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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BluePen

  1. On the download site, it says you need to be in certain places if you want to play V13 from your previous safe file. Thing is I lost the V12 game file. So, I'm unable to go to one of the suggested places. Do I have to start a new game or is there any way to modify my safe file? The files below are from V12, btw. Game.rxdata Game - 779 - BluePen - 64h 9m - 14 badges.rxdata
  2. Blaziken - speed nature, for example: jolly, to outspeed most Pkm - Hi Jump Kick - replace Hidden Power Ice because few Pkm have a 4x weakness to Ice, and even then, they're mostly protected by their respective field. I think you're better off with using Bulk Up for early game and then Swords Dance as soon as it will be available Greninja - speed nature, for example: timid, hasty or naive - most water Pkm are bulky, so Grass Knot might be better or you could just slap U-Turn on it. Or, maybe, even a hazard move like Spike to break Focus Sash? Mamoswine - should be Adamant at the very least since you aren't using any special moves - I don't think max HP is the way to go on an Assault Vest set since it already has lots of HP. Depending on what it should survive, try putting lots of EVs into its Special Defense - Ice Shard is necessary to deal with weakened Pkm and especially because Mamoswine is so slow The rest is fine, but you might consider using Brave Bird instead of Drill Peck on Skarmory for figher damage output. Also, if possible, get Roost on it. Sleep Powder on Exeggutor works as well.
  3. Lycanroc Midnight: - doubles physical defense (so like Fur Coat) and recovers 1/3 or 1/2 of the damage it dealt to the opposing Pokémon. I can provide the code if you want since I've already tried it out on my own run to see how viable Lycanroc Midnight would be - reason: according to the Pokédex, it doesn't mind taking hits, so boosting its physical defense makes sense, in my eyes. Moreover, recovering its hp through attacking and the wolf theme can be easily associated with Blood Lust, which also fits Lycanroc Midnight Gourgeist: - is immune to Fire and recovers HP when hit by a Fire move, so like Water Absorb - reason: Ghost/Grass is not a bad defensive type, and if you add fire immunity, Gourgeist would be quite obnoxious to deal with. It'd fit very well in a mono Grass team as Grass doesn't have a reliable way to take Fire hits, especially if they're boosted by Sun Golisopod: - Changes its ability so that it would work like this: At the end of your turn, you get to decide if you want to switch out Golisopod or not - reason: it's not a drastic change since Golisopod has good stats (comparable to Mega Scizor on the bulky side!) and is only hindered by its ability. With this change, it would benefit very well from First Impression - if that's not enough to make Golisopod viable, maybe, add an Intimiate effect on top of this change? Mr. Rhime: - inverts its own weaknesses and resistances, which is needed on mono Ice as it resists key types like Fire, Rock, Steel, and is only weak to Ice and Psychic. Also, Ice/Psychic is probably the best defensive type for an Ice Pkm if it had such an ability Umbreon: - originally meant for Spiritomb but since it already has a Crest, I thought, it should work well with Umbreon: When it gets attacked, it applies Torment effect on the Pkm that attacked it. Furthermore, the Pkm will loose 1/8 of its HP every turn so long as it is tormented - reason: emphasizes the defensive nature of a Pkm and works well with Protect and Wish/Moonlight and Toxic. Makes it really obnoxious to deal with - also, I've already created the code for this. So, if you want, I can provide it. Vikavolt: - either you double its speed or you make it so that moves that only have a power of 60 or less will be priority - personally, I prefer the second option to make it different from Galvantula Magmortar: - Tinted Lens effect Electivire: - Galvanize + moves like Giga Impact don't need to charge Vespiquen: - boosts attack (and, maybe, defense) for each of your dead Pkm. By how much is up to you. Shiftry: - upon entry, it will automatically provide Tailwind. Only works once to not make it too broken?
  4. I was wondering if STAB moves do more damage than usual. It feels like as if my Pkm have a hidden adaptability or do the trainer's Pkm just have bad natures and EVs? Wartortle's water moves will often one-shot a Pkm if they don't resist it.
  5. Thanks to both of you, I finally did find the wall!
  6. Hello! I started a new game in the testversion of the newest episode: 18. I'm currently in the Underground railnet to infiltrate the Devon Corporation, but I don't know which railnet I have to change. There's a path that's blocking me, and it leads to two directions, right and under. I don't know which one of them I have to pay attention. Help wold be appreciated.^^ PS: The videos I watched on youtube did not work as the newest episode seems to be a bit different than the old ones.
