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Vinnie last won the day on September 24 2019

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250 Altruist


About Vinnie

  • Birthday July 1

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  1. I think what they're saying(coming from someone that's experienced it), is that if you change the time in certain areas you cannot find any encounters in the grass at all. For example, in the Terajuma selecting Evening will result in no encounters appearing at all. You can run around in the grass however long you'd like, nothing will show. If you attempt to force encounters by using a pokemon with sweet scent for example, nothing will show either. This happens mostly in areas past Terajuma though, I didn't encounter this prior to that. On the flip side though, you can essentially use this to be free of encounters in certain areas, so that's neat. Edit: Also if you're curious, I removed every other mod besides Time Control when I ran into this issue and was testing it out.
  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. Nah, there isn't. Never really thought about making it, and I'm unsure about how clean and understandable it'd be if I did make it. Sorry about that. In the future if something gets added there I'll definitely make sure to add a map of it here.
  4. Wow, that'd be amazing. Granted, I know WLL is a side project for you, so do it at your own pace as usual. Thanks for the response.
  5. Eli and Sharon are absolute moods. Absolutely wonderful artwork as always :D
  6. If your Blaziken had bulk up you could have easily swept her with that alone. Otherwise you could probably send in ampharos, maybe get lucky with static on her mienshao, and set up a rain dance. You could then send in your noivern and spam hurricane for some big damage, that the rest of your team can follow up on.
  7. Everything looks and sounds wonderful. I will miss old route 3 and the surrounding area due to WLL, but the changes look fresh and well designed despite that.
  8. Old content please! I wanna see some more of the early game revamps :D
  9. Really good as always. This feels like a good theme to some sort of puzzle location, sort of like the Eclysia Pyramid.
  10. Are you checking the alley at night and when it's windy?
  11. I made this a few months back and I completely forgot I had this. I just copy and pasted it from google sheets, so hopefully it looks alright. Would appreciate some checkups on this as well to make sure it's accurate. Also I didn't include potential 1 time steals from event mons(so for example, Lunatone in the Amethyst Cave could hold some stuff). Think the rest is pretty self-explanatory. Left side is the earliest you could potentially steal the items, while the right side is the best odds(calc'd from encounter rates, or how many pokemon in the area might be holding it, or in certain circumstances how accessible the pokemon are). If you're looking to make your steals as painless as possible, make sure to have a Pokemon with the Compound Eyes ability in the front of your party. Item Earliest Pokemon Location Time Method Best Odds Location Time Method Bright Powder Wurmple E. Gearen City Left Day Grass Illumise Akuwa Town Night Grass Coba Berry Sunkern E. Gearen City Left Morning Grass Sunkern E. Gearen City Left Morning Grass Pecha Berry Poochyena E. Gearen City Left Night Grass Mightyena Kugearen Woods-Past Night Grass Tiny Mushroom Paras E. Gearen City Left Night Grass Amoongus Darchlight Woods Night Roaming/Overworld Big Mushroom Paras E. Gearen City Left Night Grass