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    Inside LINK VRAINS

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  1. Re-upload! -Added the "Dropped Item" sidequest that can be started after getting the 8th badge. -Added the PC option on the pause menu. One more upload for 2024! Initially there was only one thing I was planning to make (sidequest) but I somehow went back to looking at Spork as reference and decided to try and see if it works, and it actually does (thanks Icy!). Now the player can access the Pokemon Storage System without having to go to the PC each time. With the "Parallel Process" insta-healing that can be enabled after completing a sidequest from the help center (which I decided to make every single map I currently have '597') and accessing the PC anytime from the menu, this will drastically reduce the need to backtrack to the Pokemon Center or previous areas...unless you still need to backtrack to Lumiose to buy items or to teach certain moves. As for the other sidequest that starts shortly after saving LINK VRAINS near the end of season 1, this is just a bit of extra lore between the player's parents as the player go through a scavenger hunt to collect every single conversation that both Nate and Yancy had. And if all call logs have been collected, only then will getting the Flying Sylveon counterpart will be obtained. I won't be able to put an image due to space issues, but the Flying Sylveon is somewhat based on a unit from Vanguard called Liael. I hope that there isn't anything more I can do for Virtualization since I'm trying to move on to hypothetical future projects, but sometimes other ideas may get in the way, so I may come back to it if I feel like it. But for now, I think I can say that I can finally rest and enjoy the last day of 2024. Have a Happy New Year!
  2. Re-upload! -Updated most TMs and Move Tutor compability! -Added static unlimited encounters of Galarian Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres. This has been long overdue as I've realized that there are many more Pokemon that can learn certain moves that couldn't in previous generations. Sometimes you've got previous stages that can also learn moves that their final evolution counterparts already have, so I have to account for that as well. Additionally, when looking through the list of TMs and Move Tutors list, I also looked through the myriad of TMs and TRs from Sword and Shield standards. Turns out I only had 153 of 200 TM/TRs on those lists, so I had to fill in 47 more missing moves, make them compatible with current generation, and to even include Pokemon that used to learn it but not in future gens. Which speaking of those 47 moves, I've also went through existing NPCs and even adding new NPCs in various areas whose role is to teach moves. Unless I take a leap of expanding options, each NPC can only have up to three options (moves), and I occasionally placed them close to each other in the same location. Overall, I actually had to go through all 300+ moves on my txt files and make sure those Pokemon can learn it in Gen IX. It's hard to explain, but there's still no gen IX Pokemon, but the move compatibility for both TMs and Move Tutors are under Gen IX standards. This actually took me over a cumulative of roughly a week to do. No, I did not go to the computer every day as if I was on an ongoing streak, but rather some separate occasions for when I am able to do so without interruptions. One thing I've realized is that even after reuploading this I forgot to include internal names of other regional counterparts for a few moves with almost 100% distribution such as Toxic and Rest (i.e. Alolan forms and Galarian forms), but I'll hope to fill them whenever I have the opportunity to do so. Another thing I forgot was to add static encounters for Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. It's mostly an oversight as I have missed them but are finally added next to their original counterparts. So, if you're seeing two overworld sprite of Articuno, one is the regular one while the other one is the Galarian form. This has been an exhausting but fun marathon when it comes to typing stuff in ALL CAPS on Notepad, but it's very well worth it. Otherwise, there will be players that become extremely frustrated because some of their Pokemon couldn't learn that move even though they already do in the core series games. Hope you enjoy your upcoming holidays. Not sure what I'll do then, but I'll find something!
  3. Small reupload: -Dealt with a facility on Route 18 that has been inaccessible for quite some time. The facility in question is Psychic Inver's House in which the majority of battles with that specific trainer will all be under Inverse Field and that their team is at Level 60. There are 29 trainers of the same name; 11 of which they'll give you an Evolution Stone and 18 of which they'll give you a berry that reduces damage taken from a specific type. Whereas the original XY had Psychic Inver's house contain one room, this one..............contains around 30 rooms!!! Yeah, besides that, not much has been made because I think I covered what I've needed to do for Virtualization I. There was something else I had in mind, but didn't want to mention it in case I didn't actually accomplish them. Guess for now it'll be either slow or no news. Enjoy!
  4. Set foot on another adventure in the Kalos Region! The Kalos Region needs another hero. Would you step in? Story: This story takes place 10 years after the events of the Pokemon XYZ anime. As such, there may be new and/or familiar faces the player would encounter. Previously, Lysandre's plan to take over Lumiose City has been thwarted by major trainers such as Gym Leaders and two regional Champions. But while it seemed like the end of Team Flare, there was but one thing he still had, and it is just as bad as this attempted takeover. Starring as Troublemaker (the player protagonist), they happened to be one of the eight individuals who were subjected via Lysandre's project, which is to create the eons whose objective would be to help humans solve humanity's problems. But while Troublemaker and the other individuals were free from the project's grasp, the lasting effects did traumatize them as time passes. Not wanting to cower in fear forever, Troublemaker sets out in vengeance to take on every Knights of Flare and gather information as to why they had to suffer. Armed with a crucial eyeball that the Knights of Flare are after, their adventure truly begins... Features and Synopsis for Virtualization I: -Lumiose City is almost like a "Sandbox Mode" in which the player will have access to almost anything the game offers, with a few others being slightly pushed to other towns/cities. Some facilities may include: -----Move Tutors, Move Relearner, Name Rater, and Nature Changer -----EV Training Rooms inside Lumiose High Battle Academy -----Lots of Poke Marts selling a variety of stuff such as Evolution Stones, in-battle items, held items, Z-crystals, etc. -Four of five sidequests will greatly help the player get through their adventure. (Running shoes, Bicycle, Mega Ring, and more!) -This adventure contains 18 badges, but they're not emphasizing the need to participate on a Pokémon League as they are just measurements for level caps. -Thanks to DemIce, persistent weather and inspecting element are enabled: -----Inspecting Element is for viewing the stats and other aspects of a battle from both your and/or your opponent's Pokémon before you select a move. Pressing the S button will get you to view from one of the selected targets. -----Persistent Weather makes it so that the weather will return to what it once was (the initial weather took over again). So, if the weather was rainy in the first place, and you change it to hail, sand, or sun, it'll last for a specific duration, and after that will revert back to rain weather. -Field effects from the archaic Rejuvenation V10.2 (with a bit of modifications due to Gen VIII stuff) and one new field called Speed World that is based on an emphasis on speed! -The majority of the opponents will use Pokémon that is subjected to STABmons. STABmons is a metagame where Pokémon can use any move of the same type(s), and that even extends to having access to other types from their previous evolution, but not when it temporary changes type (i.e. Mega Evolution). For instance, Greninja is a Water/Dark type, so it can have access to any Water and any Dark-type moves. That means it can utilize Night Daze and Steam Eruption at will! Sylveon, Mega Gardevoir, and other fairies can get access to Geomancy! Mega Metagross, Lucario, and Excadrill can even go nuts with Shift Gear! And so forth! Battles can be fast paced or a drag depending on the moves Pokémon get access to. -At least 15 gift Pokémon with optimized stats, natures, and moves to help get you through this exhilarating adventure! *Virtualization I is considered to be completed, but updates/revamps may occasionally happen if there are some inquiries that may be considered fixing if applicable, but other original aspects of this game may not be undermined. Unchanging aspects include trainer padding (mass quantity of standard trainers, usually with a full team of six Pokemon, or twelve in Doubles), the many maps that resemble Pokemon Mystery Dungeon floors and other aggravating maps that resemble like a maze, and frequently massive dialogues under a black screen. Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jfp2uta28hyncm3/Virtualization_V14.zip/file
  5. I believe they are cosmetic changes, similar to how you change the player character. So that means you can become 1 of 6 overworld sprite characters! Back sprites during battles (before sending out your first pokemon) also correspond to that character as well! Or at least ten if you count the holiday pokemon such as Espurr and Slowking, but they’re limited to few areas, and will revert back to your previous sprite if you exit a specific area.
  6. Moonblast-only run will resume…soon.

