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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Qball97

  1. So i just restarted my game and for whatever reason i am not getting a single pokedollar from anyone when i win a battle. But i do get money when i complete quests. I did notice that after i lose a battle the screen blacks out as normal and forces me to heal twice. It is becoming really difficult to do anything now. FIXED IT Game.rxdata
  2. Hey just got back on this game and everything was going all right and than I lost a battle and spawned outside of the playing area. I am on the Grand Express. I have already tried doing backup files but it spawns me in random areas off the maps. Game.rxdata
  3. Hi Jan I have been having fun with Pokemon Rejuvenation but unfortunately i have had a problem after Melia awakens. This problem happened as soon as i talked to Madame X to get out of that time zone, here's what happened my screen went completely black and all i can here is he characters thud noise.

    1. Jan


      Were you using the skip text feature? Or the speed up button? Try it again without using any of those. 

    2. Qball97


      i tried earlier and i did not seem to work. The problem is that i accidentally saved while i was experiencing it. So basically i am stuck forever.


    3. Qball97


      Should i send you my file? Although I have no idea where it is or what to send to you

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