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Damashi The Kaotic

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Damashi The Kaotic

  1. Playing modded Divinity: Original Sin 2 to hype myself for the Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition coming out at the end of the month!
  2. Turns out I had 3 in my bag already lol. I just never noticed,
  3. Thank you. I'll just buy the one from the store.
  4. Really wanted one for my Alolan Raichu, because I wasn't really feeling life orb.
  5. Hardest for me was Shelly. Forest field + bug bite + struggle bug = bad time.
  6. Easiest for me was Aya, followed by Ceil.
  7. Its really close! If you could make the fur a darker shade of back, and the eyes grey it would be dead on!
  8. Nappy is carrying this Penta-op kinda like how Jay carried them through the latter half of Pokemon Uranium.
  9. That puzzle definitely made me question reality. I basically had done everything I needed to do to get through the GYM like 5 times, but for some reason I never got the idea to go up stairs until I looked up a guide. I kept thinking leaving the room reset the puzzle.
  10. I love how Nexus complains about Growlithe not having intimidate, but doesn't use the ability capsule he just got. Also props to Nexus for destroying Corey while everyone else was struggling. Never change Nexus lol.
  11. Corey was significantly harder than Aya for me. Don't think she has even come closing to getting my mons below half before.
  12. Accidentally made a Spike inspired shinny for Feraligatr, which I felt was too good not to share too http://www.mediafire.com/folder/fwo0llmpvccmi/Shinny_Feraligatr
  13. Tried my hand at making shiny alolan raichu look like the above image. This is my first time using MediaFire, let me know if the link doesn't work. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/pjxjm4ww2g0wv/Shinny Alolan Raichu
  14. I know, right! Its adorable with just a dash of edge and menace; it's perfect for Pokemon Reborn!
  15. Think you could change shinny Alolan Raichu's color to look like this? Thought it was so adorable when I saw it lol. Raichu is my favorite mon, but I really didn't like this game's shinny.
  16. Id recommend playing the snes version if you can for the better sound quality, and ambiance. Dancing Mad on the snes will knock your socks off.
  17. Kinda cheating since FF 6 is snes era, but its easily my favorite jrpg. You can give Brave New World if you are looking for a more challenging, and balanced experience.
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