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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cyphre

  1. Melia still got the hidden one in her briefcase i believe if you input a correct password during Goldenwood thing.
  2. It is missable since it involves Isha, once you are past events involving Isha you can't do it anymore iirc. If you finished v13 before doing it you should be past the point you can trigger it in theory.
  3. I don't see it, Madelis has been implied to care about Francesca and Neved, she also got her beef with Cassandra, i believe she will turn around, semi-join our group, confront and beat Cassandra, then will convince Neved he is a moron and what he is doing doesn't help Francesca, so after one final Neved fight he dips out of Xen with Madelis and will bring us to Neverwinter later on on his ferry. (alternatively Neved dies from Madame X and Madelis is later care about Francesca) Don't know if they will be involved after that.
  4. Yes on all questions. Terajuma arc is completely and fully reworked, Talon (flying leader) was introduced on Terajuma and got more interactions with Florin, Floria is less of a psychopath, quite a lot of details were changed, GDC was reworked quite a lot, Allen and Alice stuff, Isha stuff e.t.c. Until Terajuma its pretty much the same but after that changes are big.
  5. It's likely because Budew is a baby pokemon, gotta evolve it first.
  6. I think after your rematch with Melia under Sashila.
  7. You need Enigmatic key which you get during the story to interact with them. Do you have it already?
  8. Added a document on Aevian forms, evolution methods, movesets e.t.c. in 7.3.
  9. I would say so, yes. Mainly entirety of Terajuma arc is completely new, and i mean 100% rework story and design wise, Darchlight caves are changed (again), quite a lot of interactions are changed,
  10. To be fair crystal cavern is a fun field, sadly fields are not equal. No wonder no one want corrosive mist.
  11. As one of the people who submitted a bunch i apologize but it also was before it was specified you can do one, so i feel it kinda cancels itself. I feel like with now clearer rules it should be less of an issue. But yeah even with understanding of the reasons it feels like a shame since one team can only do and showcase only so much. Even within just one field i always had multiple ideas of what to play around and had to decide on one or two of them.
  12. Same, i've been helping couple of my friends to make extras since they aren't that into theorycrafting and it's hard for them to go through the Fields, but it's not the same as your own. I understand why it is, because every community member need a chance to have his own team and having multiple from one person limits amount of people, but even so it would be nice to submit more.
  13. That is true, thank you for correction. I forgot the thing exist at all.
  14. Step 1: Use "Upload to Pokepaste" button on the Showdown. Copy your entire team's info in there. Step 2: Open clean Pokepaste page, it should have the menu from the Spoiler to the right. Step 3: Paste your previously copied team info into the clean page, now on this page you can freely write in any items like Seeds, Crests, Aevian forms e.t.c.
  15. Added information on Nurse Joy that maxes out your IVs just in case, since it's very easy to miss if you don't religiously talk to everyone in the game. Veterans all know about it of course but might be useful for newer players.
  16. It maxes out one IV of one pokemon. Become irrelevant once you reach GDC but useful for fixing an annoyingly low IV on otherwise good mon.
  17. Oh yeah, if you check requirements document with restrictions and such, i've been enjoying poor Judas fixing up the Smogon team counter for like 2 days by now.
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