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Additionally, can you delete archived posts? If I ever do release Rehabilitation, I don't want the old release to be one of the top results when you type "Pokemon Rehabilitation" into Google -_-
I have removed all downloads of Pokemon Rehabilitation. Can't believe I let that mess into the world LOL
But the good news is... years later, with a new perspective and (perhaps) a better work ethic, I have begun to work on the project again! From the ground up
After the mess that was the original release, anyone should be shaky about my plans to deliver. But I will do my best. I won't set arbitrary release dates or cut corners. I can't promise how long it'll take, or if it'll be done at all... but I can promise that when it does come out, it will be something I can be proud of :)
Here are just a few things I noticed after playing it
-Awful visuals, they are abhorrent to the eye. I can't upload pics due to the file size limit, but the default hiker next to my modified player and trainer sprites was night and day. The colors don't blend at all, they just sort of switch from one to another. Shading is nigh-nonexistent.
And that was just sprites! The maps are REPETITIVE
-Bad dialogue. Someone left (very helpful) constructive criticism on v1's release, and one point was the dialogue. This was partially due to my lack of understanding with how I wanted to write the game
You see, I developed all these character ideas, but I never got to translate them properly into the game
For example, "Zuki" (I changed her name to actually mean something, but back on old Rehab, this was her name) is supposed to be cold and distant. My new vision with her (without spoiling too much) is a character who has lost touch with reality and believes that she's really someone special. She changed her name to represent this. My inspiration was the chuuni archetype of character.
In the current release, she comes off as just a jerk with zero character. There was no reason for her to take the escaped Gothita
Another example I'll briefly touch upon is Team Ace. I'm really excited for my ideas with them, so I'll just say this: They've been completely overhauled
-Bugs. Fixing errors and bugs in Essentials can definitely be quite a pain, but the lack of polish in old Rehab is astonishing. Title screen crash when trying to play Pokemon cry, characters leaving the map by flashing out of existence because I was too lazy to figure out how to make them walk away, the list goes on and on
-Music. So, let me make this clear: No hate to any of the people who made the remixes I used. Because they were pretty great. My personal favorite was HappyDragonite's Hearthome City composition that plays in the Safari Zone. But the problem is they don't really fit the areas they're meant for.
-Balance. The FIRST ROUTE trainers have too many Pokemon and the types of them create terrible balancing. If you picked a fire starter, the game is next to unbeatable without absurd grinding (and that INCLUDES Fire-Fighting starters)
Overall, Rehab's awful nonsense can be attributed to one factor: Idk how to put it into words, but it was trying to add in media I liked to places it didn't belong.
It's OK if "Zuki" is a weeb and it led to her disconnection from others. But how does it play into her as a character? In old Rehab, it's just THERE
It's OK to use amazing compositions, but put them where they belong, don't shoehorn them in
It's OK to use assets from others as long as the creators are OK with it AND you give credit. But without quality modification, Rehab was either a low-quality and small-scale "upgrade" to Pokemon Essentials, a Reborn wannabe, or both.
And yeah that's not cool with me. I wanted a game to pseudo-fit the "Reborniverse". The name of the game may suggest that, haha
But if it's going to work, it needs time and effort
So, I'll say it again. I can't promise the game will ever come to fruition. But IF it does, it will be what I envisioned it as. And then it can be discussed from there. Seeing what people like, seeing what they don't. It's cool
So thank you to those who gave feedback on the original releases, I wholeheartedly appreciate it :D
-Kobayashi, looking towards the future
Oh well, I left my old Reborn save on my old PC :(
But it’ll be fun to replay the whole game with the overall changes and focusing my attention on analyzing the story better!
UPDATE 11/17/21
Never mind, I found it!
I've learned my lesson about promising things I may end up being too busy for.
But let's just say that new ideas, atmospheres, and Pokemon Essentials v18 APPARENTLY being able to read PBS files formatted for prior versions makes me want to put time and effort into Pokemon Rehabilitation
First off, Team Ace needs to be more than their current concept. They're much too boring like Team Rocket and I need them to tell a memorable story
Even though it's been years, I really appreciate the people who played early Rehab and left constructive criticism. Will definitely be looking over that :)
Now that I've broken my bad mindset of stressing about getting worse at school or Smash after not doing it for a while (No, I'm not a foolish school skipper, it's just Summer break :P), I can comfortably put more time into coming up with ideas for other things more often
Plus I'm back in a Pokemon phase
I'm gonna stream Reborn eventually, it's one of my top 10 favorite games that I plan to make long analytical videos on. But after I get a mic, should I wait to stream until I get a facecam? I want everything to be just right...
Yo, some of my old posts here are kinda cringe ngl
Just wanted to mention that in addition to the updated interests and bio I made today, I'm working on a pseudo-parody manga called Lucas and Bookus. I gave all of Lucas' alternate costumes in Smash Ultimate names and personalities, so I figured I should do something with that.