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Everything posted by Lorisaur

  1. I think you can try to play it out spamming switch between your Indimitate Granbull and one of the guaranteed levitates like Solrock or Lunatone, to ppstall dclaw/eq while bringing it to -6, altough if you don't have Grabbull you can use Slurpuff for switches instead, get the first intimidate t1 with Luxray and then go into Levitate-Slurp-etc. After that you can decide what to do according to your other mons but MAYBE you can keep stalling with flash fire Arcanine+a stone edge sponge and it shouldn't take too long. But that's just an idea If you really don't have the right encounters for this, try to pull off something and ignore eventual deaths, idk I'll let you know when I'll get there. But probably it's playable
  2. So, that's what I've been doing: I'm a fan of nuzlockes, and I've played extensively games like Emerald Kaizo or Radical Red (hardcore mode) In nuzlockes you can't afford to rely on luck, but you need solid strats that work regardless of any bad luck you might get I also banned any "cheese" options that can ruin the fun: specifically, you're not allowed to use setup moves or abilities, like swords dance or speed boost. You also can't destroy or generate a field (altough you can change it) and I don't know if I should ban or not weather moves/abilities. Also I refused to use entry hazards and to use pokemon that are banned in Emerald Kaizo like Blissey, Shedinja or MSableye Since I belive that the fun part of this kind of challenge is to plan fights to play carefully and creatively, the difficulty is mitigated by the fact that I'm ok with giving myself vitamines or exp candies to speed up grinding. I finally started playing and... it was easy. Some pokemon like Gulpin or Minun are really too much for the early game handling with ease key pokemon in boss fights. I'll probably start over and mess around with levels: with a tiny level boost the challenge promises to be very fun, while with Pulse2 or a bigger level boost it becomes unfun and requires you to play sketchy or boring strats Maybe I'll try something like +5 levels or +10% or maybe a combination of both, you can experiment a bit You can raise levels even higher while also giving yourself 31ivs, which mitigates even further the luck element. Maybe, I'll try +5lvls, +5%lvls, 31ivs. I'll let you know how it goes What I wanted to say is that a fun but hard challenge is a challenge where you have to plan every boss fight, consider your options and win because you were able to choose the best ones. This means that your options can't be too limited but can't be too broken either. I'm sure you'll have fun somehow
  3. Back in 2018 I'd have never imagined that E19 would have come out before we could even get a single Metroid Prime 4 trailer
  4. We all know that Budew was removed from the game
  5. So excuse me, just to see if I've understood properly The open-beta is actually going to be released in more or less a week and us Reborn fans will be able to play this game and just have to report bugs/etc? It's so exciting I don't even want to think about it. I just know I won't play anything else for MONTHS
  6. As most of you probably know, the last update from Legends Arceus added an endless survival mode called Eternal Battle Reverie and that thing. Is. Amazing. I cleared battle50 with relative ease using a team of lv85ish mons with random natures and close to no EVs/Grit. After a couple days, I tried again with an optimized version of the same team in order to get to battle 999 which is the maximum the game can register. After some hundreds of battles I got a quite bored (and also wanted to turn off the switch) so I gave up eventually, but I'm more than sure that this team can clear thousands of battles. So here I am talking about this team Arceus (Legend Plate) Modest Nature - Judgment - Earth Power - Flash Cannon - Recover Arceus is just too got to not use it. It has coverage, sustain and whenever it clicks Judgment something drops. The coverage moves are for Heatran, Empoleon, Alolatales and Kleavor. Enamorus (F) Modest Nature - Draining Kiss - Moonblast - Mystical Fire - Calm Mind Draining Kiss is the most valuable move here. It lets you counter big targets like Giratina while still keeping yourself healthy. Togekiss might be an alternative option, but I don't think it's as good as Enamorus as it can easily get free turns on slower opponents and can deal massive damage with kiss after a calm mind. Enamorus can also deal with Decidueye/Samurott, Spiritomb and lots of random pokemon Weavile Adamant Nature - Ice Shard - Ice Punch - Night Slash - Rest I didn't know about this back when I cleared battle50, I had Giratina here. Giratina is very good, but this is broken. Even more than Arceus. As you guys probably know, ice shard can lock any target from EVER attacking - even the opposing