Amoongus Darchlight Woods Night Roaming/Overworld Balm Mushroom Paras E. Gearen City Left Night Grass Parasect Darlight Woods Morning/Day Roaming/Overworld Colbur Berry Chingling E. Gearen City Left Night Grass Chingling Sheridan Village Night Grass Miracle Seed Cherubi Chrisola Hotel Rooftop All Grass Pumpkaboo Goldenleaf Town Night Grass Occa Berry Pansage Gearen Park All Grass Pansage Gearen Park All Grass Passho Berry Pansear Gearen Park All Grass Donphan Valor Mountain Cliffside All Grass Rindo Berry Panpour Gearen Park All Grass Finneon River's End All Old Rod Leppa Berry Skitty Gearen Park All Grass Cleffa/Clefairy Moon FIeld All Grass Black Sludge Trubbish Abandoned Sewers All Tiles Trubbish Abandoned Sewers All Tiles Smoke Ball Koffing Abandoned Sewers All Tiles Salandit Corrupted Cave All Grass Poison Barb Qwilfish Abandoned Sewers All Old/Good Rod Venpede Phasial Cave All Tiles Nugget Grimer Abandoned Sewers All Old/Good Rod Grimer Abandoned Sewers All Old/Good Rod Everstone Geodude Goldenwood Cave All Tiles Geodude Terajuma Island All Rock Smash Mystic Water Goldeen Goldenwood Cave All Old Rod Goldeen Goldenwood Cave All Old/Good Rod Silver Powder Butterfree Route 2 All Headbutt Butterfree Kugearen Woods-Past All Headbutt Hard Stone Dwebble Route 2 All Rock Smash Corsola Akuwa Town All Roaming/Overworld Deep Sea Tooth Basculin Route 2 All Good Rod Basculin Wispy Path All Old/Good Rod Aspear Berry Crabrawler Route 2 All Headbutt Smoochum Seabound Cave All Tiles Power Herb Seedot Route 2 Day Grass Nuzleaf Sheridan Village-Past Morning/Day Grass Soft Sand Diglett Amethyst Cave All Tiles Stunfisk River's End All Surfing Quick Claw Sandshrew Amethyst Cave All Tiles Sandshrew Seabound Cave All Tiles Grip Claw Sandshrew Amethyst Cave All Tiles Sandshrew Seabound Cave All Tiles Persim Berry Girafarig Amethyst Grotto All Grass Tympole Sheridan Wetlands All Surfing Black Belt Makuhita Sheridan Village Morning/Day Grass Makuhita Sheridan Village Morning/Day Grass Metronome Kricketot/Kricketune Sheridan Village Morning/Day Grass Kricketot/Kricketune Sheridan Village All Grass Shed Shell Dustox Sheridan Village Night Grass Nosepass Carotos Mountain All Tiles Magnet Nosepass Carotos Mountain All Tiles Numel Carotos Mountain All Tiles Rawst Berry Numel Carotos Mountain All Tiles Dustox/Beautifly Route 6 All Grass Cell Battery Charjabug Route 3 All Grass Charjabug Route 3 All Grass Sharp Beak Doduo Route 3 All Grass Dodrio Route 7-West Morning/Day Roaming/Overworld Sitrus Berry Bibarel Phasial Cave All Tiles Trumbeak/Bibarel Terajuma Jungle Morning Grass Big Pearl Swalot Deep Sewers All Tiles Shellder Valor Mountain(Ice) All Good Rod Revive Zigzagoon Spring of Purification All Grass Zigzagoon Goldenleaf Town Morning Grass Tanga Berry Spoink Goldenleaf Town Day Grass Spoink Goldenleaf Town Day Grass Thick Club Cubone Goldenleaf Town Morning/Day Grass Marowak Zorrialyn Desert All Grass Max Revive Linoone Goldeleaf Town Morning/Day Grass Linoone Kugearen Woods-Past Day Grass Spell Tag Yamask/Duskull Narcissa's Gym All Tiles Sandygast Route 9 All Roaming/Overworld Kasib Berry Duskull Narcissa's Gym All Tiles Dusclops Castle of Goomidra All Grass Light Clay Golett/Baltoy Wispy Ruins All Tiles Golett/Golurk/Claydol Voidal Cashm All Tiles Cheri Berry Emolga Route 4 Morning Roaming/Overworld Emolga Route 4 Morning Roaming/Overworld Heart Scale Luvdisc Akuwa Town All Good Rod Luvdisc Route 2-Altered All Old Rod Babiri Berry Snorunt Evergreen Forest Night Roaming/Overworld Snorunt Evergreen Forest Night Roaming/Overworld Chople Berry Buneary Evergreen Forest All