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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zeallam

  1. I used sunny day against him to shut off the rain. It had the added hilarious effect of also changing the field for a bit which allowed me to exploit all his teams weaknesses unimpeded.
  2. OH, right. My save file, here it is :) Game.rxdata
  3. So I was going through the events past S.S Paradise and the script froze at exactly this scene, prompted me to save and now it's just sitting there doing nothing. Is there anything I can do about this?
  4. The game froze at this scene, had the brilliant idea to take the game up on its offer to save and now nothing is happening ._. What do?
  5. Likely, Gale Wings are being punished by the field effect that fight takes place in. The Psychic Field renders priority moves on grounded pokemon useless.
  6. I tried playing around with the sprite changing NPC and it doesn't seem like the legacy sprites are reversible, at least...I couldn't figure out a way. It would be nice if this NPC was a permanent addition to the cast, along with some tweaks :D
  7. Is there any info on what this "other TM" is? Also, thanks for the quick replies guys!
  8. Afaik. You're supposed to undergo her rite of passage before she lets in her base. That is, beat her in a battle at the chrysola(sp?) hotel.
  9. AH yes I completely forgot about that retry event feature. It's probably worth checking out
  10. To be honest, I never tried "coming back later for the capsule". But I did go back to goldenwood forest for the rematch against code:evo and I didn't see the briefcase by then, so probably best to get it before the fight with the shadow poke.
  11. If that's the snag machine code then 3845 is the one for the ability capsule.
  12. You're supposed to deliver the letter and the burn heal to the dude you were shown on the cutscene.
  13. Can you remind me which code Melia tells you to input at the lake? Context: I wrote down the code for the ability capsule AND the one for the snag machine but I didn't label them <.<...
  14. So, apparently this mini game has several rewards, but I do not know what exactly they are, is there an already existing topic about this? Also What are your stories with this mini game, I can't seem to figure it out for the life of me :(...
  15. You guys mean the Exp.All? What is that thing anyway? I was wondering ever since I saw it in the shop. Edit: To answer my own question. It seems the Exp.Share in recent generations is a key item which awards exp to everyone in the party as opposed to awarding exp just to whoever held it. The Exp.All in rejuvenation attempts to emulate this, but resembling more how the Gen.I Exp.All worked (minus the bugs, hopefully)
  16. Title. I got some points and I was wondering what to get first.
  17. Actually, it's when you choose to keep it that you can't save her, because there will be no reason to explore the lower floors context-wise. I'm unsure if the changes in V10 included modifications to this, however....
  18. If I read correctly, the Douse TM became inaccessible as of V10, however, I was told you could still get it if you get V9 (just to get it and then go back to V10) My question is. If I do that, will my achievements progress be reset/lost? TIA
  19. Is this a V10 thing? Because I was considering adding a pichu in my loadout. Is it safe?
  20. The magma stone events play a big role in how valor mountain plays out if I remember correctly. If you keep the stone, and thus secure magma drift, then Saki will be the one saving amber (even venam will miss her on the way to the summit), but if you hand the stone over then the amber rescue sequence plays out due to you starting at the bottom floors.
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