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  1. Voted for Nastasia 'cause I just felt like she'll be playing a pretty big part in V13 lol along with Aelita and Crescent though I feel like I should've given my third vote to Erin but eh Crescent's still good nonetheless
  2. hello! lol I drew Aelita this time and I kinda tried to improve my shading and background. Just thought I'd share my work again =D


  3. hey guys! just wanna share my attempt at drawing Kanon from Pokemon Rejuvenation 😄 


    1. Zumi


      that looks hella cute!! awesome job

    2. Aviagon


      OH MY GOD. did THE Zumi just recognized my work?!? AAKSJKAJKSJDOSDK THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

  4. so I just tried drawing my current team in Reborn lol I know it's a bit sloppy but it's literally my first completed digitized work and I'm kind of proud of it ngl =D what do u guys think?? 


    1. Seal


      I don't know much about art but it looks pretty good as far as I'm concerned, especially for your first finished digital artpiece.

    2. Aviagon


      really? haha thank you!!

    3. Candy


      I think that's pretty noice 😄

  5. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    Not really, I think I can handle the rest on my own haha thx tho
  6. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    Also sorry for making you go through all that trouble lol I won't forget this. Thanks again!
  7. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    Done! Thank you so much man!
  8. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    sure sure just tell me when you're ready and up waiting
  9. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    (UTC +08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore there haha
  10. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    I'd really love a razor fang the trade's still not working tho :((
  11. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    hey it's kinda weird I can't move or choose any pokemon at all??
  12. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    alright just a sec
  13. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    cool, I'm online right now haha I'll be waiting
  14. Aviagon

    Gligar (?)

    sorry for the late reply man haha anyway yeah that actually sounds really good! but it seems like you went through a lot of trouble just for this tho sorry :(( u didn't have to but i'm really deeply thankful my in-game username is: flotsam
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