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Cyphre last won the day on December 19 2024

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  1. Personal opinion of a person with hundreds of JRPGs behind him, while i do like the theme it doesn't sound anything like a battle theme. The only battle theme it would fit is a Suikoden 2 situation where you are forced into a bitter fight with your best friend and no one wants it, which is very much not the case here, otherwise it sounds like a cutscene OST where someone dies or explains tragic backstory or something equally sad. I also don't think it particularly fits for the "end of the journey" dungeon as well since it generally needs to build anticipation and excitement for the final confrontation, not make you depressed. Personal advice, consider what state character are in in this point of time, what kind of emotions OST want to convey, what kind of feeling for this point you need to create for the player, also researching chord sequences that trigger certain emotional responses is a nice way to improve the OST too. Also just play a lot of games with great OSTs, hearing them and understanding why it works when you experience the moment really helps too.
  2. The whole narrative point of this section is to give our characters a slap and make them realise they are way out of their depth at this point, and they will not solve all their issues with just winning a pokemon battle (granted they kinda still do that, so this is a moot point, but still). Because you ARE still a poor boy that is saved by their friends. I believe this is exactly how it supposed to feel, it's a very bitter triumph and is barely one at all, and that is the point. Mount Valor though is probably the most "reborn" dungeon in the game and it kinda drags on for a bit too much for my taste, but it is what it is.
  3. From what i understand that this whole thing is based on one single implication where she uses Master and Madame as if talking about one person. However when you pick renegade path, Kieran says "Clear and I fight for oblivion". Which you can interpret either as just them not bothering mentioning Madame X or their Master, or not including Madame X in this because she has other goals in mind. When we restored bad future she said "this was the outcome i was hoping to never see" (not exact wording), why would she care about it if she went for oblivion anyway. Why would she try and keep history a certain way if in the end she would plunge it all down the toilet and none of it would matter? Why would she "save us countless times because you are just too important for everything" as she said in Kugearen? She has a plan clearly so she doesn't NEED us for oblivion. Why would she gather negative energy or emotions or whatnot in Blacksteeple? Assuming she does gather it, maximum she can likely do with it is to cause Yveltal's extinction event, which is definitely not oblivion and nothing similar to what Kieran and Clear mean. Why would she need Archetype power for oblivion? Kieran and Clear do not, from what we can gather so far. Also there was a certain phrase that always interested me which she said on the boat in the bad future: "I realise and aware of the hardships i brought to you and many people". You could make an argument she was just tying to convince MC and Melia, but she never showed herself to be a liar or a deceiver, and the way she say it at least to me make it impossible to believe she has the same goal as Kieran, Clear and their Master, which is, well, oblivion. There is no reason to care about such things if her goal is just ultimate nothing, and she almost sound regretful that she has to cause harm to everyone. Overall from just a lot of circumstantial things i remember and some i do not currently remember i cannot agree in any way that Madame X and Clear+Kieran share an end goal. It is much more likely that their actual Master simply sent them to cooperate with Madame X and comply with her until they get what they actually want. And Madame X interest in Talon's fate annoys Clear simply because it doesn't align with their Master or their goals. No, the one to the right is with the hood and doesn't react to talking. I do not have a save file in this place so i just rewatched a video where a guy talk to every chess piece. This one says he is a descendant of Zed. I also want to point out their position on the board along all the pawns, i.e. grunts and such. I do not think anything Zed related is particularly relevant due to this. Overall i very strongly disagree that Kieran and Clear creator and Master and Madame X are the the same person. Especially if it's based on one Clear dialogue that indeed implies such, which could be just a writing slip up as well or awkward wording. I still think that every theory have their points toward and against every of the main candidates and we simply cannot prove anything definitively or with a reasonable degree for now.
