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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alejandro

  1. Ok, I thought that they updated the development blog as they went along (that means they add every single update that they just did a second ago) as opposed to them only showing what they want us to see plus, That comment I made earlier was me trying to make fun of how long post-game development will take.
  2. Do you just give away the shinies to people who ask or is this something that is earned?
  3. You have a battling forum and buisness? COOL! How does it work? Plus is it true I get a bunch of rare shinies as rewards?
  4. Not sure if this is going to be considered spoilery but this just dawned on me; how are Pulse2 going to work? Will they be Pokemon with 252 EVs on all stats or EVs that go past 252 on some stats?
  5. Just kidding, of course I am unable to generate a delicious chocolate chip cookie in an online forum; that's the power of click bait ya know, it makes a super hooking title to get you to click only to mess with you. Moving on, here is some stuff about me: Name: Alejandro Age:17 interests: All about the geek life ya know: Minecraft, Marvel, DC, Pokemon, Zelda, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Star Wars, Mario, Adventure Time (RIP), Steven Universe (The movie was a gem, no pun intended), Undertale/Deltarune, most Disney and Pixar movies, Fnaf, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Memes, Sleeping, etc, etc, etc. Personality type: INFP Gender:Male So yeah, I have lots of interests. Anyway, I join the Reborn Evolved community because I Downloaded Pokemon Reborn last year and I got really hooked. In all honesty, Reborn is one of the best Pokemon games ever made. I loved the story, characters, and overall feel of the game. It reminded me of how much I loved Pokemon growing up, how I still love Pokemon now and how that matured with me. I remembered how as a little kid I seeing cousins play it on their DS and introduce me to the rotation of powerful beasts in their arsenal and how they would let me play a little bit in their game. My parents wouldn't let me get a DS so, I resorted to downloading a Gameboy emulator and playing Pokemon Red and Gold choosing Charmander and Cyndaquil as my starters. These two and their final forms became some of my favorites down the line. Fast forward many years later and I have played many other Pokemon games and knew all the Pokemon on the top of my head; I lost interest for a good while and left a lot of those good memories from my childhood behind. One day, some of my friends got me back into Pokemon through Pokemon GO. I then decided to revisit the world of Pokemon where I learned about competitive battling and practiced my skills on Pokemon Showdown. However, everything hit home when I kept hearing about this rad and amazing fan game called Pokemon Reborn. Once I downloaded it on my computer and booted it up, I was transported back to those good old days when I was little one and I began to relive the magic of Pokemon itself only this time, it reflected my interests maturing alongside myself. Once more, Pokemon had truly been Reborn in my eyes. Below the spoiler is my Team and Rotation for Reborn: If you think that all I'm going to talk about is Pokemon well, you're wrong, I'm going to talk a little bit more about myself. I'm in the 11th grade and at school, I do tend to be one of the shyer people. However, this hasn't stopped me from making lots of friends. All I had to do was show up in all my nerdy glory and the kids at school liked it. You see, don't try to be something you are not, you won't be happy and that is when people don't think you are cool. Even if you are a little quirky or socially awkward, people will still love you if just show positivity and your true self. We all got our own shit to deal with; as do I but as it has been told to me before, no one can change the way you feel; only you can. If you want to be positive, you have to start by forming the will to change. I know there are people who with mental illnesses like depression which makes it hard to change, cause trust me I know what its like since I myself have struggled with it for a little while but you can still go get professional help in that case since it only gets worse if you do nothing about it. I come here to spread and share my positivity and counsel to others that want it and also chat about interests and geek out if y'all like. Peace.
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