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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SmK

  1. Hey, I got this bug on my savefile, it was a bit different than you tho but it should be the same thing, it should be fixed now. There is a new map file in the follower mod folder (Map603), when updating your mod make sure that you save in an other place than Zygara Castle so it refreshes the map correctly. If it didn't fix anything tell me, I'll try to figure out why.
  2. Hey, it's been some days, I don't know if it still happening, you meant that crawli wouldn't send out any pokemon ? Uhh, that's a very strange bug there, it should have happened to everyone (myself included) and I don't encounter this bug (+ you seem to be the only one reporting this?), PM me on discord so I can look into your case specifically.
  3. What are your settings please ? Does it happen everytime you restart the game and on the same trainer ?
  4. Can you tell exactly how and where this bug happened in the game please ? In the rar file there is a Scripts folder that contains a modified version of the Scene_Map.rb file. I guess you installed the mod and graphics folder without installing the Scripts folder contained in the rar file, try with the Scene_Map.rb from the rar file. The nuzlocke mode only prevents pokemon from being healed in the pokemon center, I don't know if pokemon essentials or rpgmaker allow you to create files dynamically with scripts, if so, I would definitely add this feature. (I say that because there is some sort of "persistence" after the game being closed to be done) I know why it happens, it'll be fixed in the next update.
  5. Thx for the report, I'm aware of this bug, it's pretty much the same as for the ability randomizer, I will come with a fix for both soon.
  6. Okay, I tested it again and yeah I thought I fixed it but it breaks and I hate it because I know how to fix it but It'll be so much more tricky to do
  7. It should be fixed now ! If somehow it still crashes your game, tell me. I added extra checks so it should be fixed now (note that once you generated randomized abilities you won't be able to do it again after saving (you could do it with debug mode and turn off a certain switch (1467) and go back to your pokemon summary again.)
  8. Thx for redownloading, I can see on your screenshot the precise line that causes the crash (You had a previous version and the error message showed wrongs lines.). I'll start to work on it when i'm free. Should be fixed now ! (Tell me if it's fixed as I often upload wrong files).
  9. Are you using the last version of the challenge pack ? I'm replaying the game with almost the same settings you're using but I didn't encounter this crash.
  10. Hey ! It should be fixed ! Also, after updating your game, when you'll go to your pokemon summary you'll have to wait 1-2 minutes (It'll just happen once, just to load every randomized abilities on all pokemons/forms).
  11. Yeah, I messed up while uploading, I re-uploaded it, can you try again and tell me if you still encounter this problem ?
  12. Hey ! It should be fixed now ! What are your settings ? Move randomizer should be working fine, as for abilities it should be fine as well. If possible show me a screenshot of your error message so I have a better insight of what's happening, ty!
  13. Nuzlocke only blocks pokemons from being healed by using the pokemon center, you can still use revive items (I can block them but It's not necessary imo and can be useful for those type of fight where you're not supposed to "win"). The nuzlocke ends when you blackout, and most of unwinnable battles don't trigger that blackout. (Your run still continue tho, it just disables nuzlocke afterward)
  14. You mean the pokemon's sprite doesn't change right ? I don't encounter this bug but you can refresh the sprite by pressing CTRL 2 times.
  15. That's pretty strange, I download a fresh 13.0.5 rejuvenation game, and then I installed the challenge pack and it works well, the game doesn't ask you if you want to do a challenge run right after you choose your difficulty (right after you've done the prologue or if you skipped it) ? Also, the pokemon randomizer has multiple options, you can randomize wild pokemon and trainer's team as well.
  16. Hi everyone, I'm finally releasing the follower mod I've been working on. Also, I'm releasing the updated version of the challenge pack (Originally released by Haru for V12 I guess. Also, haru is okay with that) Just few notes before tossing the links : Challenge Pack : - I didn't "hard-tested" every features from the challenge pack, this means that you MIGHT encounter some bugs, however, I'll try my best to fix all the bugs that you might encounter, though the major features like nuzlocke or encounter randomizer will work almost perfectly fine. Follower Mod : - Regarding the follower mod, I replayed the first 3 chapters with this mod enabled, all the parts where you team up with someone don't break so IT MOST LIKELY won't break in the rest of the game. - I added every overworld sprites from gen 1 to gen 8, obviously shinies sprites are from the canon games and weren't updated to the rejuv's custom shinies, it also misses some galar form as I didn't find them. Also, I highly recommend that you make a backup of your game's file before installing the mods as the devs won't give you any form of support on the potential problems caused by the mods and please, don't report bugs that might have been caused by the mods to the devs, instead you can report those bugs below this post. Updates : Follower Mod : Challenge Pack: Debug Mode on key: Support: If you have any questions/problems regarding the modpack feel free to ask below this post. Credits:
  17. Lol, I thought that Erin carried a sword, I guess, she didn't at any point ?
  18. I finished V13 like 4 days ago, and something about Erin strucked me. Let me explain (+ I don't know if someone already talked about it in this thread): I think that some of you remember those words : "Maria, No matter what happens. Don't you dare lose hope. Don't lose who you are and don't you dare forget what's about to happen. You understand?" or something like that, those words come from Madame X during the prologue, right before Marianette gets sacrificed. Well, in Erin's cold truth (or door? don't recall the exact name, it's when Cera shows something to Erin), Erin says those exact words to Maria. And the fact that Erin and Madame X both carry a sword could confirm this ?
  19. And I thought I was the only one creating custom events like that, you can literally create a whole new game in a game. nice custom event btw
  20. It seems that it's your Birthday, so... Happy Birthday 😁

    I really hope that you will have a great day Ame 😉

    I think I have a gift for you... see you on Patreon 😄



    Edit : OMYGOD I didn't get it instantely but it's 7/31 so it's also my birthday... wtf 

    I'm kind of tired at this moment haha

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