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Everything posted by Aquablade96

  1. ok do you mind what I trade you or do you have a pokemon you want in mind
  2. I am looking for a swablu to breeding perish song onto another pokemon. If you can help I give you a pokemon in return( shiny or not it's your choice, unless I don't have it)
  3. ok, you sure it is in Crysolia forest cause I have heard that is not the case.
  4. Aquablade96

    LF Swablu

    I am looking for a Swablu with destiny bond so I may use it to breed a destiny bond Murkrow
  5. I have gone back and talked to the front and Both of its sides. So, I can confirm that I can NOT use sleep powders on it at all
  6. Dude thank you soo much for that, I was able to get out with your pictures
  7. no just saying thanks for getting me a picture to help me get there (sorry if it made you think otherwise)
  8. I am coming out from the Celestinine mountains and I hit a place that I can seem to get through at all (got through it to get to the city) could someone help.
  9. ok so there more than just that one dive patch (one i the pic) thanks I see if I can find them.
  10. I just beat Charlotte and got dive. I when back to the Ametrine Mountain were I saw a dive spot and dove under at that spot and all I found was a PLUSE readout for Avaugg. So where I am supposed to go then?? (the pic is where I found the readout)
  11. I will try that and I think i still had it (not sure if I can check if i have it)
  12. As said in the picture I can not move that Crustal at all, should I be able to move it or not? (I do have sleep powder when I try to click on him)
  13. Thanks for that nice info
  14. Thanks for that info I think that since Knock Off got a buff that I was thinking about using it and which should I use superpower or Aerial Ace cause I normally use superpower, Crunch, earthquake, foul play (now it Knock Off)
  15. ok thanks you all I do have a moxie Krookodilebut did not know it out outrage what lvl does it get that?
  16. I have finally got around to training my Sandile up to a Krookodile and was wondering if it would be at all useful to teach him Power trip since he is the only one that gets it. Let me know if it is worth it or not.
  17. Thanks for all the help you all Update: I beat him by sweeping him with Krookodie and noivern.
  18. I have fought him three times and it is frustrating that the first time I fought him i beat all but his Metagross and his Gardevoir, and I was only 54 with two 52(Hellbat, sundae). And now I can not beat more than three pokemon. Current Team Hellbat the shiny Novern (lvl 57) -Infiltrator with a atk+ sp. def- -Holding Wide Lens -Air slash -Hurricane -Dragon Pulse -Boomburst  Redvine the shiny Skunktank (lvl 57) -Keen eye with a spd+ sp.def- -Holding Dread plate -Night slash -Acid spray -Flamethrower -Toxic Blazing the Arcanine (lvl 57) -Flash Fire with a neutral nature -holding Lax incense -Thunder Fang -Flamethrower -Crunch -Close combat Aquafin the Swampert (lvl 57) -Damp with a neutral nature -Holding Sea incense -Muddy water -Strength -Rock slide -Earthquake Coldsteel the Sandslash (lvl 57) -Slush rush with a sp.def+ speed- -Holding Never-melt ice -Swords dance -Rock smash -Icicle Crash -Iron head Sundae the Slurpuff (lvl 57) -Unburden with a sp. atk+ def- -Play Rough -Energy ball -Flash (used for a cave to get a key for move relearner) -Cotton guard
  19. Thanks, I try that out (I will let you know if i need more help on the other puzzles)
  20. I feel like I am the only one that is having difficulty with the chess puzzles due to a combination of not being good and also not having played in around a year. So could someone help me with these puzzles? (pic attached is how far I got on the second puzzle cause I don't know where to put the bishop)
  21. You were right it was in there and I am surprised that I missed that one
  22. I am looking for the house key for the move relearner and I have heard that it is in the underground railnet. I have gone down there and I can not seem to find it so could someone show me a picture of where it is in the game so I know were in the railnet it is located, Thanks ps. I do have strength and rock smash
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