Arceus - as long as you spam ice shard and sometimes use agile style ice shard. This "wobbling" is not really the whole reason why Weavile is here, far from it. This lock consumes way too many ice shard pps and, besides Arceus, you should only do it on ice weak mons not named Giratina (seriously, Giratina takes nothing from ice shards). The best application, however, is to use one or two shards and switch into something that can finish off the target, like Heatran or Empoleon which resist judgment/strong style close combat respectively but not after a couple shards. Weavile's strenght also comes from the fact that it will ALWAYS get the first move on any opponent so you can easily switch around without taking damage from the lead. Also rest is an amazing sustain option because you can often agile style rest t1 and switch to something else. And yes this is your lead. One last thing, Weavile can usually damage pretty hard lv80 Giratina or straight up ko it before being forced to switch by Dialga+Palkia so you also have the chance to get your easy 60pts Lilligant-Hisui (F) Adamant Nature - Drain Punch - Close Combat - Leaf Blade - Victory Dance If you ask me to say a pokemon in this team that is impossible to replace, I'd say Lilligant. Lilligant can take out some key targets for easy points like Rampardos+Bastiodon, Dialga, Snorlax/Regigigas, Empoleon, Torterra and so on. Victory Dance is one of the craziest moves in this game as it basically gives x2.25 damage and adds bulk on a pokemon that alredy has high damage and sustain. This thing takes ice beams like nothing if you play her correctly. Be ware to preserve drain punch pp tho: sometimes you might want to use Arceus or something else on some of Lilligant's target if she's running too low (I'm only saying this for whoever's mad like me and wants to pull off a 999run, there's no need to worry otherwise) Cresselia (F) - Calm Mind - Psychic - Moonblast - Lunar Blessing Cresselia's main goal here is to TOTALLY stall out Dialga+Palkia. A crit roar of time doesn't deal even 20%. As you can see I'm not showing a nature here because my Cresselia was actually docile (too lazy to farm mints) and she doesn't even need a nature. She can also beat Infernape, Gallade and some other pokemon while also stalling out an opposing Cresselia if you ever run into her. Don't run into her. I also suggest avoiding "female pokemon" just because of the chance to get Cresselia. Ppstalling opposing Cresselia's moonblasts with your own Cresselia before going into Weavile is probably better than wasting ice shard pps for a lock. I've tried Manaphy in place of Cresselia, but Lunar Blessing is just too good Dusknoir Adamant Nature - Leech Life - Calm Mind - Shadow Sneak - Rest At last, my personal call. I don't think anyone else is running Dusknoir but I do and he's great. Dusknoir's main goal is to get rid of the lake trio for free points as well as Unowns and other psychic types. It's also crucial vs lv80 Scyther+Kleavor in some rare scenarios. Dusknoir's gameplay is very simple: calm mind, then leech life all the targets one by one. This thing can also beat Cresselia most of the times. Leech life pps are precious, but sneak/rest give you reliably ways to never use more than two leech lifes to beat a trio. The cool thing about Dusknoir is that since it's a bulky pokemon with low hp, leech life will give back A TON of health even vs fragile targets like Unowns. It's not the most flashy pokemon out here and you have to be careful while using it but the payoff is worth it since it's the only mon in this team able to take out a trio and end up more healthy than when it started - while also consuming a very low amount of pps Probably Drapion is an interesting alternative with a similar set but I've never tested it AND THAT'S IT, this team can EASILY win indefinitely. I'm going to look for BETTER alternatives as I'm very hyped about this mode
  7. I think I've made my predictions as well as soon ad e18 came out so quite some time ago... the fun part was coming up with LauraBennett 6v12 strategies
  8. Hi I'm tired and I haven't read all but it seems like you had a fun journey I've never played through Reborn (or any game) with more than 6 pokemon because I would feel very guilty to abandon them in a box for the rest of the playthrough. If you can spam yawn you win. If you lay toxic spikes you also win. I've once found a shiny Beedrill and it proved itself extremely useful and beautiful. Now I would go back to sleep like a Jirachi but sadly I can't even sleep Goodbye and good luck for your playthroughs!
  9. I just wanna point out how Serra's fieldless doubles winrate is very similar to her fieldless singles, despite not being a doubles trainer, just because of the sheer power of Aurora Veil Also this is one of the best posts I've ever seen but... just out of curiosity, which were some of the coolest upsets in the tournament?
