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68 Samaritan


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    Snowdin Chilling with the skelebros

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  1. how mono runs typically work is if a mon doesnt start as a type specified in said run but evolves into such a type or changes into it via form change/held item its allowed (take eevee for example as despite being normal, it can fit on a mono team for any of its eeveelutions) the trick here is silvally would need to be using the poison/ice/fairy memory (it doesnt matter which) at all times after becoming silvally or else the run would effectively be invalidated, as for leading up to it becoming a silvally, it would usually be up to the one doing the run but i believe general consensus is it needs to leech exp via exp share/all or what have ye until evolution
  2. ur fine for now, 13.5.0 is the most recent version and likely wont see another update until v14 drops
  3. one other thing i was curious about, do you have any idea when/if speedup will be reimplimented cuz movement at times before getting the running shoes proper feels quite slow
  4. yea i realized that but then i encountered the very same error not long after when i battled kira, i lost to her once then i went back and tried to refight her only for the game to spit out the exact same error as it gave me with the aaron issue (note i mean the actual kira, not the fake one ofc)
  5. ive yet to get another after hanna ran off with pidgeot, im guessing this is a tad bit important?
  6. every time i try and battle aaron in povert town this pops up and the game immediately crashes afterwards effectively softlocking my progress
  7. not knowing what the exact date is doesnt really provide any insight as to what the cause might be providing that would more likely than not help us figure out the issue, or at least get an idea on what the issue might be
  8. as far as i can remember, there arent any mods for this game whatsoever
  9. i wouldnt bother, this isnt up to date with the most recent version of deso as it is, and with another update on the horizon somewhere i doubt we'll see this get up to snuff any time soon
  10. not sure why you would need it considering 13.5 exists
  11. not sure why u cant download them off of mediafire or mega, i and many others have been able to do it perfectly fine, i even confirmed it just before typing this to be sure
  12. to answer question 1: the plates are held item evolutions (think something akin to the razor claw/fang for weavile and gliscor respectively) but if im remembering correctly the plates are not lost upon evolution, or at the least other means of getting them are available, i forget which, to answer question 2: not even close as it only covers up to e18, to answer question 3: unlikely as the initial dev has left the scene but someone could pick up the project from where they left off i do believe, and to answer question 4: it makes a lot of weaker mons better and i think it makes some stronger ones slightly weaker as well, but with how the forms obtained via plate evolution work and all that that could be just a matter of opinion
  13. unless the rates were altered i dont see why it would cause you to take hours on end to catch the likes of blipbug and meditite as the former has a roughly 43% catch rate and meditite has a catch rate of roughly 33%................ blipbug especially since if im not mistaken you can get net balls relatively easily to increase said catch rate, but unsure with meditite as there isnt a specific ball to boost its catch rate unless ur finding it at night or in a cave or something then dusk balls would help overall there's no reason u should be having such low success chances for them, let alone taking hours
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