W and speed halving field makes it so hard to setup stuffs and that Wishiwashi is just monster. Switched choice to Double Battles and it's really easier I win in just 2 tries (partially due to the Vaporeon changed the terrain to underwater which helped my Omastar to sweep so much in my 2nd tries) Fiore Mansion tag battle=Solaris took 2 of my revives and about 4 hyper potions but that's it. What makes this hard is that because it's a tag battle and your teammates have little knowledge in setting up stuffs, Flo is the best out of all of them (the reason I purposefully losing against Solaris on 1st fight) so it helps a little bit. Also Flo is rather useless vs Blake
  8. Hmm I think it would be better if Wrath=Heather, gets angry almost all the time Sloth=Blake, self explanatory Envy=Cal, he envies Blake Lust=Bennett, to Luna Greed=Luna, not certain but she is the one who wanted to be adopted by Radomus and Serra which is both rich and she got luxuries out of it Gluttony=None fits sadly, so Terra is ok I suppose. Pride is good one there, it hits the nail on the nead.
  9. Ahaha, I know Touhou but never touched it though. Arcade games too hard for me. Ran Yakumo is a cute nonetheless My name comes from Adramelech and Moe actually.
  10. I just finished ep17 some time back and been waiting for the next release. I haven't completed all the available sidequests though So, hello I suppose? My team is only good against NPC though, so online battle requests isn't favored for now because I'll 100% get curbstomped haha Can't wait for the EP18 release here, My Medicham is eager to strike down that Team Meteor Leader hehehe
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