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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alejandro

  1. Thankfully, Julia's battle in all gen mode triggers perfectly fine at least.
  2. I downloaded the all gen patch but the sprites and cries of all the paldea pokemon are mixed up after I compiled the data.
  3. I downloaded Eevee Reborn while trying to download All Gen
  4. I face this problem every time I use the Sunkern Switcher to challenge Julia in all gen mode. I'm able to start the gym battle with her perfectly if I switch to Vanilla mode.
  5. Having Trouble opening RPG Maker in this game, always says that the actor data failed to load.
  6. Even though I use UTF-8 codification on my PBS files, I still keep getting this issue with debug
  7. I tried that, Debug still doesn't work for me.
  8. I was playing around with Debug and I got this issue: I never had this issue before and the PBS file seems fine so I don't know what went wrong.
  9. It has been a while but I finally learned how to share saves with other people. Now, here is my save file (Not trying to be that guy but I also noticed a bug that causes Wave Crash to not deal recoil damage and another bug that makes Ceaseless Edge deal no damage. The Victory Dance bug that I described earlier is still there despite just downloading the most recent patch:():Game_2.rxdata
  10. Just wondering how do I share a save file with another user?
  11. Something I noticed was that when I gave my Alolan Marowak a mega stone, it turned into a Kantonian Marowak. Thankfully, I have RPGMaker and was able to fix this using Debug but I still believe that this is a bug that does need to be fixed though.
  12. How do I send a game file to someone else?
  13. I downloaded the latest version and tried checking the scripts and PBS files for anything but Victory Dance still remains to be bugged for me.
  14. All I changed were pokemon stats and the base power of some attacking moves.
  15. Well, it will say "(insert pokemon name here) used Victory Dance... But it failed"
  16. There is a problem where Victory Dance will always say it failed each time it is used.
  17. I see, well in the current essentials version, they are their own PBS file. Where in the scripts can I go to edit Pokemon forms?
  18. Hey, I downloaded a PBS file for Pokemon Reborn, but nowhere can I find where to edit forms like Lycanroc-Midnight and Dusk and Alolan forms like Alolan Marowak and Alolan Raticate. I tried to install a copy of the Pokemon forms PBS file from my copy of Pokemon Essentials as well as my copy of Pokemon Bushido but those files turned out to be incompatible with Reborn. Where can I find a Pokemon Forms PBS file that is compatible with Reborn?
  19. Reborn could also use EV training rooms and a way to change the IVs of your pokemon. Just saying, cause with a game that requires lots of skill, strategy, and has difficulty that rivals competitive play, it would be incredibly helpful for all players.
  20. Shelly is in her death star shaped hive which cocoons all in its way and she wears dark robes and is just like "Kneel before the power of the Bug Side" as she attacks her enemies with her force silk lightning.
  21. The golden law of this new world is that the use of stealth rocks is punishable with death. The Buzzwole are also Shelly's Playboys.
  22. You don't any of them until super super late in the game when all your Pokemon are Lvl.80 and above.
  23. The Plume fossil isn't obtained until you get to Agate Circus which is little bit later into the game.
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