Roaming/Overworld Buneary Evergreen Forest All Roaming/Overworld Moon Stone Cleffa/Clefairy/Lunatone Moon Field All Grass Cleffa/Clefairy/Lunatone Moon Field All Grass Sun Stone Solrock Moon Field All Grass Solrock Moon Field All Grass Comet Shard Cleffa/Clefairy/Solrock/Lunatone Moon Field All Grass Cleffa/Clefairy/Solrock/Lunatone Moon Field All Grass Razor Fang Bruxish River's End All Good Rod Bruxish River's End All Good Rod Oval Stone Chansey Kakori Safari Zone All Grass Chansey Kakori Safari Zone All Grass Lucky Egg Chansey Kakori Safari Zone All Grass Pelipper Route 10 All Roaming/Overworld Focus Band Machop Route 5 Morning/Day Grass Machop Route 5 Morning/Day Grass Chesto Berry Spinda Route 5 Morning/Day Grass Spinda Route 5 Morning/Day Grass Payapa Berry Mankey/Primeape Secret Shore All Grass Mankey/Primeape Secret Shore All Grass Wide Lens Yanma Kakori Gym All Roaming/Overworld Yanma Kakori Gym All Roaming/Overworld Never Melt Ice Snover/Abomasnow/Cryogonal Valor Mountain-Calm All Tiles Snover/Abomasnow/Cryogonal Valor Mountain-Calm All Tiles Charcoal Tutoronator Valor Mountain-Active All Tiles Tutoronator Valor Mountain-Active All Tiles Mental Herb Swadloon Isle of Angels All Grass Lotad Route 3-Past All Old Rod Shuca Berry Ponyta/Rapidash Route 7 Morning/Day Grass Ponyta/Rapidash Route 7 Morning/Day Grass Leftovers Munchlax Honec Woods All Honey Tree Munchlax Honec Woods All Honey Tree Metal Coat Bronzor D'Archlight Cave All Tiles Bronzor D'Archlight Cave All Tiles Charti Berry Taillow/Swellow GDC-Dream District Morning/Day Grass Taillow/Swellow GDC-Dream District Morning/Day Grass King's Rock Hariyama Sheridan Village-Past Morning/Day Grass Poliwhirl Goldenwood Park(Renovated) All Surfing Haban Berry Gible Zone Zero All Roaming/Overworld Gible Zone Zero All Roaming/Overworld Deep Sea Scale Chinchou Terajuma Coral Reef All Underwater Relicanth Evergreen Trench All Underwater I won't be covering the following items: Lagging Tail, Lucky Punch, Oran Berry, Absorb Bulb, Berry Juice, Moomoo Milk, Honey, Luminous Moss, Cleanse Tag, Snowball, Potions, Quick Powder, Metal Powder. One time items recieved from one time encounters won't be covered either.
  12. Someone asked me about a month ago if I'd post what I had. It's not much like I had for Reborn honestly but I kept forgetting. If these are unnecessary you're welcome to delete the topic, or otherwise. You're also free to use these as you may see fit. Mystery Egg Chart Zorrialyn Desert Map Zorrialyn Labyrinth Maps - Floor 1 - Floor 2 - Floor 3 - Floor 4 Aquamarine Chamber Dive Spot Map
  13. Nah, you should be fine. BIGJRA's doc walkthrough says you can find them in Goldenleaf Town during the day time.
  14. Weren't the EVs for Florin's Sceptile messed up a bit as well? I think all the fields got shifted over one or something, if I remember right.
  15. I know I'm extremely late, but please, by all means, take your time with the V13 update. This is a passion project for you, and while it may be frustrating having deadlines set that you're not reaching, at the end of the day you'd much rather release the work when it's your best. Don't let others rush you. I've seen your updates such as the Goldenleaf Town(for v13) and it's beautiful. it is absolutely worth the wait for you and for the rest of us. Besides that, doing as much as you can for V13 will alleviate lots of pressure on your back when it comes to creating the versions beyond that. Above all else, don't push yourself. Both your mental and physical health comes first. Take care.
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