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RosaHeart last won the day on August 16 2020

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37 Developing


About RosaHeart

  • Birthday April 18

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  • Alias
    The Pokenator
  • Location
    Lost in my mind...Halp.
  • Interests
    Pokemon, pokemon,.....uh pokemon?

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  1. Here are some of the .pdn files for reference as requested:

    By far the trainer card sprite was the longest to make as you had to think of the design, but after that most didn't take long 🙂

    Also, if you're wondering why there are only 1-2 references under each sprite, they are the main concept while I had many other sprites also open in new paint documents to use as references to pick colors and so forth. Hope this helps!



    vsBackbone.pdn Back.pdn

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RosaHeart


      yeah it said it wasn't a proper bitmap or something.

    3. Blinci


      Apologies then, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can with a solution but it may take some time. 🙂

    4. RosaHeart


      is no prob. been trying my hand at editing walk sprites for character using the same character the trainer sprite based off of. It's been....slow going lol.

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