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Everything posted by ArcBolt27

  1. another bug i found EDIT: losing to the above spoiler doesnt seem to cause the problem tho
  2. so how do i evolve eevee into espeon/umbreon in this anyhow? EDIT: found a bug when trying to leave pokemon centers it displays this: its worth noting that happens in pretty much every pokemon center i enter except celadon
  3. i mean if you read some of the above posts you would find out simply look 3 posts up from mine and see
  4. oooh the roselia would actually be great after evolving it since it can run toxic and has plenty of self sustain due to giga drain and natural cure should you get statused and can swap out............ for a moveset for it i'd recommend giga drain, toxic, sludge bomb and maybe toxic spikes if possible
  5. if you backtrack to goldenwood cave whenever possible you could acquire a leavanny which would not only be a decent grass type since its able to learn the iconic leaf blade but also makes for a decent bug type as well, a solid physical attacker imo especially since it can get swords dance and even fell stinger
  6. like i had said, field effects and abilities could be a factor too........... we cant really say for sure because all you are saying is that its happening after a turn ends and nothing else, you never said what pokemon its happening to, what pokemon you are facing when it happens and if there are any active field effects
  7. yea i told them that but they wouldnt listen
  8. you do realize that isnt necessarily a glitch but could be the result of a move held item or field effect thats doing that right? and even if none of those are happening there's always the possibility of them gaining enough HP EVs to gain extra HP which does take effect whenever applicable to reiterate, its very unlikely that its a glitch
  9. well i made it to vermillion city and got the thunderbadge and goofed and went east towards lavender town before going north (love what you did to lavender town btw) but i did notice an issue again during my escapades...... basically when going north thru the "shortcut" outside vermillion that is mentioned the first trainer encountered on that path causes the game to crash im not entirely sure why tho........ also this other bug imma list with a spoiler just in case also note the crash issue happened both with and without heading towards lavender town EDIT: this is the error that pops up btw if its any help
  10. fearow or dodrio could work wonders due to part flying, the latter moreso due to its speed, the snorlax would make for a phenominal tank or decent off dps if it has at least body slam/heavy slam
  11. i managed to work around the exp and move issue but encountered another rather problematic issue.......... basdically this issue effectively halts all progression as seeing that you need to beat all the trainers to leave veridian forest but this bug prevents that as whenever you defeat a trainer regardless of whom it may be the game will crash after they say their defeat dialogue
  12. i noticed the game said it has mons up to gen 6 with some gen 7 content.............. what does this mean for regional variants i.e alolan forms? yea i chose charmander and im still getting the no move issue as well as a near infinite exp loop when defeating most wild mons that only seems to end if i select the option to run after defeating the wild mon which shouldnt be an option to begin with
  13. this has been answered many times already, when it says that just press f12 to reset the game and it will work as intended
  14. i dont remember if you can purify shadow pokemon by that point or if it was after the ketta battle but if you can then i would strongly recommend purifying the shadow grimer you can snag, solid mon type-wise, respectable type coverage and is a mon i swear by in every run i do of this game
  15. you should be able to see that by default iirc
  16. idk if u can right now as its been a while but if u can go back to gearn and get the nidoran out by the docks it could help especially if it ends up getting poison point
  17. ah yes a fellow beliver in lord ARKOOS, HAIL YEAH indeed
  18. the shadow grimer u get early on is phenominal, being alolan its got more going for it and has put in the absolute finest of work for me no matter the run i do the setup i use for it by end of release content is knock off, poison jab, fire punch, powerup punch with black sludge having poison touch ability
  19. 9 times outta 10 in pokemon games i play as a female and this game will be no exception to that also i forget if it was asked or mentioned but are the main character gonna follow the iconic "silent protagonist" trope or will they actually speak?
  20. yea that issue has been ongoing for a while people keep asking it and while i may not be a dev of the game it does get annoying after a while seeing so many people between here and pokecommunity asking it
  21. i second what pizzagod says about roserade, if given the choice between giga drain and magical leaf, always go giga drain, the survivability is invaluable especially later on, as for the lucario i dont recall if earthquake is available yet or not but i would say if not grab thunder punch if possible
  22. no clue, if the devs allow it they will let us know when they feel like it, until then we're outta luck
  23. i havent had this issue nor do i recall anyone else having it tho i could be mistaken
  24. any idea on if this is compatible with the swm pack or aironfaar's mod box or even the music modpack?
  25. or you could just use 7-zip and be done with it
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