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Robin Xoxoxo

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  1. HI!


    Has Pokemon Reborn Redux ever been fully released?

  2. Title! Best I have to offer are shinies and/or an Onix with 5 stats close to 31...!
  3. Because of the limit of early game dragon pokémon I understand your Egg Group reasoning. However, I wouldn't make it a general rule - it's not what monotype is about, it would be monogroup or anything similar. There are more than enough Bug-types to be found throughout the game to not need Flygon or any other pokémon from the same Egg Group. You can find a list of all pokemon per type you encounter on each route throughout the entire game. Feel free to use rotating teams! Edit: Unless you feel uncomfortable making videos I would love you to make videos and put them on your YouTube channel - preferably with voice over. I will watch every single one
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