  7. Is there any way to put your folder in Mediafire for download? Had a bit of trouble downloading from Google Drive...
  8. I remember playing V10 the first time around May 2018. So much has changed since then.
  9. https://www.mediafire.com/file/z1vm8mrsz990fih/Virtualization_V9.zip/file


    Reupload! (Previous links may no longer work.)


    Pokemon Virtualization V9 is now ready to play! To continue where you left off, talk to Alain inside Alain's Lounge in Neo Lumiose City (W). (Make sure you've already dealt with the gauntlet that involves the Hawkhunter, Yellow Angel/Spectress, and Bruscan in order for Alain to appear in the lounge.)

    -Dialogues ranging from Yugioh VRAINS episodes 60 to 73 as well as new maps and more trainer battles to fight along the way! (roughly around 20-25 unavoidable trainers!)

    -Goes as far as the 11th badge, whose level cap is currently 65.

    -Added Battle Bond ability which is exclusive to Greninja thanks to the rework of that effect.


    Depending on my mood/energy, I may look through some things that might need fine-tuning (such as sorting out an outdated town map), but I find myself trying to rush to finish the story content.

  10. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zuk79z4yfyd4115/Virtualization_V8.1.zip/file


    Re-upload! (Previous links may no longer exist.)


    This upload doesn't involve new story content at the moment, though there are some missing things to hopefully round off what's left of Gen VIII.

    -Added Pokemon from PLA, Galarian Slowpoke evo line, Meltan line, Galarian bird trio, and more.

    -Filled in some missing Pokemon cries.


