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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by islandboy242

  1. where are the patches? I only see the options to download the entire game again?
  2. What file am I looking for to upload? I know that you are supposed to press a to be able to switch between the characters as well as reset. That menu is not coming up for me to reset. Ive been looking for the saverx.data file but cannot seem to find it? Where is it located?
  3. Hello can someone help me. I am stuck in eclysia pyramid. I am currently the main character, and its not allowing me to switch between characters to get through the pyramid. I cannot go back or forward. LastSave.dat
  4. Well I have an alolan vulpix however I have yet to find an ice stone besides the department store? I also cannot backtrack to go to the move re-learner since everybody in the town next to agate circus are still asleep so I dont know if I can reteach my meowstic reflect. Where would I get a serperior from? I started with chimchar. It looks like I am pretty much stuck where I am since I cannot backtrack at the moment until I deal with the sleep issue in the next town over.
  5. Hello everyone. I am currently facing Terra and personally I think this is arguably the toughest gym leader that Ive faced so far. I managed to get through here cheap Quagsire but when I get to garchomp, even when I get him to minus 6 from spamming Draco Meteor, is still able to oneshot me at minus 6 special attack. I also do not understand how she can have a level 78 when we are capped at 75. Below is my current team and their sets. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Yes I know I should probably get rid of Magneton but I am able to take down quasire with it since Quagsire looses its ground typing due to the telluric seed. Tangrowth 72 Giga drain, Power Whip, Knock off, Ancient power (Rose Incense) Infernape 72 Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Mach Punch and Shadow Claw (Charcoal) Swanna 72 Hurricane, Surf, Air Slash, Tailwind (Wave Incense) Magneton 72 Charge Beam, Discharge, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack (Zap Plate) Pilosand 73 Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Earth Power, Shore Up (Spell tag or earth plate) I alternate between the two Meowstic male 73 Psychic, Psyshock, Disarming Voice, Rain Dance (Twisted spoon)
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