  7. I hope this is the right thread to post, if not please do tell me so that I can move it somewhere else.^^ Short Description Codes for AI switching out Pokémon Explanation for Cynthia's AI Cynthia's Team in PBS: trainers PBS: trainertypes Graphic: Character/Battlebacks PokeBattle_Battle:
  8. It's been a long time since I played Pkm Rejuvenation. Because of that, I can't remember what to do next. All I know is I have 7 gym badges and Amber is missing. If someone could tell me what to do, that would be nice. :]
  9. These few weeks, I tried to create some custom trainers that could be quite challenging in a battle. And I wanted to focus on Olivia (Rock specialist from Alola) and Aaron (Bug specialist from Sinnoh) as I liked them and their teams. So I created a new field terrain for them and added a lot of additional effects that would make their Pokemon special and difficult to beat. These fields and additional effects that I created could serve as an inspiration for the next updates if people are interested in.^^ I've tested them many times, and it seems to work perfectly. They could be used in a Pkm tournament or Battle Tower in Reborn. Now, I'm going to explain some mechanics and if you want I can provide the codes for the fields and effects. Just say so, and I will do it. Aaron's field: Jungle Theme It's very similar to the forest field, so I will mostly adress new aspects Aaron's Team in trainers: Some explanations: I opted for Crunch and Thief so that Araquanid and Mega Scizor can deal with certain Water Pkm such as Jellicent. After one Swords Dance, Mega Scizor's Quick Attack will get rid off most Pkm that are resistent to Bullet Punch. Telluric Seed boosts Attack by 1 and creates Spikey Shield. Jolly Darmanitan has only a chance of 6.3 % to OHKO Mega Scizor with Flare Blitz. Heracross has a bulky spread to benefit from honey dew and also because with Sticky Web on the field, grounded Pkm's speed decreases by 2 The combination of Toxic Spikes through Araquanid's trap activation and Assault Vest makes it difficult to take down Drapion, so Drapion has a high chance to take down many of your opponent's Pkm, which might sound ridiculous but do not forget it has Sniper and will always land a critical hit in this jungle field, unless you have something like Battle Armor. Olivia's field: Crystal Cave Theme It's very similar to the one you know in Reborn, so there aren't many differences. So I will mostly cover new aspects. And, oh my, I fear I made her too strong. You are more likely to win against her in a single battle than in a doubles battle. Olivia's Single Battle Team in trainers: Some explanations: Gigalith is a very bulky, mixed wall breaker capable of OHKOing Pkm very weak to Ice or Grass moves. Earth Power is chosen instead of Earthquake so Intimidate won't work as effectively on it as it normally would on a physical orientated Pkm. Sand Force + Rock boost + Rock Tumble (Custom Move similar to Payback but 60/120 instead of 50/100) has an insane damage output, so don't try to switch into its moves! Cradily is fairly easy to beat but the only reason it's here is to deal with troublesome Water and Ground Pkm. Spiral Drain (Custom Move) is pretty much the same as Draining Kiss, but it will poison you badly. Alola Golem is very bulky on the physical side and has a very high damage output and can be quite annoying if you make physical contact. Probopass, while pretty much useless in official games, is surprisingly a terror in Olivia's field. Do not use Fighting Pkm against her if they are weak to Fairy because it will most likely OHKO you with Dazzling Gleam before you can even touch it. It also goes without saying you shouldn't use Sandstorm or Sandstream in its presence because it will truly be a pain to take down. And do not underestimate the combo: Magic Seed + Field Boost + Sand Force because only few special walls can switch into its attacks. As for Lycanroc, watch out! It's very hard to take down and can deal quite a lot of damage to your Pkm. Your best hope is Destiny Bond or Moldbreaker to break through its defenses. An example of its resilience, supported by synthetic seed: Close Combat from Life Orb Adamant Heracross is a 3HKO! Olivia's Doubles Battle Team in trainers: Taking down Carbink to prevent Trick Room is not easy if Golem redirects Steel moves. One of the few ways to stop Carbink is Taunt or a very strong Grass or Water move, but in general that won't help much (even if you use Helping Hand) as Carbink is very bulky on the special side. It can also hit quite strong with its two STAB moves, so don't underestimate it.
  10. I have two gym badges and I am in Indras mansion. When Maria frees the second character and I leave the place where the character's soul was hold prisoner, I get this messge: Game.rxdata
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