    And that's not the only thing I've implemented (thanks to looking at various scripts for guidance)

    -Trainers' Pokemon that Mega Evolves or G-Max without a Mega Stone (involves using the term: pre-mega)

    -Trainers' Pokemon can go beyond 510 EVs (there was only one line of script needed, so that changed everything)


    Miscellaneous problems:

    -Fixed a problem regarding Aegislash's stat changes upon changing form in Fairy Tale Field (based on a much older script from WLL).
    Previously: When changing to Blade Form, -1 Attack +1 Defense. When changing to Shield Form, -1 Defense, +1 Attack.

    Now: When changing to Blade Form, -1 Defense +1 Attack. When changing to Shield Form, -1 Attack, +1 Defense.

    It seems like it was somehow reversed in the script (not that I've recalled Fairy Tale Field being utilized in Rejuv V10 back in 2018), but I was able to switch them with no issues.


    I was finally able to figure some things out that I previously couldn't before. Hopefully it'll continue to work as intended and be able to start with V9 story content. I still got a long way to go (and also creating a puzzle regarding Extra Link).

  11. V9 Tentative objective:


    -Dialogues from Yugioh Vrains episode 60-73

    -At least three major battles.

    -making some maps.


    I feel like incorporating some dialogue aspects from episodes 60-73 would neither be too short or too overwhelming. Even there aren’t many major battles, similar to V8. The first major battle involves the Ninja Village in which the player goes in to take on battles and eventually reach the end to obtain the Infinity Band, which allows Greninja to evolve to Ash-Greninja (permanent form in this game). The second major battle is a double battle against Glaceon2 and Vaporeon2 under Desert Field under Sandstorm weather. And the third major battle is against Bruscan round 3.


    As for mapping, since Ninja Village is a anime-exclusive location that is bwteeen Anistar City and Couriway town, I may have to create maps for Couriway Town and Kalos Route 18. As for Vaporeon2 and Glaceon2, it’s going to be another one of those Link Vrains area that I have to make from scratch.


    Infinity Band hasn’t been created yet, but I’ll be making this an evolution item that’s only obtainable once per game. Fortunately, it’s only needed for one Pokémon, and you can debug to have it perfect IVs and customize EVs to your liking.


    That’s currently all that I have from my mind. Hope I stay awake after work to be on my PC every night. Not pulling an all-nighter though (I do sleep when needed)!

  12. (Sees the upload of V7.4 regarding story content and not miscellaneous: October 18, 2022. Has it really been 3.5 months?!)




    Reupload! This story content should've been finished much sooner, but there were some things IRL that got me in the way as well as messing around with a different script that rendered me trying to find errors left and right, causing me to not make any progress at all for two months, so I went back to my old script that still works! Anyhow, the story content and dialogue take me in range of Yugioh VRAINS episodes 47-59. With new characters come more spriting, which unfortunately is pretty uninspired, but it's still a trainer, so at least that's something. The amount of trainer battles of V8 after Emotion Hill is approximately 20+ battles! Not many maps have been made since I try to make the setting efficient as possible.


    Overall, the game is playable as story content is finished for this particular version, but I will make another re-upload that is mostly cleaning up some stuff. I was rushing to get this folder uploaded in Mediafire in case something external went wrong such as outages and other issues. Because we're slightly over halfway through the game's development (10 badges already!), it would be a colossal waste if they were to be corrupted, and I probably don't have any desire to restart everything in RPG Maker from scratch. That's all I have for this time. Enjoy! Hopefully Scald14 can handle anything from there!


    Oh, and previous links may no longer work.

  13. I recall Brock has 10+ Pokémon in rotation and is a pretty balanced team besides rock types.
  14. https://www.mediafire.com/file/lfbh0lim5kswqo8/Virtualization_V7.zip/file


    Reupload! (Previous links no longer work)


    Not much has been accomplished (or actually none) on the reupload other than testing out every single trainer battles to view their stats and see if they're appropriately applied. I even had to temporarily move some of the events to keep players from progressing at the end of V7, but I will put them back to its original spot shortly after reuploading this to Mediafire. V8 is still Work In Progress and in there, I'm still in the LINK VRAINS 2.0 map adding in double battles and much more story related content (dialogues, character sprites, etc). I can finally continue where I left off after two months of futile modifications that caused me to revert back to square one.


    I don’t recall mentioning some features here, so here goes:


    (Thanks to DEMICE for existing scripts!)

    -If you press the "S" button during battle, you'll be able to see almost everything ranging from stats (except enemy's HP), weather duration, etc.

    -"The initial weather took over!" This will keep some players from chessing certain battles that rely on weather conditions. I.E. If the battle starts out Sunny, and you change the weather (rain, sand, hail), it'll last for 5-8 turns, and instead of going back to neutral weather, Sunny weather comes back immediately!


    Finally, I’ve added a link for Pokémon Virtualization’s Lobby/Development in the “about me” tab if anyone wants to see what was made behind the scenes.

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