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Everything posted by ArcBolt27

  1. yea i can agree on t likely gonna take a bit for mods to come out for v13 with how fresh it is........... as for no debug for v12? tell that to my harddrive
  2. or you can just change them in the main menu itself, there is an option that clearly is labled and i quote: "other save files"
  3. idk i havent tried resetting to gof around with it but i would imagine unlikely, especially since you dont have access to your own item pool either
  4. the best i can say is run something that can resist steel since the field effect turns it into a steel type move, and possibly have it also resist ghost but steel resistance is the top priority there of course
  5. ive been noticing in v13 a lot of mons resembling regional variants of sorts lately......... i havent noticed a changelog for v13 so idk where i can get any of the others that may be available has anyone made a list of their availability? asking purely for curiosity sake, tho i will say adding an aevium twist on regional variants was a nice idea if thats what it actually is
  6. well its working now but i ran into a minor visual issue afterwards, tho it doesnt seem to cause the game to crash but it is kinda funny to see a wise man once said: "this is getting out of hand, now there are TWO of them!"
  7. its still crashing at the same point this is what pops up both before and after applying the fix
  8. ArcBolt27


    choice band gorilla tactics PTSD intensifies
  9. solid team there, tho if possible i'd say to give rotom wash shadow ball over hex as the damage in the long run can be better in most cases, as for other possible suggestions i would recommend a poison type move such as sludge bomb or sludge wave where possible since your only easy counter to fairy types is meteor mash on metagross........... tho out of your team's composition i think the only mon capable of learning sludge bomb is metagross which wouldnt do its physical capabilities any favors
  10. ArcBolt27


    pfft, UNTIL angie? intense is how i started back in v9, and intense is how i plan to end it
  11. ArcBolt27


    my body is not ready for this, i repeat MY BODY IS NOT READY FOR THIS
  12. yea when attempting to battle these 2 grunts the game decides to up and not allow it and crash in a very similar fashion to one of the very first issues i mentioned a while back (the one about the guy on the way to celadon)
  13. seems there's a crash issue in the team unification hideout with the double battle against 2 magma gruntsm havent checked anything else yet tho
  14. kinda reminds me of how shadow vanillite has a fire move after purifying it XD
  15. tho it requires some minor setup, if you can use dig and then surf afterwards you can ultimately turn the volcanic top field into a cave field and seeing as you are at amber the main issue is acquiring dig as idk if you can get it by that point either naturally or via TM........... this is recommended to be done before she can send her typhlosion out cuz of how deadly that can be on volcanic top field
  16. oh i forgot to mention in my previous post about the "optional" battle at the end of the elite 4, the music in phase 2 of it caught me off guard but was very welcome to hear :)
  17. well i noticed a couple other bugs since beating the elite 4, champion and the "optional" battle after that will mark them with spoilers to be safe
  18. so how is the new update going to work if i continue from a point where i had mons above level 100 prior to the update?
  19. considering the altforms themselves are completely optional to use you can simply choose to not use the ones u dont like but still use the ones u do, do keep in mind with how altforms itself works im fairly certain you cant remove any from the mod entirely without borking the game something fierce
  20. no idea tbh, the game runs fine for me both with and without the speedup and im running it on a mid-tier computer so
  21. one other issue ive been dealing with from a gameplay perspective this time is the levels............ granted yea i know this was designed to be challenging but by the time we reach the pokemon league we're pretty much forced to grind our team to the point where we are risking them disobeying us which against the levels tossed at us doesnt do it any favors looks at the semifinals in the pokemon league as a prime example if anything to work around this i would say to just get rid of the disobedience part of it so we can grind to a respectable level so we can stand a chance
  22. do you think its possible to place a breeder trainer at indigo plateau for the sake of convenience? kinda tedious having to wander from there all the way over to cinnabar to grind up off the one there
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