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  1. Bignoob27


    Lost my chance to get Beedrill in glitch world so im wondering if anyone has a weedle or/beedril they would be willing to give away. Thanks!
  2. so i have beaten Amaria, and wanted to get the Z ring for the glass factory. but when i buy a Pokemon from the vendor in 7th street, Arclight doesnt show up.
  3. I tried adjusting my computer time at first. Didnt work so i waited until irl daytime but its still night ingame
  4. I saw a video of someone having a rillaboomite and would like to use one myself but idk where to get it.
  5. Im having this issue as we speak, has anyone found a solution?
  6. Is it no longer possible to switch controls
  7. Yeah, if i recall correctly i wiped my computer thinking i had a backup for both reborn and reju on this site. seems like i only had save files for Reborn
  8. Idk what happened or how, But it seems like my save file has been deleted. The only one remaining is both glitched and all the way back at Jenners Lab. Would really appreciate it as i don't have the time nor do i really want to replay the entire game again. Thanks in Advance!
  9. @Potatough Okey just send a message when ur back
  10. @Potatough Trade requested, Thanks for the help!
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