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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TA31

  1. Bosses staying...with more HP...great. I like effects when their hp goes down though, thats a nice spin.
  2. I've been hoping someone does that for reborn. Would make the game hella interesting with amount of options you can make team wise.
  3. Glad that rift battles are potentially being removed. I thought it was a silly concept since its based on the Sword and shield dens, but you have to face a pokemon with busted stats and shields with only one pokemon at a time. If youre planning on keeping them in I would recommend having it be a 2 v 1 situation to make it easier. Whether its just our own team of pokemon or our team + an ally
  4. Willing to give anything you want in return. Or even trade it back
  5. Thanks! which floor by any chance?
  6. Can you buy more weakness policies anywhere?
  7. The the text here ends before telling us the verse. Judging from the codes you're supposed to enter, I think this one is supposed to give one out.
  8. Funnily enough an NPC just told me that in game
  9. Anyone know any spots for each stat?
  10. already have some and it disappears when its not windy
  11. The emolga keeps flying around and I can't seem to interact with it no matter what I do, is there something I'm missing?
  12. TA31

    The AI?

    This is a terrible take. Why would you even want catching wild Pokemon to be more difficult? That would just be unnecessarily tedious
  13. Did that initially but then only put in the new stuff and a similar error occurs
  14. Doesn't seem the mod can be used on Mac yet. I encounter an error when starting up the game with it
  15. Which passwords have been confirmed? All I remember are randomiser, nuzlocke and mono runs
  16. Oh thought he meant grass encounters could be fixed
  17. I imagine it would take longer to get into each beta wave just cause the game is completed, so bugs are obvs gonna be more important to clear now. 2 weeks for each one(or to get to wave 2)would make the most sense to me
  18. Oh yeah true, Numel is available early though and it has access to Lava Plume for AOE moves
  19. This is a good point, I never noticed the totodile's strongest water STAB is locked late game lol (also made me remember that liquidation is widely available in gen 7) Gotta remember there are other fire types available like Arcane and I think houndoom if I'm not mistaken. They're good alternative choices if you start with a water or grass starter. Just like how Roserade is available if you use a fire type You're underrating Charmander a bit imo. It gets access to 2 Mega evolutions late game for diversity, and even a regular can hit extremely hard and may be the biggest non legendary beneficiary from Sunny day with the solar power boost.
  20. Level 43 with a stage 1 is a bit too late for me. You can only hit that just before fighting Aya too
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