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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Nihilego123

  1. Thank you so much! I managed to defeat him with Mudsdale + Swampert tanking
  2. Hello. I'm struggling to defeat Ren in the Zorrialyn Desert and I don't see any solution online so I need help and tips to defeat him and stuff. It will be appreciated. Thank you
  3. Oooh! I want to suggest ones for my favorite Pokemon :<3 Chimecho Crest - If Chimecho's HP is above half, automatically heals status effects on Chimecho and their allies. If Chimecho's HP fall below 50%, Chimecho's sound-based moves become part Psychic-type and increases damage by 100% and Synchronoise can affect all types now. This is based on some of Chimecho's pokedex entries where it has loud cries when enraged and the first part is to give it a better supportive role. Sunflora Crest - Automatically sets up Sunny Day whenever Sunflora is sent in, greatly increases stat gains while sunny by 50%. Smeargle Crest - Changes Smeargle's type based off the last move Smeargle used while using that move. So if Smeargle uses Psybeam, Smeargle changes to Psychic type for stab damage and remains psychic type until another move is used. Shedinja Crest - Shedinja can't be damaged by non-damaging moves or weather effects or status effects. So it improves Shedinja by not having him die due to Stealth Rock or Hail. Jumpluff Crest - Cotton Guard effect to Jumpluff when in battle and scatters spores when switched out. By spores, I mean literally the move Spore so the enemies will go to sleep when Jumpluff is switched out of the field. This is based off their Pokedex entry where it's said that it scatters when it goes so I figured that's how it can be applied to the game. Luvdisc Crest - There's a 50% chance to attract enemies with a use of a move. Luvdisc always moves first against Attracted enemies and increases Attack and Sp Attack by 75%.
  4. Hi! Random status post

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