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12 Fledgling

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    Champion Masquerade
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    Pokémon, Pokémon Fan-games, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, the list goes on.

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  1. Try reverting to a prior save. It should undo
  2. I installed the mod and while the shared pc shows up, the choose starter option is not available in the starter room in my Pokemon's item menu and I don't see the other mods.
  3. I'm not sure about all the rewards, but at least in e18 if you had a poiple in your dex the lady would simply give you an extra. When would you like to trade? (Here are the shinies I've got)
  4. I'm looking to get poiple registered in my dex and then trade it back. I have a box full of shinies to trade in exchange if anyone is willing.
  5. Still down yeah, I’m not entirely sure if I’ll get home by then but I’ll try to
  6. I'm looking to get a shiny of the greninja line (EV trained if possible but if not no worries at all) these are all the shines I have to offer in return (I've got a great track record of getting gray shinies) IMG_1678.jpg.url
  7. Does anyone know what those player character sprites are called or are located? I can’t find them, and I wanna edit them for my custom trainer sprite
  8. I’ve bred like ten or so Rockruff and they all have Own Tempo despite the parents both being Lycanroc midnight. I know in the official games that means it has to be dusk Lycanroc, but is it possible for it to be midnight in this game/possible to change it’d ability with a capsule?
  9. I am trying to get the Brick Break TM for Angie's fight. It is not in the location in Terajuma it should be, nor in my inventory. Would anyone be able to put it in my bag? Game.rxdata
  10. Most be the station itself then. Mine were actually reverted from a session before this one
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