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RosaHeart last won the day on August 16 2020

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About RosaHeart

  • Birthday April 18

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  • Alias
    The Pokenator
  • Location
    Lost in my mind...Halp.
  • Interests
    Pokemon, pokemon,.....uh pokemon?

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  1. So recently I made my first sprite edits for a custom trainer and I liked how it turned out: And then I was like, I really want to try and draw this in some form. I found a great tutorial on yotube for drawing anime characters in paint and while mine is nowere near as the guy's stuff, here it is:
  2. Thank you! Never would have figured that out on my own lol.
  3. So I am completely stumpped. Can someone tell me how to solve this thing?
  4. Aww thanks~ For your guy, making the throw sprite would be more work cause of all the detail but if you'd like some pointers, simply take the backsprite you made and past it over the first step of the throw sprite of one of the set's from either Rejuv or Reborn. Try to line up were the bottom of your guy's sprite should be to the one pasted over and then erase all of the bleeding of the other sprite from under yours aside from the arms. Then, just edit it to make it look more like your guy is the one throwing the ball by pasting hi over each step of the throw and repeating from the first one. )h and, the only pokemon edited in my sig is Delphox to look more like a traditional witch. The rest are Reborn or Rejuve Shinies.
  5. So I'm currently stuck on the secon gym as I have no electrike, rock, or ice types so I went to buy Electrike from the credit shop and couldn't help but notice that when the man tells you the price for the pokemon that the text is in that similar bold red color when you lose rep with people. Sooo my question is, does buying pokemon from this shop actually hurt your overall rep? If that is even a thing? Cause frankly, if thats the case then I don't want to do it.
  6. Huh, I did not know the protags were a vaiable voting option. Dang, would changed one of my votes then. Glad Venam and Saki got so high on the list though. ^-^
  7. Roses are red, violets are blue, Omiwa Shinderu.

  8. Oh I agree with your second statement soooooo much. It'd be one thing if we never saw people use pokemon out of battle for thing like that but we do, a bunch. Obviously the answer is for storytelling purposes but it does still bug me. For instance. Spoilers for Reguvenation Anyways, rant over.
  9. Sorry if this has been adressed before, but I couldn't find anywere that talked about this. Is the shiny rate like that of Reborn/Rejuv or is it normal? I ask cause I ran into one shiny already and was like: Meh, I don't like that pokemon and ran. I may have been spoiled by the mentioned games lol.
  10. hmmm, i see your point. it is hard to portray emotions through a blank slate character. Idk, I guess I just more into the Rejuv style of story telling.
  11. Autumn's sprites are coming along nicely. Honestly considerfing doing a lets play as her doing a Halloween run~

  12. Well, you definitly inspire me to try my hand at it. Dont think mines as good as yours but I'm still ok with my work thus far.
  13. Honestly wasn't sure id be able to do this but i did and i kind of like it. Autumn gets spoopy ghost help for surfing lol.
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