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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by mellobloo

  1. I have a shiny Cottonee and Shroomish. I can breed you a Rowlet and Treecko. No idea how long it will take if you want shinies (if not I can trade with you later tonight - Central US). The Cottonee has good enough IVs. Let me know if you have a preference for that.
  2. No problem at all. I'll PM you when I can trade (probably in a few hours).
  3. I have both. Want any specific egg moves, natures, or IV spreads?
  4. I have a Spiritomb, Absol, Pawniard, and Zorua I got from Wondertrade a while ago. All are level 1; only Spiritomb has good IVs. Natures are all random. Currently, I have a level 5 Eevee, but if you dont mind waiting a day or so, I can trade you a Sneasel and Froakie (currently at Agate).
  5. Awesome! Thank you. Let me know when you're free.
  6. Its the last item I need for the leftovers quest. I only have 5 department store tickets. Would someone mind trading it? Let me know if you need anything.
  7. mellobloo


    Would you mind trading a Zubat?
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