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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kostas_GR

  1. Hi everyone, I have just won the 3rd gym badge but I'm finding it very tough to progress because I raised pkmn in parallel and are all around 35 lvl. is there any place I can get them to train and receive adequate exp instead of grinding endlessly? Thanks
  2. Great. What's your online username?
  3. @tamamonomae0 Any chance it could be good nature (Adamant) ? Will you breed it?
  4. Hi everyone. I caught a shiny, naughty Beedrill but I have no interest in it whatsoever. Anyone interested can propose a trade below. Out of interest, I could use a carvanha/ larvitar in my team but all offers are welcome.
  5. @LeoYT Thank you! I will give it a go.
  6. Thanks, everybody for the warm welcoming
  7. Hi everyone, I'm new here to this forum. Childhood nostalgia drove me to seek a pkmn fan game that is a bit more "adult" than the conventional games available, aimed at children. I've played desolation up to latest episode and now I have just started reborn in my free time, away from life and all its difficulties/demands. Looking forward to meeting you and having fun. Yours sincerely, Kostas.
  8. Hi everyone. I'm new to this game. I was wondering if it's possible to use animated sprites in this game and if yes if you do know where I can find them? Thanks in advance
  9. Would you mind doing the request again as I have trouble logging in so I created a new one?? Kostantinos95 is the new username
  10. Username: Kostas_GR Trainer Name: Kostas
  11. Will do! Sounds great. Thank you! My in-game ID is Kostas_GR
  12. Oh god, I'm new to this forum, as you probably figured out haha Thank you for offering. I would like a lvl 1 please. How long will you be online?
  13. Hi Virtue, Thank you for the offer. Is it very high level? I like the difficulty and I would like to keep it this way. Ghastly is my favourite one though and I rarely ever find a game which I can use right from the start P.S. How can we trade??
  14. Hi everyone. I have just started pkmn Reborn and I was thinking if anyone could spare a ghastly for me early on. It would be great if it's timid. I don't have anything rare to offer So if you could giveaway, please???
  15. Thanks! Is this version the complete one or are there more updates coming ?
  16. Do we only have 1 link stone within the game?
  17. @trailflare7 Wow I didnt realise this was a vending machine. I interacted from all directions except from the front Thanks!
  18. is this the lemonade? is it a glitch that I cannot reach it??
  19. Does anyone know where to find duskull in weeping hills? I have been searching for hours both in the unown cave and outside in the grass. Also, how do I unlock the path where the riddle about defeating the master of the sky is? I have caught all the different species of unown, are they of any use?? Thanks in advance
  20. Is there any trading system? Can you evolve pkmn that would normally need trading?
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