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Everything posted by Lorisaur

  1. Reveal time, this is me a couple weeks ago. I usually don't like me at all, but hey it's Reborn forum, I can share it @Zumi you are very cute by the way
  2. We often talk about smash in this section, but does anyone want to battle? I'll just leave my FC here SW-7888-6513-3297
  3. Anybody up for a battle right now?
  4. Oh well, I'm happy you enjoy Reborn!! I have a couple tips for your team. Don't use them for a regular playthrough, I'm only telling you these things for online play First of all, be aware that Naganadel is by far the most destructive pokemon in the game. The ideal set would be Nast Plot, Sludge Wave, Draco Meteor and Flamethrower/Heat Wave. His goal is to get into someone who can't threaten him directly, like Venusaur, Clefable or many others, force them to switch, set up a Nasty Plot and destroy entire teams thanks to the beast boost. The best item is usually the Dragonium Z, altough I've seen also focus sash and poisonium Z being decent. Tyranitar is another one of the best pokemons in the game. Usually, people play him with the Assault Vest (AV) as the special defense boost makes him able to resist a Z-Draco Meteor from a Naganadel after a nasty plot and ko in return with Earthquake. That's crazy, but true. If you want to play dragon dance, instead, use these moves and leftovers as an item. Speaking of Togekiss, instead, you can play defog and roost instead of dazzling gleam and aura sphere. They deal no relevant damage and you want to have team support while keeping Togekiss healthy. For your Excadrill, I would suggest a life orb, but remember that pulling off a sweep with sand rush is not an easy task. Salamence is instead someone I don't really like... the Z-crystal is not so good with an 80 base power move. Lum Berry, Leftovers and Life Orb are good items. And please, use Fire Blast or Bulldoze instead of Brick Break The last step is finding a mega evolution, that's your choice... my suggestion would be Mega Kangaskhan, who is very well rounded and has a nice bulk, your team will need it. Have fun!! Hope we might have a battle one of these days
  5. how to beat next leader
  6. To open a door you first have to be conscious of your body. Nowdays, the busy daily routine makes us forget to relax, to think about ourselves. We need to calm down, close our eyes, be aware of our muscles and our movement options in the world. As soon as we learn how we are structured and how can we move, we can start to look around and notice the wonderful surroundings. However, we may look trapped. As often happens with our feelings, we may think to be in a closed room with no way out. In those situations, where everything seems lost, we may find hope where we least expect: in the walls trapping us. Indeed, a room usually has a peculiar structure in at least one wall: it has a rectangular shape, it looks a bit disjointed from the rest of the wall, it might also feature different colours or materials, and has some weird protuberance in the middle of it, usually middle-left. Thanks to your new perfect knowledge of your body and to the muscolar coordination achieved through meditation and mindfulness, you will be able to coordinate the work of your hand's muscles to grab that weird swelling (with "grab" I mean the act of putting your hand on the desired object and close the grip by contracting your muscles), pull down the protuberance, that we will call "door handle" from now on, and then towards you by a very hard to understand process. I suggest you to train hard with other objects before really opening a door. Also, remember to space yourself correctly before opening a door, or to step back, otherwise you might punch yourself in the stomach Why do we die when heart stops pumping?
  7. 8, how do rep points work exactly?
  8. Use someone to kill Hariyama, and as soon as he sends out Mienshao send out the key pokemon Palossand. Teach him earth power, shore up, iron defense and some move to handle Hawlucha like psychic, stone edge, rock tomb or infestation, I don't remember what can you have right now. Your goal is to get to Hawlucha with +6 defense, and whipe out all the Samson's team until Conkeldurr. Well, that's not easy because Hawlucha has roost, so you must have enough damage output to kill him. I hope you do. In that case, you can kill any pokemon Samson sends out exept for maybe Conkeldurr. If you can't get past Hawlucha, you have to rock tomb until he is at -6 speed, let Palossand die/switch him out to a death fodder and either clear the job with Honchkrow or Hypno, if they can ohko Hawlucha, or anyone with an high attack and one of Acrobatics or Nature Power. Now, if Mienshao is still alive you can use again your Palossand. If instead the next pokemon is Blaziken or Lucario, you have to use your own Hawlucha to do it. If Conkeldurr gives you any trouble, just go for a couple feather dances and it's yours
  9. Right... what is this team for? I see you are using my trusted buddy Silvally, that's a very good thing. For any suggestions, I'm here to help you
  10. You can SDI out of it, says Leffen However, I think that Joker is really my kind of character. He is very similar to Rosalina. He needs Arsene, he has a lingering Nair, broken upair, anti-projectile downB, he can play defensively while being light and having very good combos... and the range of the moves is similar
  11. Arcanine doesn't learn any move by levelup. He learns something via heart scale, but most moves come from TMs amd preevo
  12. Joker from persona 5 is finally in smash, and we have to talk about him: is he good, is he trash...? I know it's early, but tell me what you think about him I personally like him so much, it's so easy to get access to Arsene who is extremely powerful, I like the aerials, as well as the sideB and rebel's guard. Gun seems underwhelming, but it probably has to be explored more
  13. Teto, HUGE THANKS for showing me this I'm in @btid_exettv, if you want help for anything about eventual rules and bans for a tournament or anything about the metagame just ask me. I'm in.
  14. Today I learned that I have learnt nothing today. But the fact that I have learnt it
  15. That's sad, Starbucks coffee is everything but coffee. They have the best brownies, however
  16. Welcome to the best forum ever DeltaFrappuccino!!! Are you a real italian coffee?
  17. MEGA CAMERUPT! I didn't think about him at all... he is so rare, but I have to be ready as the same. Right now, my best strat is to toxic him and stall out... should I run surf Silvally just for him and some Blaziken leads? It seems a bit too situational... I might as well give Gliscor toxic, but I really don't know what could I give up. Knock off? It's even more useful than bulldoze, which I must have for Jolteon and Electivire. I might use AV Tyranitar to check him... that's the best idea, probably. It's just all about keeping Silvally safe until Camerupt comes in. Hoping there's no trick room. Pursuit is a very good idea by the way Speaking of terrains... if the opponent has an Hydreigon in new world, I virtually shake his hand and demand for a rematch. Same goes for Naganadel in dragon's den. Seriously, after a nasty plot in the den Naganadel ohkos even a calm assault vest heatran 252hp 252sdef, not kidding However, more than 50% of the fields favours me, while bulldoze defog and heat wave help me with some of the others. Right now, my worst fields are psychic terrain, glitch field, water surface, flower garden and new world, but I can handle them
  18. Hi everybody, as I'm sooo tired I want to propose here a silly game The first user asks a very stupid question. The next one has to give a very complex and poetic answer, than ask a silly question on his own. And so on I start: why is 2 greater than 1?
  19. Ice Climbers earned their hate due to wobbling in melee and chaingrabbing in brawl. Rosalina & Luma instead were one of the most hated characters becayse of the very defensive playstyle and all the junk that Luma brought to the game. Here in smash ultimate they are not hated anymore, but only because they are bad... and that's sad
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