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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Horus

  1. As the title says, after a few month not playing the game I just updated my game from v13.0.5 and it feels like a different game. Maps are different, I feel like some quest changed too, the first thing I did was the Timburr quest with the Strained worker boss and I don't remember anything like this in the game honestly. Are there any importants changes that would justify starting a new game?
  2. Can the items you receive from passwords (Incubator, mints, Mega Ring, etc.) be obtained normally by playing the game? I ask this because I don't want to make the game too easy by getting the too early but I'm also afraid to miss these items by not using passwords..
  3. Thanks, I did it and things were pretty much the same so I guess I was on the intended difficulty and I'm just playing badly.
  4. I started the game last year but stopped playing for a while, now that I decided to restart the game most fight are more difficult than I remember. So I wanted to know if there is a way to check the difficulty I chose back then.
  5. I'm pretty early in the game right now (Around the orphanage arc) but I'm trying to complete my team early, I'm looking for good electric types but I don't want to ask too much. Would it be possible to have a Magnemite for trade please? I'm sorry in advance but I don't have much to offer too. I'll take anything you have to offer. Thanks.
  6. Is the main storyline completed in E6? It says it goes up to the 8th gym leader so I guess there is still the League to complete. Or is a a system like Reborn with 8+ gym challenge?
  7. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. 

    Sorry I didn't respond earlier but I don't log too much lately. 

    Again thank you, it really makes me happy 

    1. LykosHand


      It's ok better late than never 😉 and you're welcome, i'll always wish a happy birthday 🙂

  8. Thanks, I finally found it.
  9. The question is in the title. I can't remember the place Thanks
  10. Horus

    Togepi trade

    No I take anything you have
  11. Horus

    Togepi trade

    Hi. I'm looking for a Togepi and I can offer Gastly or Alolan Vulpix in exchange. Thanks
  12. Thanks for your answers and advices
  13. Hi, I would like a little help with my team, I'm trying to find which is the best flying type obtainable pokemon in the game. My team so far is Blaziken Garchomp Greninja Gardevoir Magneton Gengar I would like to switch my Gardevoir with a flying type pokemon or another type pokemon who will fit with the rest of my team. Thanks
  14. Thanks for the trade.
  15. It is Xana. Tell me when you will be ready
  16. Hi, because it is obtainable far in the game I'm looking for a Ralts. Doesn't care about nature and IVs. Thanks.
  17. Horus

    Last Pokemon

    Thanks for your answers, I follow them and get a Raltz and another flying type.
  18. Horus

    Last Pokemon

    I have a Rowlet in one of the pc's box.
  19. Hi, I want some advices with my team. I just want to know which type I can use to complete my team. My team is: Lv34 Blaziken (speed boost) Blazing kick Bulk up Fire pledge Double kick Lv 34 Greninja (protean) Water pulse Water shuriken Smack down Round Lv 33 Haunter Shadow punch Shadow ball Confuse ray Sucker punch Lv33 Gabite (rough skin) Dragon claw Slash Iron head Sand tomb A Magnemite (I don't have it yet) For the 6th one I was using Noibat but it becomes weak and can't fight. I was planning to get another flying type but if another type can be more useful you can tell me. In game I've just beat Corey. Thanks for reading.
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