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Everything posted by ArcBolt27

  1. tried to replicate the noclip issue but its proving to be a challenge on another note tho the weather broke again in ecruteak >.< EDIT: using the most recent version the nobi clone is still following me............ its worth noting it also happened for the brief moment i was in control of my actual character too, not just hanna
  2. um i got a nobi clone following me D: also oh and for some reason i somehow have a sort of noclip active now and as such can walk thru anything and on anything within the boundaries of whatever map im on, kinda problematic if i do say so myself
  3. pretty sure that hasnt been a thing for a few versions now
  4. i dont think a pokeflute will help me move this one
  5. EDIT: resetting seemed to resolve the issue but i think looking into it would still be a good idea just in case
  6. so yea my next big task is gonna be dealing with that houndoom with no revives and a team like this: i honestly think its impossible considering how few potions i have available (4 hyper potions and thats it) and no means of money farming to get more, nor do i have any revives either
  7. yea due to the ability the mon in the spoiler has and how im assuming it works according to the PBS files i swear the battle comes down to luck in hopes that you can status it down which ultimately requires you to not only have enough revives to stall out the poison but also have them exhaust all full restores prior which is easier said than done
  8. EDIT: think you can have it so our party is healed between rounds 1 and 2 from the battle in the above spoiler that way we dont go into the second round with a team thats pretty much on death row only to likely lose and have to do both rounds all over again?
  9. name of the map was pokemon haven or something like that if its of any help pinpointing it
  10. i assume you have updated to the most recent version yes? judging by your post im assuming not as this was fixed in one of the 2 updates that have come out since v13's release
  11. something else i forgot to mention: when chasing the thief that takes the relic copper in ecruteak after warping to god knows where you end up getting stuck in a tile and cant move, i can post a screenshot of said "stuck" moment if itll help any
  12. well to be fair i doubt it will any time soon considering to my knowledge at least neither zacian nor zamazenta are currently available in v13 and as such there isnt really a need to fix it atm
  13. um, i think the weather kinda broke over in violet city
  14. oh something i was curious about for the longest time: is there a reasoning behind the title screen resembling a creepypasta
  15. i went and checked for myself the other day and i can confirm the mods for v12 are compatible with v13 as long as they dont replace the scripts.rxdata file so if you have a copy of v12 with mods you can simply copy/paste that over and it should work with no issues, tho if you do have the sharedPC mod for v12 delete it for v13 as trying to use that on v13 can cause the game to crash on startup
  16. just got back into this and had beaten the second gym in jhoto but upon leaving the gym i kinda got stuck within the collision of the gym and cant move :/ EDIT: its worth noting this happened with hanna riding on top of nova, i havent dug into my backup save files far enough to test this without that
  17. its almost as if you didnt read up on this and realize that the game isnt available yet
  18. you can start it over if you revert to a previous save so long as you have backups enabled in the settings, just find the right one and ur good
  19. start melia's adventure over if you can and when you get the option to use interceptor's wish, say yes then check ur party at first opportunity also it is in your bag, its a key item but it has no mid adventure use as far as i know
  20. its almost as if you were given the interceptor's wish for a reason, hmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder what it could possibly do
  21. kinda hard to reset the puzzles when they're already completed >.> and besides, the issue comes not with the puzzles themselves but interacting with the walls beforehand, doing so causes the softlock
  22. hint: use fast mons that can hit hard physically or is a water type, hell running drizzle can mess with the rain royally too
  23. yea i was doing the puzzle in the second half of the nightmare realm in v13 where you gotta fineggle with the buildings and slider puzzles and apparently if you mess with the walls before doing the sliding puzzles it seems to cause some sort of softlock preventing progress
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