  4. I don't remember exactly but saying she owns Blacksteeple is a bit much, didn't Xen just squat there? Also again, she says "Father, i have lost...". If i remember right Geara (i assume it was him too) and Angie weren't aware of the Indriadification of themselves, it just negatively affected them. Assuming for a second Erin or Melia was Madame X, i cannot imagine any world where they would say "Fater, i have lost..." like they failed Indriad and they are ashamed and regret it, with possession or without. So no, i don't think there is any degree of real in that. I believe "hates Theolia" based on a single "How many times are you willing to put her through this!?" is a bit of a wishful thinking, but i would also like to present an option where she refers to Karma or even simply the player. Except she doesn't give a single shit about Kanon (which would be weird for Erin or Melia) and is doing it only so the history path would stay a certain way and the whole nuking Kugearen isn't in the cards. First of all it was made EXTREMELY contextually clear that Madame X is not their Master in any capacity and they are just working together temporarily. So any further speculations on Clear and Kieran being built by theolia siblings are built on false foundation. Yes, there is a different person than Madame X that built them. It's pretty much a fact. Second, as was established, Madame X is very interested in keeping history a certain way. So to me it seems like she is confused by his appearace and is watching him to make sure he doesn't screw up anything, sort of like with MC. This is all pure speculation, i believe it's more reasonable from writing perspective that it's foreshadowing and a clue to her identity rather than some extremely poor and misleading wording. Those words have been there for a LONG time and never were fixed or removed, it is much more likely that they have actual meaning in this version of the world and don't refer for random parallel world we don't know about. It would be disgustingly horrible writing and false Chekhov's gun and i have slightly more faith in Jan's writing abilities. So this phrase points either at Marianette or Nora, either works. Two options. First, Vivian actually stands at one end of the pokemon arena, implying she was next and owner just didn't get to it yet. Second, it's indeed possible that the owner readily defaced Nymiera and Anju, but couldn't bring him/herself to do it with Vivian. There is one person that comes to mind, but it's a stretch and wishful thinking on my part. No, it specifically said "existential age". Whether it means her soul age meaning Maria/Marianette hopped into her, or she was just being reborn in similar fashion to Aelita, it's very clearly not literal age. Also this is the "Descendant of Zed" one, i specifically went to character files for Zetta and pretty sure he doesn't look like this from any angle. I might be wrong here but i don't see it. So overall i personally didn't see a single confirmation to anything that wasn't said before, Erin is still a decently strong option but it got a lot of holes and in no possible way definitive. Just as other candidates. I'm afraid we will just have to wait for the next version, we have long reached the limit of what can be deduced about Madame X without going into wild unsubstantiated conspiracies.
  5. I believe there is quite a lot of wishful thinking and confirmation bias in here and some things that simply were not the case, i might do a more detailed answer when i will be less sleepy and remember more. Just gonna put two points out for now. I might remember the date wrong, but wasnt 2017 also development of Where Love Lies? I don't remember exact year so correct me if i'm wrong. And if i remember it right could easily point at my favorite guess at Madame X identity. I just don't even i don't i cannot... Man.
  6. I would love to visit the stream and watch, but i prefer to know as little about the game as possible before i play it, so any small little extra info is not for me. I think the idea is great though, as long as you make sure you don't show anything too important.
  7. Glad to hear everything is good, no reason to rush really. Since it should be a climactic story point might as well make it perfect and polished from the get go. We can wait.
  8. Mystery Eggs are fixed when you start a game, if you want a different egg you need to do the entire process again. It is quite tedious, i just generally turn on a background video or something for such things.
  9. Added a more convenient doc link with crests and effects to the initial post, it's better to use this one. Edit: My mistake, it was a different thing, removed from the post. Oops.
  10. Seems that way, will fix. (it does not make resetting for it better tho)
  11. In save folder (located in the game folder) you will find a list of your saves, all you need to do is to delete current Game.rxdata and rename one of the previous saves into a new Game.rxdata (different playthroughs will be labeled with a different number).
  12. It got nothing to do with the story, it just means some custom fights are reskins of this pokemon essentially.
  13. I don't see much point to be honest, there is an encounter guide at number 6, all starters besides Blaziken line are available in some way too. You can go into the guide and just look them up with ctrl + F. If more people think it will be helpful i can edit it, sure.
  14. Tower of Theolia uses Frozen Dimensional Field, on it Ice face protects against all moves. There is a file in the game's folder that lists all field effects.
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