  10. Lorisaur

    e19 when

    I have no words to describe how excited I am for e19 since it has the best feature of all time: THERE IS NO DYNAMAXING Jokes aside, my hype for this game is over the roof. It's much more than just "a game" to me As soon as it comes out I want to fully translate it in italian because I know way too many people who say that "Reborn is cool, but I'm not good enough with english". I've always wanted to do it but it was a bit pointless doing it before e19 you know (Also I love that there is no gen8 but plz buff Silvally's multi attack like in sword shield it would be pog)
  11. "man i hope you kids like double battles" I don't "like" them. I LOVE THEM. I feel so thankful for this game
  12. I don't know yet if I really like this. Not that it matters, anyways. The best parts of Reborn are the field engine, the plot, the characters, the metagame, and while the difficulty seemed to me to be high some years ago, in the end it was just because I underlevel A TON. Like going glass gauntlet around lv75. Which is hironically the cap for Fiore gauntlet Anyways. The reason why I play reborn is not really the challenge anymore. For that, we have mods. So it doesn't matter. However, these are not changes to make game easier. They are qol changes. And that's a VERY good thing And since you are putting in these changes, I'll ask about something EASY Could the Silvally nurse tell the player that he'll lose the items held by the pokemon he'll give her? I feel like most of us lost their exp share this way at least in one playthrough, since we all used it to evolve Shinx. Altough that was more than worth because Silvally is the best pokemon ever made
  13. Why should one ever be oppressive and want at all costs e19 to come out soon when Metroid Prime 4 is still where it is
  14. Lorisaur


    "well aktually I used razor wind back in generation 3 and i know all of its mechanics so you're wrong" Someone had to do it I am not sorry
  15. Seems nope But I'm pretty confident that Crystal Rage will show up
  16. Hi everyone! This is a post about a pokemon I've discovered to be great (or at least not so bad) in VGC: Hattrem. You heard it right, I'm not talking about Hatterene, but about her pre evolution, the cute, adorable Hattrem! I know there is almost no one here to play vgc, but the series 8 is close and who doesn't want to hear about a cute nfe fairy handling semi-decently a Dyamaxed Dialga or Kyogre? So, here we are First of all, what are Hattrem's positives over Hatterene? They are just completely different pokemon who serve really different purpouses. Hattrem, for example, is faster than Hatterene, and this allows here to make use of Nuzzle, that can catch by surprise a bit everyone. Nuzzle is completely useless on Hatterene for obvious reasons, while Hattrem instead works best in teams that don't need trick room but are more around the mid-speed range. She doesn't even learn trick room, and she doesn't need it. However, again, people would expect Hattrem to have it because who knows what Hattrem does in first place Second: Hattrem is not a fairy and is slightly bulkier than Hatterene. They have the same hp stat, and defenses are just slightly worse than the big hat. The typing difference is something no one knows about, and even if someone does (because of a bo3), you still have a solid typing that lets Hattrem fulfill her awesome goal What is that goal you ask? Stalling a Dynamax, mainly. Hattrem has access to mystical fire and life dew, with good typing and great bulk. I discovered her back in season 4, when Duraludon and Lapras were everywhere. They couldn't directly deal enough damage to the cute child, so she could mystical fire and spam life dew from there. Her partner used to be my own Lapras to set up the aurora veil and increase Hattrem's durability even further. She is an incredibly annoying pokemon to deal with, and even the opponent knows what she does, it's not enough to be safe from her shenanigans She is not only an early game dynamax staller, of course. Hattrem can act as a win condition aganist many pokemon. Gastrodon, Ferrothorn, Porygon2, just to name a few. Especially aganist Ferrothorn, you can try to preserve Hatty for the late game and clean with her ruining Ferrothorn amazing leech seed iron defense plans. An underrated option on her is Calm Mind, but I will explore it better in the future. Oh right because Hattrem can even go on the offensive: altough she has miserable special attack and usually no notable investments, it's steel not a pokemon you can sleep on and she can pull off her surprise max flare or max mindstorm to guarantee a ko on Venusaur, Ferrothorn and other nasty pokemon. If you are too afraid of Urshifu, you can even go max starfall. With the right ev spread, max hattrem can resist two wicked blow even though they are crits and supereffective. What a great pink mon. I've used to dynamax Hattrem quite consistently during season 5, aganist the sun cores: Indeedee and Torkoal could set up the field and weather for me, Hatterene was prone to getting crippled by mystical fire, Amoonguss was stopped by safeguard (which I used to run at the time) and Venusaur was useless aganist a huge Hattrem Now, she has to face her biggest challenge, trying to be viable in a meta filled with legends. However, with the right spread she can resist even onslaughts by Dynamax ubers like Dialga and ruin the day of key threats like Xerneas with her aforementioned tools. Hattrem is a multipurpouse pokemon that can be used in so many different ways, however I must remind that she is not at all a pokemon you can just slap on a team. She has many small qualities, and will only fit in a team that needs exactly those ones, and just in a metagame that is relatively friendly to her. She has very low offensive presence, doesn't have some key support tools like follow me or trick room, and no one will probably ever play her in serious games beside me. However, I was very impressed at how well she may perform in the new series 8 metagame, and since she is incredibly cute I want to support her Good luck Hat family! (P.S. for those who alredy know me, dw Silvally is still my favourite by far)
  17. Iron head can be learned by move tutor, but I don't remember if the tutor is available in Agate or only post restoration. Anyways, you can still give it different type coverage. Anything will work for now, just not dragon tail since low priority conflicts with dragon dance's speed boosts. I'd say roost, but iirc the tm is in tourmaline
  18. As always, I have no idea where to post, especially with Victory Road not being around anymore (or at least I can't seem to find it) I like making posts to analize Reborn's meta, a meta I really appreciate because it's really balanced thanks to the unavailable content and greatly rewards variety and creativity thanks to the field effects enabling countless strategies. I originally wanted to post a tier list here, but I'll do it another time. For now, I want to talk about some of the biggest winners of this metagame, as well as some pokemon who usually are great, but here are more... lackluster Today I'll start with those who really benefit this metagame, and I'll leave those who suffer it for another post 1) Silvally. I want to start with him because he is my favourite pokemon. Despite the bias, I objectively can't deny that in an hypotetical tier list, Silvally can't be lower than OU, even if in regular games most of his forms are untiered. He has several perks here: first of all, we are in a meta with no u-turn or volt switch tms, and this Silvally one of the best pivots to keep momentum with parting shot. Darkinium Z is also an option to use in mid-late game to keep a teammate healthy, especially in offensive teams. Second, Reborn's meta is slightly more fast paced than regular OU and games don't last that long. This means that Silvally can function as a solo defogger in a team, despite his lack of recovery. He also benefits from the lack of some fierce offensive threats who could easily weaken him, and he provides decent field control with heat wave or pledges. However, his crucial quality comes from the format that the Devolved League is currently adopting for gym battles: challengers are allowed to choose items according to the leader they are going to face. This allows Silvally to "counterpick" any opponent with relative ease and makes him a relevante piece of any match 2) Swampert (non mega). I know, Swampert is currently OU in gen 8 meta, but Reborn takes place in gen 7 where regular Swampert did not have flip turn nor was so viable. Swampert estabilished itself as one of the best stealth rockers in the meta, thanks to his good use of fields and possibility to set up rocks during a whole game while also menacing key pokemon in the meta like Aegislash, Tyranitar, or a Volcarona lacking giga drain. He also serves as a great phazer with roar, altough some players are using coverage moves like ice punch instead of it. Swampert's usage is very high and it shows how a meta with lower damage, but relatively faster games, can lead to the rise of pokemon who in regular games have been victims of power creep 3) Metagross. Metagrossite is unavailable, and regular Metagross is RU with no reason to be played. During most of the league's lifespan, I've just considered Metagross as a nice pokemon who could function as one of the best checks/counters available to tier king Naganadel, but I've recently noticed how he can really be a versatile pokemon that works on his own, switching into threats like Gardevoir or Clefable to get the job done with little effort. There are not many Metagross switch ins, and many pokemonbare susceptible to getting crippled by him quite fast. However, his usage (altough high) is probably not high enough to give him an OU spot, considering that "getting crippled" is his main weakness as well with no real recovery options, but usually he knocks down at least a pokemon before falling so he is never a bad options - not bad for a RU pokemon 4) Klefki/Noivern/Hydreigon/Scizor (non mega)/others. Regular pokemon around UU range that here enjoy the lower power level, have ways to deal with top threats, or provide invaluable support. Hydreigon has immense versatility