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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cyphre

  1. You can walk inside those tiles near the Kyogre place during cold state.
  2. You can freely walk through those 2 tiles and walk around a bit in the void.
  3. It's much more likely you are just missing something, its a confusing layout. It's hard to say anything from your words alone.
  4. 9, one you get in Paragon route in karma files so there is one more you are missing. Did you do the kimono girls? Hiker in the theater also gives you one after you finish their challenge.
  5. 3 tiles in here are actually lava and you can also walk on bottom 3 as well. And overall edges of lava are occasionally surf tiles as well.
  6. In Helojak's underwater section you can walk all over this place.
  7. You can walk out of this place in those 2 tiles and walk around to the left.
  8. You can exit through this one tile on both sides and walk around, considering that's the only tile of that type without collision it's clearly unintentional.
  9. This entire batch is water tiles instead of earth, and you can also swim into the little pond there from one of the tiles. Same with other 2, just cant go into the ponds.
  10. Fairly sure you are not supposed to walk through this one either but this place also doesn't have collision.
  11. I'm sure this one is a common find but you can swim through this particular tile and get to the map boundaries. Pretty funny.
  12. So i know such topics exist and you also can report tile errors in troubleshooting and all, but much less people go there and actively participate in such things, so i'm creating this topic as thing only community can do, i urge everyone who found a wrong tile to post their findings here to document it for further game polishing. I'm sure there is a thread for such things in discord as well but might as well do it here too. I will provide a starting batch and hope people will continue. Some of them were here since v13 so either they were not a priority or the information just didn't get to devs so here we are. 1) Can still swim through Sheridan bridges. 2) Can walk through the pipes on Helojak island. 3) On alternate route 2 there is a nice water tile in the middle of a tree, can fish there quite comfortably. 4) This one is still from v13, can walk through the fountain in the goomy castle. Too bad you can't fish there.
  13. Still need Fly to get back so at least after Souta.
  14. They did, but it's available fairly late. Tower of Theolia basement.
  15. Explore the place again once you finish with the Pyramid, you will figure it out.
  16. Ice beam is there, i believe somewhere in the basement of Theolia tower, might be mistaken but it's somewhere in 13.5
  17. For purely defense i suppose this is the best option, sure.
  18. Depends on what you wanna pass, speed, attack, special attack?
  19. Also i forgot to post this screenshot way when i replayed, but i feel that this thing that happened when she tried the ritual on Melia and showed a lot of her versions from different times, including the future i suppose, is fairly interesting. I don't recognize all of them, maybe someone can name all of them.
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