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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by devinthheaven

  1. This is amazing! Haven't checked on this game in like a year, and so glad there's a Mac version now! I did notice however, that when I transferred my save file from the old Reborn folder (that was using Wineskin), it started me at the beginning of Ep. 18, when I've definitely already played through episode 18 and gotten/trained lots of other Pokes. Not sure how to access all of this again, would anyone know how to fix this problem, kind of a noob here and it's been a while since I played the game lol.
  2. Hey there!! Lopunnite has indeed been added to episode 18 v As for Sablenite Hope that helps!!
  3. Hi!! sorry I meant that I have a Gible or Honedge to trade!! the list are the Pokes I'm looking to inquire
  4. sorry I probably should have worded my post better! I meant I can give you a perfect IV Gible or near-perfect Honedge or any of the disclosed items for any of the Pokes mentioned in the bullet point list!
  5. Hey all! So post-episode 18, I am in need of a few Pokes now that I have most of the new mega stones. If you have any extras of the Pokes below, I can trade you a perfect IV Gible, Honedge, or some rarer battle items like any of the Choice items, Life Orbs, etc.! The pokes are as follows: Jolly Meditite (Egg Moves: Fake Out) Jolly Buneary (Egg Moves: Power-Up Punch, Encore) Careful Sableye (Egg Moves: Recover) Jolly Charmander Jolly Swablu Jolly Weedle Naive Absol Bold Audino (Egg Moves: Wish) Thank you so much!
  6. awesome just messaged you!! unfortunately you can only buy the Up-Grade, not the disc /:
  7. Unfortunately I used one already on an imperfect IV Porygon-Z before and I'm retraining a perfect IV one right now, anyone got a spare I could trade for? I have plenty of valuable battle items I can trade for (Choice items, leftovers, rocky helmets, black sludge's, etc.)
  8. That would be amazing!! If you're somehow able to breed it as a timid mon that'd be awesome as well, but not necessary! I know it's hard to have all of those conditions at the same time. What would you want in return?
  9. Hello everyone! I'm currently looking for an Electrike with near perfect IV's (30 or 31's) and a compatible IV spread for Hidden Power Ice (timid preferred but not necessary). I can trade you a perfect Gible or near perfect Honedge, or, if none of those suit you I can trade you an imperfect Porygon, Abra, Dewpider or other less common mons with a hard-to-get battle item (i.e. Choice Scarf, Choice Band, Muscle Band, Life Orb, Choice Specs, Leftovers, Rocky Helmet, or Black Sludge). Feel free to answer on this thread or message me, thanks!
  10. Thanks for the tip! Didn't even realize that, I thought Starry had posted in between but I misread, my bad!
  11. it's all good!! I'll manage, have a good one and thanks again
  12. No I didn't! hold on let me request you
  13. waiting for the request!
  14. for sure, I'll get on right now! it's devinthheaven
  15. It's not necessary! I have plenty of heart scales haha don't worry about it!
  16. You're amazing!! Thank you!!!
  17. Also would it be possible to get a Calm Bulbasaur with a 31/Even #/31/30/31/30 IV spread (or other combination that yields the same Hidden Power) for HP Fire and an Adamant Torchic with Low Kick?
  18. I'll take the Bulba and Torchic then if that's okay with you! but the Froakie I'd like a perfect one so I'll hold off on that! Just let me know when you're on!!
  19. I know this thread is super old, but @Walpurgiswould you mind inserting the Aurora Veil TM in my game as well? I beat Serra pre Ep-17 as well and would like to put it on my Alolan-Ninetales
  20. Okay no worries! Do you think you could PM me when you are in front of your computer? I'd be very interested in trading any perfect IV mons that you might have!
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