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18 Fledgling

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  1. Hi guys, i have a couple of questions after playing through 13.5 and now trying to complete everything left. First of all, which is the best team to battle Xara and Jean? Since ill farm black prisms daily i will need to battle them plenty more times. Their battle is pretty difficult since its a 6v12, my usual tactic is to burn and intimidate the Delcatty and then focus Jeans mons, but even with that i still need to waste many potions and revives every battle. Anyone got a better working tactic? 2nd: Where is the dark memory? I heard it should be to the right of this room but i need to turn that conveyer around, how do i do that? ´´ 3rd. Whats the max reputation you can get in GDC right now? im at 970, but i think the missing children quest did cost me a few points, so is there a reward or anything for more than 1000?
  2. Seems like it wasnt fixed, im playing on 13.5.6 and i still got this bug edit: actually you can excape this place again once you did both puzzles. (ether one and the one with falinks). But unless you cant do both youre stuck and have to reload an older safefile
  3. You find everything you need here: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/33807-rejuvenation-modular-modpack-v121/
  4. Just download the 12.1 version and move the mods Folder in the data folder. Dont overwrite the script folder in will crash the game. For itemfinder and wildencounters you also need a changed version, some people posted them in the mod download thread at the last 2-3 sites, download the newer versions and replace the old ones in the mods folder with the new ones. For me everything works perfectly fine just dont go to the safari zone, it will still crash your game
  5. Just based on how much i like the characters/how cool i think they are (in clear oder madame x case)
  6. Well just found out there are tierlists existing for the rejuvenation V13 characters, since i haven´t seen any post about it yet i decided to post mine. So spoilers if you dont know all the characters yet. female: male: feel free to share your tierlist too!
  7. That should be all yes! Tepig is still available at Valor Mountain on top of that prison building where you were able to free Raina. Hardest one to get is definitly Froakie
  8. you dont have to overwrite the script file anymore, just place the mods folder in the data folder and done. However some mods need slight changes, for example the itemfinder and the encounter mod. Some people have postet newer versions of them in the last few pages
  9. Yeah it still works but needs some changes, first of all you only have to place the mod folger into your data folder, you dont need to replace the script folder anymore. Some changes have been made to certain mods, some people have postet their new version of the mod in the discussion, just download them and replace the ones in the mod folder with the new one. Just search for the thread and look at the last 2 sites of the discussion, you should find everything you need there.
  10. I think its a little bugged atm, i also put 15000 there and nothing happened and then i reset and just put 1000 in twice and beldum already appeared.
  11. The timetravellers and tem xen are definitly sharing a common goal. Still i'm not too sure if theyre really working together that much bec i remember clear saying in where love lies that she finds tem xen pathetic (or sth like that). Also do we really know that madame x was not just an ilusion from clear again at the top of the pyramid? Maybe she just wants to let us think that theyre working together but they arent really. Well the scene with sakitron wouldnt make much sense then, but still, after being in the bad future with madame x i expected her to at least mention it in the next meeting, which was at the pyramid.
  12. The third dead is in the past where indriads maid wants to blow up kygaeren City. We survive this bec of the power of the interceptor and then madame x turns back the time so that we can stop the bomb from exploding bec she knows we are important in the future
  13. you get 25 ap if you complete the virtual gym quest, but thats all i think aside from the achievements where you can get ap
  14. Buy Rift Essence from Kairo, with that you can activate the dens again. Also you dont have to fight the den Pokemon to get the essence, that also saves you a lot of time.
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