and is self sufficient, which is useful to face many monotypes, while Noivern is a fast Dragon that outspeeds Greninja and Naganadel, while Scizor is just amazing and the terror of ice and fairy leaders 5) Whimsicott. Same as klefki, he has OU level of usage thanks to the amazing support he gives but god, Whimsicott got the jump from NU. Prankster Nature Power is also a great tool to use with field effects 6) Ampharos/Zebstrika (ion deluge). So, we are getting to the "ion deluge" topic. Ion Deluge is almost useless in canon games, but in Reborn turns the field into electrical for 3 turns (5 with amplified rock). It may not seem much, but it's enough to give a challenger the opportunity to get a crucial repositioning, and this is really useful in very disruptive fields like Glitch or Underwater. Ion Deluge is the most commonly used field changing move, but Grassy Terrain Serperior is not bad either. Altough it lasts shorter, Ion Deluge has the advantage of being a priority move. The two main users are Zebstrika and MAmpharos, but if someone comes up with another cool pokemon like Lanturn or Eelektross I wouldn't be too surprised. However, remember that the viability of this move is undirectly hindered by the absence of TM Volt Switch 7) Gyarados. I know, I know, Gyarados is a very good pokemon, but I have to remind you that in Reborn both Gyaradosite and Flynium Z are unavailable. I think Gyarados is mostly used Life Orb, and the simple fact that he can hold up to the challenge very well with a two-turn bounce shows how impressive Gyarados and dragon dance are as a whole 8) Tyranitar/Excadrill. Sand is very good in this meta, Tyranitar (non mega) is better than in gen7 OU and excatar is a duo you'll see quite often. Excadrill doesn't really use fields, and some water-based field nerf him, but besides that he is an impressive offensive presence and a fantastic sweeper. With good team support, excatar is a good teambuilding choice and you will not go wrong with them. Hippowdon is of course an awesome pokemon as well, but most players seem to pair Tyranitar with Excadrill more often 9) Other OU staples. Just like Excadrill and Tyranitar, many pokemon that were alredy good or usable in gen 7 OU, like Alolan Ninetales, Greninja or Volcarona rose in usage even further, because of many reasons like field control, sweeping potential, or anything else according to the pokemon, but it must be considered that part of their "success" also happened because of the fall or the unavailability of other key pokemon of gen 7 OU, but we will talk about them next time 10) many, many more pokemon I did not mention here! As I said, this metagame rewards creativity. When I've picked Silvally for my team I only did it because he is my favourite, I did not even expect him to be unhironically good. Many other pokemon, who would be "bad" or at least not so viable in canon games, here are just fine, like Primarina, Ribombee, Arcanine, Nidoking and much more. Thinking about it, maybe I should have made a separate point about Primarina because her usage is recently rising quite much Now that we have talked about those pokemon, there is a last question: why did I do this? Well, the first reason is because I want to spread knowledge about this gem of a meta that should be preserved. Second reason is I want to show lesser used pokemon becoming stronger in a game that helps them more than canon games can do. Third reason is that I will love talking about those "good" pokemon that here are not available or just worse than their canon games counterparts (hi Garchomp) and also I'll talk about what is probably the most controversial topic in Reborn meta: Naganadel And with this it's all, see you next time! Join and follow the league to try this meta first hand on our discord server! https://discord.gg/5YEfcc6F
  19. Lorisaur

    hi again

    The bars were nice and all but they didn't make the game come out faster. What's relevant is a thing: Welcome back Ame! And also good job Cass being a very good Ame this year
  20. Ok a couple things First: no, this is NOT the usual "when's e19" post Second: I have no idea where to post this shit but it seemed a fun idea to do it here So, you know when there is that short time before lunch when you kinda don't know what to do because it isn't ready yet but it will be in seconds? I have always checked the devlog during those times because it's fast and it's a cheap way to get me hyped to see if there's anything new But that's not the main point of this. The main point is that some days ago, the devblog now features a nice picture of Spaghetti. I am italian and I can state that they are well made. I am sure they are not made by those people who put in pasta before the water boils. I will never understand them. Looking at that picture right when I'm alredy hungry for lunch (or dinner) is evil and I have alredy fallen for this quite a few times. I need to eat the spaghetti code (slightly less spaghetti now) Was this a serious thing? No. Why did I made it so long? Because it seemed fun and I had some spare time
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