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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by kenzie

  1. Ok so the four staying on my team are Infernape, Roselia (Soon to be roserade), Vaporeon, and Lycanroc Dusk. My other two pokemon right now are a Bannette and a Gothitelle. As soon as I am off of Terajuma I am getting clefairy, so who should I take off for it? Also, what should the 6th member be?
  2. Ok so I wasn't going crazy I definitely heard heartache and ruins a couple times
  3. Ok so I'm at blacksteeple now and I havent been here in almost a year, and i'm just chilling listening to the music and I can hear Roxas's Theme from Kingdom Hearts sprinkled in and I got super excited lmao. Are there any other areas with KH music?
  4. ,,,,,,, oh, whoops! I feel kinda stupid now sorry!
  5. Hello! Would anyone be willing to trade me a shiny stone so I can evolve my Roselia? from what I've seen in the item guide, I can't get one until after terajuma, and I just beat Narcissa. Sorry if this is in the wrong place!
  6. Hey, why is there no level trainer in Goldenleaf Town? Do they spawn later or what? I just spoke with Narcissa in Whispy Tower.
  7. YIKE I read something saying that they can be found at some Moon Lake thing? where is that?
  8. Is it possible in the game files to see what your mystery egg is? Because theoretically, you could make a save, check the egg, and restart if it isn't what you want
  9. Thanks!! Just because I'm curious, is there one of these for Pokemon that's updated to v11 yet? I know there was one for v10 which was super helpful. also, where did you get the rejuv shiny sprites for your team?? I couldn't find them
  10. How/when do you get a sludge bomb tm?
  11. Wow, already asking another question haha. Is there a way I can ask these that would be less spam inducing/less annoying? Anyway, If i say no after completing the second library help quest, does that stop me from being able to continue this stuff with the library? or does it not really matter?
  12. Hi again so does anyone know where to find the cleffa/cleffairy/clefable line in this game? I kind of want to use that as my fairy type and I don't want to miss it.
  13. Isn't that Reborn? Hey so sorry for asking so many questions, but does anyone know where the move relearner is? apparently dusk form lycanroc doesn't get accelerock upon evo
  14. Hi so I interacted with a tree in the hotel in Gearen City and something made a noise but idk what the text said because I accidentally skipped it. Does anyone know what it might have said? Also does anyone know how to raise friendship in this game without just mindlessly grinding?
  15. Hey are there any new passwords I should know about? Also does anyone know how to get Dusk Lycanroc? Wanted to use it in V10 but it wasn't a thing yet apparently.
  16. nonono we can die, just we've been saved from death a few times by multiple characters, like Madame X. Aelita can't fully die tho, they are reincarnated
  17. yea my infernape and retaliate stoutland and amnesia swalot and my lycanroc won it for me
  18. Hi so how does one get the true ending? Because I will definitely replay WLL to get whatever the true ending is
  19. I can't figure out how to get the true ending, but i feel like she may be madelis (I HAVE NO IDEA, IM STILL TRYING TO KILL THE DAMN WEAVILE I haven't seen anything saying it is or isn't)
  20. Ok so I accidentally skipped where Rhodea’s friend said they were going (I forget his name. Hugh?) in GDC to go get Lavender. I thought it said grand dream station but he’s not there. Where do I go?
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