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  1. I got stuck in a room using strength. Can someone help me please? Game - 420 - Alex - 62h 22m - 11 badges.rxdata
  2. Hi! I used strenght in one place and I got stuck, please can someone help me? Game - 420 - Alex - 62h 22m - 11 badges.rxdata
  3. Hi! I have some questions about competitive in Pokemon Reborn before downloading it. I'm wondering if this game has got everything for competitive play. You know... Move tutors, egg moves, competitive items, ability capsule... And also I want to know if there are easy systems to get EV's fast and IV's changers or something to improve the IV's of your Pokemon. Finally, are there any new moves? Well, that's all I want to know
  4. When I start a battle required to progress in the story my game crashes. It seems like the foe hasn't got more than 1 pokemon (and the battle is double so the reason that the game crashes is that...) https://mega.nz/#!3v4jmQzQ!-H9996LBAcn99YLKTHw1Own5t7eQlwEmKyquKPUMYlk <-------- My Save File Please, if someone can help me with this, I'll be so gateful... I can't progress the story without beating this battle
  5. Okey, thank you ^^ I was worried about shadow pokemon stop appearing or something like that
  6. When I arrived to Kugearen city I went into an apartment there it was a diary. I read it and I took it. The game showed a message that said that tooking the book was going to have future repercussions... I'm a bit scared of what this could mean. I want Shadow Pokemon to still appear. So... Taking the diary affects in Shadow Pokemon appearance?
  7. What do I have to do after defeating Kyogre in Valor Mountain? I have activated the lava zone before Kyogre and I can't activate it again, please help
  8. Thank you so much for your help! I like a lot the game and I didn't want to stop playing it due to a bug... Again, thanks a lot! <3
  9. https://mega.nz/#!7nQUmJbR!brQiEZMw7AZxbTt5Yhxrzvl32XENKqJsXQnnE84ITaY Try with this
  10. https://mega.nz/#!O6hCFBDB!Lf4kMED1pVvJn9uJjK5WP4_xtgIpuAQrYPoBSrSbQos Here you are, thanks ^^ There you have the file, thanks for your help.
  11. The file is to big... Any form to give you the file?
  12. Hi, it seems that I'm stuck. After defeating Kyogre, my character tries to go back with Venam and Amber but it gets stuck with a wall and he cannot pass... Please, what I have to do? It gets stuck and the cinematic doesn't end!
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