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    Chrysalis Manor

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  1. Have gone all the way through V12 and haven't found it, also according to the Pokémon location guide topic, it isn't available yet
  2. Got'em! Thanks a lot. Well yeah the diving sprite is still missing but at the time there was no diving so, I get why it isn't there. A part from that, everything else is up and running PS: Forgot to mention that the standing still sprite is missing as well, can you find it in the older versions? Goes by the name: "trchar001_2"
  3. Just need the ones for the girl with the pink hair. Thanks in advance!
  4. I was wondering if I could get those sprites as well. Is it possible for you to share them here, because I searched for older versions everywhere and I don't seem to find them
  5. So, I'm a Trick Room fanatic and my current main team works perfectly with the Blessed Field effects. I'd like to know if there is any way to change the field into a Blessed Field by using any move and/or ability? When Mew becomes available in the future, I'll be able to use it's Genesis SuperNova and change the field into a Psychic Terrain one and keep getting boosts, plus due to a 1.3x boost under the Blessed Field, that's pratically a guaranteed KO on something that isn't Dark, Psychic or Steel.
  6. I'm having an issue with oshawott's side quest, I can't surf with him following Game.rxdata
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